IHS Family Newsletter
August 2, 2024 - From Principal Zipp-McLaughlin
- Principal's Message
- Opening Letter
- Counselor Updates
- Freshmen Orientation Computer Drop Off Process Changes
- Homecoming T Shirts- PRESALE ONLY Store Closes August 16
- School Supply Lists
- IHS Parent Portal Directions for Infinite Campus
- Safe School Helpline
- Code of Conduct
- Athletics
- Events
I hope this message finds you well and rejuvenated from summer events, trips and gatherings. As we eagerly approach the upcoming school year, we extend a warm welcome and are excited to share the opportunities for achievement, extra-curricular activities and memorable experiences. We encourage open communication and active engagement as we work together to support your child's success. Please feel free to reach out to our administrators and school counselors with questions prior to the start of the school year. We are here to support you and your student(s)!
Welcome Back Letter - PLEASE READ
The attached welcome back letter below indicates that most of our communication will be sent via email. We also mailed home a copy of the letter. If you received this communication, you do not need to do anything more than look for monthly communication from my office. We are excited to work with you this year!
Our school counselors have been diligently preparing schedules and supports for students. In preparation for this school year, counselors met with students individually during the course selection process to select classes. Students were asked about courses and electives that interested them the most; those courses will be reflected in the schedules.
We will do our best to accommodate changes but it may be difficult to honor schedule change requests due to class sizes and other scheduling considerations. If you have a change request or question about your schedule, you may reach out to your student(s) counselor via email or phone.
Please note the following prior to reaching out to your student(s) counselor.
- Counselors will be in their offices intermittently throughout the summer and then be in offices daily beginning August 26th. Please be patient as they do their best to address emails and phone calls in a timely manner.
- We cannot accommodate individual teacher preference, lunch, or peer group requests.
- Students will be required to stay in their schedules once the first day of school starts for 4 school days before making a change (unless your schedule does not reflect your course requests or there is an error).
- If a student would like to add a course and there is room in the schedule, you may reach out to your counselor to request the additional course.
- Schedules are subject to change leading up to the school year, so please continue to review your schedule in Infinite Campus prior to the start of the year.
We are looking forward to meeting our rising Freshmen at Orientation on Auguste 28th. All students should report to IHS by 7:45 am and enter through the front doors.
On August 28th, between 7am-9am, 8th grade laptops and chargers need to be dropped off at 45 Cooper Road (our Teaching and Learning Center). Parents can drop off laptops and chargers during this time with or without students. Students will receive a high school laptop during Freshmen Orientation. If you have any questions, please contact Ms, Nelan at IHS.
IHS Homecoming includes many time honored traditions such as the Super Quiz, Hallway Decorating, Pep Rally with parade floats and a culmination of athletic events. Students are encouraged to celebrate their class by wearing class T shirts, participating in daily theme focused spirit gear and cheering on their classmates.
T-shirts for each class can be ordered through the links in the attachment below. Please consider purchasing before stores close on August 16th!
If you have questions, please reach out to the class advisor who can assist you:
- Class of 2025 (Mrs. Quintero)
- Class of 2026 (Ms. Jaynes)
- Class of 2027 (Ms. Parent)
- Class of 2028 (Ms. McGwin and Ms. Beardsley )
Remain informed and access information through the use of our Parent Tab on our IHS Homepage (click on this link to access). You will find information regarding newsletters, calendars, time schedule, health information, IHS Clubs, Yearbook information and more.
You can view your student's attendance, in progress grades, assignments and more using the Parent Portal through Infinite Campus. Click here.
If you see something, say something!
Please encourage students to report any concerns to an adult at school in addition to sharing with you. If your child wishes to remain anonymous but should report a concern, encourage them to complete the Safe School Helpline form using the link below or through the app. Reporting with as many factual details as possible will help our administrators follow up with individuals in a timely manner. Thank you for continuing to support a positive school climate.
August 28- Freshmen Orientation at IHS
- Student arrive at 7:45am
- Parent meeting from 11am-noon
- Laptop deployment from Noon- 1pm in the Commons
Gold Key Letters will arrive to your home soon. If your child earned a Gold Key, they should plan to paint their parking space on one of these dates:
- August 29- Senior Parking Spot Painting 11am-3pm
- August 30- Senior Parking Spot Painting 9am-1pm
September 11- 12- School Pictures
September 16-20th HOMECOMING WEEK
Be well,
Address: 260 Cooper Road
Website: https://ihs.westirondequoit.org/
Principal: Alecia Zipp-McLaughlin | alecia_mclaughlin@westiron.monroe.edu
- Assistant Principal: Mark Foster | mark_foster@westiron.monroe.edu
- Assistant Principal: Sonja Griffin | sonja_griffin@westiron.monroe.edu
- Assistant Principal: Casey Nelan | casey_nelan@westiron.monroe.edu
- Mr. Foster: 585- 336- 2913
- Ms. Nelan: 585- 336- 2917
- Ms. Griffin: 585- 336-0759
- Main office: 585- 266-7351
Secretary: 585-336-2911 | Kim Schrank | kim_schrank@westiron.monroe.edu
Health Office: 585-336-2938
- Nurse: Priya Bassi
Counseling Center: 336-2921
Attendance Office: 336-2919
Technology Support: https://wicsd.tech/
Transportation: 585-336-2992
District Office: 585-342-5500 | District website: westirondequoit.org