Butler Community Reminders
Butler Middle School
School safety, health and wellness are everyone's responsibility. The success of our school is dependent upon the buy-in of all our stakeholders working in collaboration to reinforce community values. These values center around the needs and priorities of our work. Students' health and wellbeing are among those top priorities. Moreover, students thrive in conditions which are routine and predictable. Please support our school in its efforts to maintain efficiency, cleanliness, and ensure the safety of all our students.
Attendance Reminder
Do not fall into the daily tardy routine. School starts at 8:00, and the expectation is for all students to be in the classrooms when the 8:00 bell rings. Students should be inside the building by 8:00 to ensure they are on time. We appreciate families supporting us with this expectation. Please plan if you drop off your student by vehicle if they ride the bus or if they walk. We need students here on time in every scenario to start the day. Late students miss important information and are unprepared to learn with their peers.
If your student is chronically tardy, we will be reaching out to speak to you personally. Students at four tardies will now be issued after-school detention. On-time attendance is important and required.
Healthy Snacks Promoted
Food And Drink
https://www.verywellhealth.com/effects-of-caffeine-on-teenagers-4126761Students are encouraged to bring healthy foods and drinks to school. However, in accordance with the research on the student body and brain development, drinks such as sodas, MONSTER or other brand energy drinks, coffee, and other types of caffeinated beverages we are hoping you will discourage your student from bringing them into school. Unhealthy foods, processed or "junk" food are also highly discouraged.
Dress for Success
Students are invited to use airpods, earbuds, headphones, or other listening-devices in the morning, before school begins or after school, once they leave the building (not during after school programming). At 8:00am when school begins, airpods and related equipment need to be put away and stored to help students transition into being ready for learning.. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Cell Phones
Students are not permitted access to their cell phones during the day. Students do have access to the office phone for emergencies. At 8:00am, cell phones are collected by their HR teacher, locked away and stored until the end of the day. If students are found to have their cell phones on them, in their jacket or pants pockets, students will be issued a detention. We understand that accessing your child during the day may feel like a safety issue but it is the school's responsibility to keep students safe and manage effective communications around anything which requires a response or input from our external community. Please entrust the school to manage students' wellbeing during the school day. Students are permitted to access their phones up until 8:00am and once again at 2:50pm unless they are enrolled in the after-school program.
Students' safety and well-being is also linked to dress. We are a school of growing scholars. As such, we ask that students dress the part. Their confidence, self-perception and self-esteem are all linked to how students' dress and care for themselves.Our goal is to maintain an appropriate school environment that is not affected negatively by clothing or grooming choices that cause issues of health, safety, cleanliness and disruption or disorder within the school. Therefore students should not come to school in clothing that reveals any private part of their body; this includes jeans that are ripped along the buttocks or upper inner seam, half shirts or those which reveal their stomachs, abdomens or chests, rolling sneakers or slide sandals without back straps.
Additionally, it is a safety concern for students to wear their hoods on their head in school or to have their face and head blocked from view, with the exception of the use of face mask for medical reasons.
As a reminder students cannot wear clothing that has vulgar images or language.
Our school is place of academic and intellectual pursuits; we address the needs of the whole student which includes physical play and recreation.
Please help support our school in it's attention to ensuring the health and safety of all students.
Butler Middle School
Email: jmoody@lowell.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/Domain/10
Location: 1140 Gorham Street, Lowell, MA, USA
Phone: (978)937-8973
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lpsdbutler/