Educational Programs Update
April 2023
Guest Speaker-Laurie Kolka
PVAAS and Local Assessments
Renaissance has made it very easy for districts to submit their STAR data into PIMS for inclusion into PVAAS. Districts should contact Renaissance and ask them to generate a file that can be submitted to PIMS.
Other Local Assessments (Acadience, iready, MAP…)
Click on this link to access folders that will provide your PIMs administrator with detailed directions on how to submit local assessment data.
Structured Literacy
Professional Development Offerings
1. Enhanced Core Literacy Instruction (ECRI) Training: If your district is looking at purchasing ECRI overlays for your current core program, Deena is now able to provide training free of charge. Submit a TaC request form to schedule or contact Deena for more information (
2. Paraprofessional Training: The TaC Team will be releasing options for both synchronous and asynchronous Paraprofessional training. Asynchronous options will run during the month of August, with in-person sessions being held at the IU office during the week of August 7. Registration will be on Frontline.
3. Structured Literacy Training Options: IU6 is working to create in-person training workshops. Stay tuned for more information. If you have a specific need, please reach out or submit a request.
Remake Learning Day and Career Backpack Challenge
Remake Learning Days Across Pennsylvania is happening between May 4 - 23, 2023! For the third year, PDE and Remake Learning are partnering on the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge to offer learners an opportunity to enjoy the festival AND earn a #CareerReadyPA badge at the same time. It is now time to officially register each of your buildings for the challenge!
1) Register your School for the Career Ready PA Backpack Challenge
2) Explore Events: Teachers can engage students during the school day and families can engage in evenings and on the weekends.
- There are over 100 events(!) on the Remake Learning Days Northwest PA event calendar, and even more virtual across the state and country.
- There are events for PREK- Grade 12 and adult learning events and PD events for educators. All of the events are free and open to the public!!
- Here is a Google Folder of individual event flyers. (More event flyers are added daily).
3) Attend Events: Students earn "badges" (stickers) after they attend a Remake Learning Days event. -- We will send you the stickers! :-)
4) Artifact Survey: If your students complete 100 artifact surveys, you'll receive a banner to proudly display. (See Oil City SD banner below)
June 20 - Free Training on New Science Standards (STEELS)
The RIU6 PA Science Education Leadership Network (PennSEL) is facilitating a free one-day immersive professional learning experience on June 20. This session is designed for K-12 science educators and school/district leaders to build a foundational understanding of what phenomena-focused, three-dimensional teaching and learning looks like under the new PA STEELS standards.
The professional learning session will run from 8:30am to 3:30pm. Participants will receive a $50 stipend, six Act 48 hours, and lunch will be provided. Seats are limited so be sure to reserve your seat!
Let Ben Brobst ( know if you have any questions or problems registering on My Learning Plan.
We have so many outstanding educators in our region and we would like to provide them with an opportunity to share their best practices, favorite lessons, resources... Topics & content is not limited. We are hoping for a wide variety (social studies, art, music, ...).
RIU6 is seeking teachers willing to facilitate or co-facilitate 3 hour mini professional development sessions. Facilitators will be paid $250 for preparation and facilitation.
The application to facilitate a session is due April 28, 2023.
Email Ben Brobst ( with any questions.
The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry announced the availability of approximately $500,000 in funding for the Building and Supporting a Certified Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Program in Pennsylvania. The purpose of this grant is to develop a program framework and template for a Certified Teacher registered apprenticeship. This initiative, led by the Apprenticeship Training Office (ATO) and Bureau of Workforce Development Administration (BWDA) in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), will allow local education agencies (LEAs) to build a pipeline of well-prepared teachers, with an emphasis on subject areas most impacted by local staffing shortages. The application deadline for the Building and Supporting a Certified Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Program Grant is Thursday, June 01, 2023, by 4:00 PM ET.
Please join us at our live bidders’ conference held on Friday, April 14, 2023, at 10:00 AM ET. For more information on the Building and Supporting a Certified Teacher Registered Apprenticeship Program Grant, please visit our website:
PA Career Ready
PSSA Testing Reminders
PVAAS Rsster Verification
The PVAAS Roster Verification: Key Concepts and Topics resource has been revised for the current school year. It is now available on the public site. You may access it here: RV Key Concepts and Topics.
PVAAS 2023 Roster Verification Resources: PDEPVAAS Roster Verification Webpage
For additional PVAAS support, visit and click “Contact Us” at the top right of the page
PVAAS 2023 Roster Verification (RV) Phase Dates:
· Preview: April 26-May 5
· Teacher Verification: May 6-19
· School Verification: May 20- June 2
· District Verification: June 3-23
Comprehensive Planning Tip Jar
Contact Info
We can offer assistance in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Robin Fillman,
Katie Neal,
Kelsi Wilcox Boyles,
Ben Brobst, bbrobst@riu6.orgWebsite:
Location: 270 North Mayfield Drive, Clarion, PA, USA
Phone: 814-226-7103
Twitter: @riverviewiu6