
Important Dates!
Thursday, April 18th 3:30-6:00
Friday, April 19th 8:00-11:40
Friday, April 19th for conferences
Kinder Registration
March 20 - April 19
Call to schedule!
-Spring parties
-Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:30
- Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00-11:40
-First Grade Music Program
-Character Assembly
-Spring Dance (TBD)
Check out these Flyers!
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First Grade
Dear First Grade Parents,
As the weather begins to change, please be sure that your child is dressed accordingly. Also, be sure to check TalkingPoints for updates and reminders.
Math Focus:
Module 5: Identifying, Composing, and Partitioning Shapes
Module 6: Place Value, Comparison, Addition and Subtraction to 100
Reading Focus:
Use text features to find information
Ask and answer questions
Writing Focus:
Informative/Explanatory writing that includes:
Research for informative writing
-Miss Barrientos
-Mrs. Falcon
-Mrs. Morton
Second Grade
Second grade will continue Reading about American pioneers. We will be Writing narratives by sequencing events In Math, we are solving problems using length money and data. If you have time at home to practice counting coins that would help your child out. Social Studies focus is about heroes and leaders. We will also talk about geography. Our 4th quarter Science unit is about life sciences-plants and animals.
Place your vote!
What do you plant in the spring?
Third Grade
Third graders have had an eventful month! From fractions in math to science projects in science! We helped raise money for our school, and enjoyed seeing Mr. Miller on the roof! We are continuing to work hard in all subjects as we gear up for State Testing. There are still exciting events coming up in this last quarter of the school year.
Fourth Grade
April is going to be a busy month for us! We will be going on our Farm Day field trip April 5th. It will be at the Expo Center here in Dodge. We have state assessments for reading April 10th & April 11th. Math state assessments will be April 16th and April 17th.
Math: -This month we will be completing Module 6 and Module 4. In Module 6 we will be covering Topic A: Exploration of Tenths, Topic B: Tenths and Hundredths, Topic C: Decimal Comparison, Topic D: Addition with Tenths and Hundredths, and Topic E: Money amounts as decimal numbers. In Module 4 we will be covering Topic A: Lines and Angles, and Topic B: Angle Measurement, Topic C: Problem Solving with the Addition of Angle Measures, Topic D: Two-Dimensional Figures and Symmetry.
Reading: We will be continuing- Unit 4 Module A and B. The emphasis of this module is that readers will be able to understand the elements of narrative texts and how to use them to determine the theme of a story. Writers will understand that they can draw evidence from literary texts to analyze and reflect on story elements. For our performance based assessment, students will write a short story about a character who solves a problem or overcomes a challenge with an innovative solution.
Social Studies: We will be completing chapters 4 and 6 over Economics. In chapter 4, student expectations will be that the student:
● explains the production, distribution, and consumption of a product.
● discusses opportunity cost in regards to choices made in different regions of
the country.
● defines the characteristics of a market economy (private property, voluntary
exchange, competition, etc.)
In Chapter 6 the student:
● explains the production, distribution, and consumption of a product.
● discusses opportunity cost in regards to choices made in different regions of
the country.
● defines the characteristics of a market economy (private property, voluntary
exchange, competition, etc.).
Science: We will be completing Bundle 4: Communicating Using Wave Energy. It is composed of four scopes. Each of these scopes provides the students with an opportunity to build their knowledge and start forming ideas that will help them complete their mission at the end of this bundle and build toward a complete answer to their Anchoring Phenomena question. Students will begin by being introduced to their Anchoring Phenomena, which introduces them to their bundle mission of creating an emergency signaling system and showing how it interacts with the eye or ear. The students will then move through multiple scopes in which they will learn the following concepts:
● Waves are regular patterns of motion.
● Waves differ in amplitude (height) and wavelength (distance between waves).
● We see objects because light is reflected off the objects and enters our eyes.
● Digitized information can travel over long distances by being converted from voice or text to digitized form and back to voice or text.
The students will also engage in the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts listed above throughout the scopes in this bundle.
Thank you for your continued support at home!
Fifth Grade
Spring is finally here. In spring, we get to witness new life starting all around us. Springtime is truly one of the best times of the year. For our fifth-grade students, it is time for them to demonstrate what they have learned so far this year. It is also a time of exploration as they continue to learn about explorers in reading, mapping coordinates in math, using different chemicals in science to create different reactions, and finally, the birth of the United States Constitution.
State testing will begin and your students will get the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned this year. We are testing on April 2 and 3 for science, April 8 and 9 for ELA, and finally April 15 and 16 for math. Your students will want to get plenty of sleep on these days to ensure they can do their best on these tests.
This month your students will be learning more about explorers who discovered new places worldwide. It all starts with the book Explorers: Triumphs and Troubles by Paul Mason.
We will discuss their successes and failures. We will also talk about how these explorers shaped the world today. Some of the explorers that we will discuss are Marco Polo, Hernan Cortes, and Christopher Columbus.
In math this month, we are learning about coordinate planes. Your students are learning how to plot points using the x-axis and y-axis. Some things you can do at home to help your students develop these skills include playing games like Battleship and teaching them how to read maps. Both of these activities will help your students understand how to find coordinated pairs so that they can plot them.
In science this month, we are learning about states of matter. We will talk about different properties within matter and doing several experiments to test for the unknown objects or substances.
Mrs. Scheve’s Music Newsletter for April
Kindergarten: In kindergarten we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along with the song. They have also been learning about & identifying fast & slow. The students are going to be working on their songs that they will perform in their music program. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.
1st grade: 1st grade is working hard to prepare for their music program on April 25th.
3rd grade: In 3rd grade we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along with the song. Students are working on preparing for their dance assessment. They are also working on rhythms & treble clef staff. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.
4th grade: : In 4th grade we do a focus song each week or every other week that the children will sing for a few days and sometimes there will be movement or instrument playing to go along then will eventually learn & play songs involving different notes. The students are learning how to play the recorder & slowly they learn each note starting with the note B. Every Thursday we are doing Listening Thursday in which the students watch a music performance and they evaluate it and identify the music elements, some of which is done using academic discourse with a partner: tempo, dynamics, pitch, and what emotion it makes them feel.