Spartan Scoop 8/30/24
Shepard Middle School
Dear Shepard Families:
What an interesting second week of school. From the heat to the storm to the power going out, we have been so impressed with how our students have responded and continued to be their awesome selves here at Shepard. Throughout the week, we had the pleasure of seeing fall sports practicing, students collaboratively doing breakout rooms, and experiments aplenty. As we approach this upcoming three-day weekend, we are incredibly grateful that we serve this community and that we get to see how passionately your children engage in their learning as Spartans.
In this edition, you will find:
New Information:
- No School Monday
- Upcoming SEL Survey
- The Anxious Generation Parent Event
- MAP Testing
- Student Council Information
- 6th-Grade Springfield Trip
- Open House Feedback
Reminders from Last Week:
- Traffic Updates
- PE Cold Weather Uniforms
- Choir Information
- Yearbooks
- Help Train Scout, our New AI Chatbot
- Lunch Information
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
- Medication and Attendance
- PTSO Information
Rob Wegley, Principal
Cathy Van Treese, Associate Principal
Ginger Logemann, Coordinator for Student Services
Upcoming Dates
September 2 - No School (Labor Day)
September 5 & 6 - Fall MAP Tests
September 25 - The Anxious Generation parent event @ Shepard — 7-8 pm
This Week at Shepard
No School Tomorrow — Happy Labor Day
Monday is Labor Day and school will not be in session. Enjoy your long weekend!
Upcoming SEL Survey
Building students’ social-emotional learning (SEL) skills is important in District 109. As a part of the learning process, we ask students in grades K-8 to reflect on skills related to social-emotional learning and the school environment. The fall survey will be administered to all students between September 3rd and September 20th and it should take no more than 20 minutes to complete. Per policy, if you would like your child to opt out of taking the survey, please contact your school principal no later than Tuesday, September 3.
The Anxious Generation Parent Event
Earlier this summer, we read the book, The Anxious Generation, which explores the significant increase in anxiety among today's youth, examining the underlying causes and societal factors contributing to this trend. The book provides practical strategies and insights for parents, educators, and mental health professionals to help young people manage anxiety and build resilience.
We would like to invite parents and guardians to join us in person on Wednesday, September 25 from 7:00-8:00 in the Shepard library to discuss some of the topics introduced in the book.
You do not have to read the full book to join the conversation! Since many of us are short on time, the links below will provide you with enough information to participate in this event.
Video Interview with the author (21 minutes)
Video Summary (9 minutes)
Written Summary (4 minutes)
Please consider joining us on Wednesday, September 25 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the Shepard library for a structured conversation about the topics explored in the book. Please RSVP below.
MAP Testing
Fall MAP testing will be this upcoming week on Thursday, 9/5 and Friday, 9/6. A special schedule for testing can be found below. We want to make sure students get some good rest the nights before the tests and that they come to school with a charged Chromebook!
Student Council Information
An informational student council (Stuco) meeting of the year will be this Wednesday, 9/4, before school. We would love to see our student body get engaged in this meaningful work!
On Behalf of School Tours of America: 6th-Grade Springfield Trip 2025
The 6th-Grade Springfield trip will be May 16-17, 2025. The tour company, School Tours Of America, will mail the Springfield trip packet through USPS to all Shepard 6th-grade families' homes. The package will arrive by September 16. The Springfield trip is not school-sponsored. Mr. Crowe, a 6th-grade Shepard Science Teacher, will be the group leader. Send questions regarding the Springfield Trip to Mr. Crowe at the following email address:
Open House Feedback
We were thrilled to host so many of you on Thursday evening for our open house event. Our hope is you enjoyed your time meeting your child's teachers and seeing their learning spaces. We are seeking feedback from parents/guardians regarding how the evening went. If you would like, please use this Google Form to provide us with feedback. Thank you again for coming!
Reminders from Last Newsletter
Traffic Updates
For the most part, arrival and dismissal has been going swimmingly! It has been awesome to greet the students in the morning and wish they a wonderful afternoon after school. Here are some aspects we can use your help on:
1. During arrival, please pull up further to allow for more cars to get into the drop-off line. We're typically out by the big flower pots and bench, so please drive on up!
