The Collaboration Corner
Collaborative for the Common Good Newsletter - August 2021
Welcome Back Bulldogs!
This fall will look different than the last, and we can't wait to share all that we have accomplished over the summer and all the ways that you can get involved in CCG events and initiatives this fall!
Goodbye Ohana Style ...
Ohana speaks to belonging in a larger family and is a special bond of compassion, culture, support, loyalty, and love for each other. Never forgotten and always in our hearts in the CCG
Welcome Neely Griggs
Congratulations on Your New Positions
Join the CCG!
Community Garden Manager - 5 to 10 hours a week hourly pay. Responsibilities include day-to-day garden care, organizing tasks for garden workdays, overseeing the harvest and donation of produce, and helping with planting.
Cultural Leadership Intern - Seeking highly motivated students who will work with mentors and the CCG Executive Board to promote leadership and diversity on campus. 5 to 10 hours a week, virtual and in-person hybrid.
CCG Service Learning Intern - About 10 hours per week (flexible). No specific qualifications needed, just students interested in working and learning about community partnerships, service learning, and research. Virtual and in-person hybrid.
Student Helpers for Agricultural Immersion Day Camp - Enthusiastic students with a desire to work with 8th-grade agricultural camp attendees for 3 Saturdays in September-November. No experience needed.
Training will be provided, so experts are not needed! Just motivated and enthusiastic Wingate Bulldogs ready to learn new skills, amp up their resumes, and make change in their communities! Thank you for your interest in working with the CCG!
For more information, email us at CCG@wingate.edu!
Fun in the Sun -- News from the Garden
Support our Local Teachers with Chalk it up to Love East!
Title 1 teachers in our area often have to pay out of pocket for school supplies. Chalk it up to Love East (a student-run partner organization with the CCG) strives to alleviate the financial burden on local teachers through school supply drives.
Want to support our cause? It's easy! School supply donation bins are available in the Austin Auditorium lobby as well as in Burris Hall (outside 104D). This month, students and teachers are most in need of paper products, such as:
- composition notebooks
- spiral-bound notebooks
- loose-leaf paper
- folders
Questions? Email Isabelle Walle at is.walle557@wingate.edu to learn more about how to get involved!
CCG Supported Faculty are Sharing their work (and their student's work) with the world!
Congratulations to Scott Lail, a former CCG SLCE Apprentice (2020-21), who is offering a qualitative-related study at the Academy of Business Research Summer Conference August 4-5th. He is presenting on reflections made by the students in his Spring 2021 ACCT 426 SLCE course, and we know that he (and his students) has so much to contribute! We are also excited that Kristin Stowe and Scott Lail are joining forces for a presentation for the Financial Education Association /Academy of Business Education joint conference in September (2021). Their join presentation is called "Analysis of a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program's local economic impact." Dr. Stowe will also be offering another presentation of her work entitled: "What does a non-profit add to its local economy? Outcomes of a service-learning course." The CCG is thrilled to have supported both on their journeys within SLCE.
Great Things Coming this Semester
Blessed Beans
Stephen Lewis - Boost Pad
Union County Council on Aging
Fall 2021 Community Engaged Psychology Class -- Collaboration with the UC Council on Aging
Fall 2021 SLCE Global Perspectives on Ethics Class -- Connecting Ethics and Entrepreneurship
Fall 2021 SLCE Global Perspectives in Economics and Politics
CCG Fall 2021 Hours -- We are in Austin Auditorium
Open House! Come Find Out more about us ... and grab a cold drink!
Wednesday, Aug 18, 2021, 10:30 AM
Austin Auditorium, Wingate, NC, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Do You Have a Story to Tell? Come join us on our CCG Against the Grain Podcast and tell it to the Campus & Community! Sign up using the form below:
Learn More about the CCG!
Email: ccg@wingate.edu
Website: https://www.wingate.edu/around-campus/common-good
Location: Austin Auditorium, Wingate, NC, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCGWingate
Twitter: @CCGWingate