Empresa Weekly Newsletter
August 18, 2023
May 10, 2024
State Testing Next Week!
Over the next few weeks, students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be participating in the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, which are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System.
In order to ensure success, please make sure that your student:
Eats a good breakfast
Attends school on time, everyday
Goes to bed early
Next week's May 13 - May 17 - Grades 3,4 & 5 Testing
May 20 - 24 - Grades 3,4 & 5 Testing
May 28 - May 31 Make up testing
Daughter Date Knight
May 18th 4-7 pm
Grab your boots and your partner! Join us for an evening of music, dancing, and fun. Empresa PTA is excited to host the upcoming Daughter Date Knight event - Boots and Beauties.
Tickets are only available online and include dinner, desserts, beverages, music, line dancing, activities, and lots of fun! Western Wear encouraged! Deadline to purchase online is Monday, May 13, and tickets are not available at the door.
Couples Tickets $30.00 | Sibling Tickets $15.00
Tickets | bootsandbeauties.square.site
Questions | empresapta@gmail.com
Empresa Yearbook Update
The online storefront to purchase yearbooks has ended for this year. There may be a very limited number of extras available for purchase when the yearbooks do come in, but we will not know how many until they arrive. Please make sure you keep up to date with the Empresa Newsletters, Remind notices, and Social Media postings so that you will know when and how to purchase. They will sell very fast.
Join Mrs. Hoyo at the Vista Strawberry Run
The annual Strawberry Run is set for Sunday, May 26, 2024.
Join Empresa's amazing PE teacher, Mrs. Hoyo, and her son Dennis for the 1 mile kids run on May 26th. https://vistastrawberryfest.com/participate/strawberry-run/
VUSD Summer Art Opportunities
VUSD Summer Beginning Band 4th -8th Grade
Walking on Sunshine Visual Art Campu 4th -5th Grade
Digital Citizenship & The Anxious Generation
In a Special Edition of VUSD's Community Update Dr. Doyle discusses digital citizenship and some challenges and opportunities facing our youth in the digital age. In the newsletter he references a fantastic article that I found very interesting. I highly recommend the article for all parents! Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it (March 2024).
Thank you from EPAF
Thank you for supporting the Spring Music and Art Fest. The Empresa Performing Arts Foundation made their goal and are well funded for next year. We so appreciate your generosity! Empresa Rocks!
Friday Flag 5/10/24
Empresa Elementary
Website: https://www.emp.vistausd.org/
Location: 4850 Avenida Empresa, Oceanside, CA 92056, USA
Phone: (760) 940-8454