2. Please do not cut through the parking lot during arrival and dismissal. We've seen a couple of close calls with buses and cars leaving and others cutting through. Thank you for your patience and support!
3. Due to upcoming Village activities, please pay attention to the no parking signs.
PE Alternate/Cold-Weather Uniforms
Your Shepard PE team is offering alternative clothing options that can be worn during PE class. While our PE uniform is mandated for all students, the optional sweatshirt and sweatpants can be purchased as an acceptable alternative to the short sleeve shirt and shorts.
If you are interested in placing an (optional) order, please visit the online store and order by September 8th. Orders will be delivered after the store closes. Any questions? Please contact Coach Brown.
Choir Information
Choir Informational Meeting: Tuesday August 27, 3:05-4:00 pm in Rm 408
If you can't attend, please email Dr. Printz at or stop by Music Room 408.
Choir Sign Up Form (Sign up by September 3rd)
2024-2025 Choir Rehearsals (Choose one or come to both)
TUESDAY AFTERNOONS: 3:05 - 3:55 p.m. room 408 (activity bus available)
THURSDAY MORNINGS: 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. room 408 (no activity bus, please carpool or find a ride)
*NO conflicts with Jazz Band or Chamber Orchestra this year!
Yearbooks for Sale!
Below is the link to purchase a yearbook at
Parents should enter Alan B. Shepard Middle School (Deerfield, IL, not Texas)!
The cost is $30. After January 15th, the cost will be $35.
Help Train Scout, Our New AI Chatbot
Have you checked out our new AI chatbot, Scout? Visit, and Scout will appear on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Scout is on a two-month trial from now until the end of September. The more you help train him (ask him questions), the faster he learns and "scouts" our website to help find the answers to your questions! Please use the feedback button and star rating system to help us decide if Scout is here to stay.
Lunch Information
Our amazing PTSO shared information on this in their welcome back letter, too, but we wanted to add a reminder that you can purchase school lunches through Lunch Solutions in advance! Ordering opened Tuesday, August 6th. Ordering for the following week closes at 10:00 am on THURSDAY each week. For information and ordering, please visit
Arrival and Dismissal
Doors open at Shepard at 7:45 when adult supervision is available in the building. Please do not cut through the parking lot during morning drop off. The inside lane on the right (though it can be long and cumbersome) is for student drop off. The outside lane on the left is reserved for buses and staff. Once the buses depart, it is super helpful for cars to drive up and use the Jay Monier circle to make for more room. All students will enter through our main entrance.
Buses will be parked right outside the doors and in the circle for after-school pick up. They leave about 5-7 minutes after dismissal, and then cars can pull up for pick up. Thank you for your patience and partnership to help our procedures run as smoothly as possible.
For both arrival and dismissal, please help us be good neighbors and do not block or turn around in driveways.
Medication & Attendance
Please do not send any medication, over-the-counter pain pills (Tylenol/Advil/aspirin), or cough drops with your students. State law prohibits students from taking medication at school outside of the nurse's office with a doctor's note on file. We will confiscate any medications as listed above found outside of the nurse's office.
If your student will not be in school, please report the absence to the health office by phone—(847) 948-0620 x5103 or email ( before 8:00 am. If you do not contact our school nurse by this time, she will contact you at home or at work to ascertain your child’s whereabouts. Children must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students will only be dismissed to a parent/legal guardian or to emergency contacts designated in Family Access.
Student Tardiness to School
Students who arrive late are greatly disadvantaged because they miss starting the day with their peers and miss out on the instruction given at the beginning of class. This means that they are often unsettled and confused about tasks, resulting in reduced achievement, regardless of academic ability. It is also very important that students establish good routines and habits in preparation for the rest of their lives. Punctuality is a life skill that is important to develop.
Tardiness to school will be unexcused even if a family member brings the student(s) to school. Oversleeping, missing the bus, car/traffic problems, etc. are all unexcused. Tardies are excusable under the following circumstances: personal illness of student, serious illness or death in the family, a doctor/dentist/professional appointment (a note or phone call from a parent or a professional), family emergencies, and religious holidays.
School begins promptly at 8:00 am. Students are expected to be in class ready to learn by 8:00 am.
Student Tardies to Class
Students are expected to be in class, in their seats, ready to learn at the start of class. Students who are not are subject to school discipline.