September 2020
Inspire, Engage, Empower!
1231 East Appleman Road
Kendallville, IN 46755
Phone: 260-347-2548
Fax: 260-347-7172
Jaime Carroll - Principal
Website: http://wc.eastnoble.net
Twitter: @WayneCenterElem
Congratulations to our September Students of the Month
Important Information from Superintendent Ann Linson
Need Help with PowerSchool?
Please check out this PowerSchool Mobile Guide for parents!
Office Update...
If you need to switch your child's bussing destination or transportation arrangement, an online form needs to be completed 48 hours prior to the date of the change. This time is needed to complete the proper paperwork. Thank you.
Picture Retake Day will be on October 14!
Fundraiser for Our School
Items will be delivered on Oct. 15, 2020.
We will have pick up that afternoon.
Money does not have to be collected until products are delivered.
Please come to Door #10 to pick up your items. Thank you for supporting our school.
Bus Safety
We are always striving to keep students safe. During this time, masks are mandated on the bus for safety. If students are not wearing masks on the bus, the bus driver and school may be communicating that to you. Thanks for continuing to help us keep everyone safe!
Wayne Center Parent Advisory Committee
PAC is a group of Wayne Center parents who work throughout the year to provide for the students and staff of our school. We would love to do more for our students and staff. New ideas and extra hands are needed to make our school the best it can be for our children and the staff!
Our next meeting is on October 1 at 6:30 pm in the Wayne Center Library.
We would love to see you there!
Note from Nurse Jenny...
As the weather changes, it reminds us that we are starting to enter influenza season. This year the influenza vaccine is encouraged even more than normal due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. The Noble County Health Department will be offering the flu vaccine to all Wayne Center students. Students received information along with permission forms last week. Please return completed permission forms to school by October 2nd. The influenza clinic will take place after fall break. Please contact Nurse Jenny with any questions.
Mrs. Carroll's Corner - Home/School Connection
Boosting vocabulary is so important!
A large vocabulary can turn your child into a better reader and writer. Try these everyday ways to help him/her learn new words.
Keep your ears open
When you and your children go places, point out words that people use. Maybe a waiter describes an entree or the dentist talks about molars. Encourage your child to figure out what words mean by the way they are used.
Go beyond nouns
Help your child add adjectives and verbs to his/her vocabulary. Sports and games offer opportunities to use action words. Let your child hear you comment on the softball that soars or the runner who sprints. When he/she sends thank you notes or greeting cards, suggest descriptive words ( a polka- dotted shirt or a fantastic birthday).
Other Upcoming Dates to Remember:
October 30 - eLearning Day
Contact Information
Email: jcarroll@eastnoble.net
Website: http://wc.eastnoble.net/
Location: 1231 East Appleman Road, Kendallville, IN, United States
Phone: 260-347-2548
Facebook: facebook.com/waynecenterelementaryschool
Twitter: @WayneCenterElem