Tierrasanta Elementary Anuncios!
September 9, 2024
News From the Principal
Dear Tierrasanta Elementary Families,
Welcome to week 5 of the school year! Please help your child be prepared for school and consider using a "Before School Checklist" (like the one above) to make sure they come to school ready to learn. Please know that dropped off items in the front office should be limited to emergencies only. If a student forgets their lunch they may get a free lunch from the cafeteria and since there are 3 items daily plus a salad bar there is plenty to choose from. Also, if they forget a water bottle we have filtered water fountains in several locations across the campus. Sometimes going without the item is a natural consequence that helps to ensure it is not forgotten again!
If you did not see the email sent to all families last week from our Interim Superintendent regarding school safety and safe gun storage please view it here: Message from Dr. Bagula_9.5.2024.pdf. It is so important to safely store all weapons in the home. Included in the message is a link to additional resources about how to talk to your children about these types of events. Please know that we take school security very seriously and have plans in place for multiple emergencies. Here are some of the measures we have in place:
- Monthly practice drills for different scenarios (lockdowns, earthquakes, fire, shelter-in-place)
- Teacher training on what to do in case of an active assailant (and other emergency situations)
- All staff members have an app on their phone that allows them to initiate a lockdown with the touch of a button which is linked to and activates our indoor and outdoor PA System- complete with announcements for each scenario.
- School police radio on site which connects us directly to the police (without having to dial 911 and possibly wait or be put on hold)
- A local police officer at Canyon Hills High School available to us at a moments notice
- Security cameras in several locations across the exterior of the campus that are monitored daily by the front office
- Lock bloks on every door that allow doors to remain in the locked position for quick and efficient lockdowns if needed.
A big thank you to all the families who voted for our new SSC members and to all the Parent Nominees. This year we had the largest number of nominees ever and we are so appreciative of your willingness to put your name forward to help! It was a very close race. Congratulations to the following 4 parents who were elected as parent reps for the next two years:
Sandra Gonzalez
Braden Mitchell
Stefanie Hurley
Steve Theriault
Welcome to your PTO’s Annual Giving Campaign! This is one of our BIGGEST fundraisers for the year! The PTO has a budget of more than $116,000 for the 2024-2025 school year - that’s roughly $230 per student! We use these funds to support our students and teachers through programs, supplies, and enrichment opportunities. All of this happens because of your generous donations!
Our school wide goal is 75% participation! We need your help!
Your donations are used to support:
Makerspace - Coordinator, curriculum and supplies!
Grants for EVERY classroom
Science funding
Campus beautification
Special projects
Field trip support
Running Club
Leader In Me support
Instructional software
Student Lighthouse
and so much more! Please check the flyer for more info and donate here: https://www.konstella.com/open/donations/66d7520d1b5ce153b7d17f0e
Thank you so much for your support!
Important Dates:
Sept. 9-22 Annual Giving Campaign
Sept. 12- Dine out at California Pizza Kitchen
Sept. 13- Movie night (hosted by PTO/5th grade)
Sept. 16- SSC meeting @2:15 (Principal's office or via Microsoft Teams)
Oct. 2- PTO Meeting
Oct. 4- Non-Instructional Day- No school for students
Oct. 8- School Photos
Oct. 11- Hispanic Heritage Art Gallery (7:20 AM in front of the school at drop off)
Oc.t 15- Make-up school photos
Oct. 18- Minimum Day for Early Intervention Conferences (for most struggling students)
Oct. 18- Monster Mash (4:30-7:30)
District Calendar: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://cdnsm5-ss18.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_27732394/File/Academics/Academic%20Calendars/Traditional/Final%20Revised%2012.14.22%20%202024-25%20Instructional%20Calendar.pdf
School Events Calendar (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10tjcH9_suEK2NIGD8LnvYilz2L3qSpzBKq3S7lI-n0w/edit?usp=sharing
Lunch supervision personnel are needed at Tierrasanta Elementary for next school year! Do you live in the area and are available between the hours of 11:25 and 12:15 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday)? If so, TES needs you! Help our school and make a little money at the same time. The job entails supervising children during their lunch period (both on the playground and at the lunch tables). If interested, or you know someone who is, please contact Ms. Alyson at agore@sandi.net or call 619-605-2500. Thank you!
Don't forget... every Friday is school spirit day! We encourage all staff and students to wear school spirit wear on Fridays. This year spirit gear will be sold online. Look for info coming home soon about how to purchase.
At TES we are dedicated to serving our community and educating students in a stimulating and child centered environment and look forward to meeting &/or reuniting with you and your child(ren) in person. Below are more resources and information you may find helpful. Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Tierrasanta Elementary!
In Partnership,
Sally Viavada
Principal, Tierrasanta Elementary
Stay connected to other TES families on our private PTO Facebook page. Join here if you are not a member already and please remember to keep it positive! https://www.facebook.com/groups/600110760171486/
TES Parent "Hot Sheet" where you can find more information about our school can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vmrsiw5oE0bw0BrUBEReE75OW9LCHxe-QBbXb9-BVSY/edit
Counselor's Corner
News From the PTO!
Welcome to your PTO’s Annual Giving Campaign! This is one of our BIGGEST fundraisers for the year! The PTO has a budget of more than $116,000 for the 2024-2025 school year - that’s roughly $230 per student! We use these funds to support our students and teachers through programs, supplies, and enrichment opportunities. All of this happens because of your generous donations!
Our school wide goal is 75% participation! We need your help!
Your donations are used to support:
Makerspace - instructor, curriculum and supplies!
Grants for EVERY classroom
Science funding
Campus beautification
Special projects
Field trip support
Running Club
Leader In Me support
Instructional software
Student Lighthouse
and so much more!
Please check the flyer for more info and donate here: https://www.konstella.com/open/donations/66d7520d1b5ce153b7d17f0e
Thank you so much for your support!
Dine-Out Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen!
You've got a restaurant treat to look forward to this week! California Pizza Kitchen is giving back 20% to the Tierrasanta Elementary School Foundation this Thursday, September 12th. Enjoy a delicious meal which also supports a local San Diego cause at the same time! Show your support for Tierrasanta Elementary School Foundation by RSVPing here: https://grouprai.se/s280315
Back to School Movie Night!
Bring the family to TES Back to School Movie Night! Bring a blanket and chairs, wear your pajamas, and enjoy a fun night with the TES school community! The movie, “WALL-E,” will be shown on the 1st-2nd grade playground blacktop. Playgrounds are closed during movie night. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Popcorn, candy, and glow items will be sold!
Running Club
Join us daily from 7:20 AM to 7:30 AM on the TES running track! Each student will be provided with a Running Club badge with a unique QR code to count laps. As students accumulate laps, they have a chance to earn fun rewards. Walk or run at your own pace, and enjoy a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends or have a pleasant morning walk. Parents, you’re welcome to join your children on the track!
Join Konstella now!
If you haven’t already, join our online community Konstella and add your child to their homeroom classroom for updates, campus events, and more!
Go to this link, and the join code for our school is rq30Vm:
Upcoming dates:
9/9 - 9/22 - Annual Giving Campaign
9/12 - California Pizza Kitchen Dine-Out
9/13 - Back to School Movie Night
10/02 - PTO meeting at 6:00 PM
Parent Portal
Parent Portal Account (enables you to view your child's attendance, report cards etc.)
- Instructions to Create a Parent Portal Account: English or Español
- Parent/Student Portal information and support website
Video for Parents
Parent/Student Portal Resource website
- This website is a resource for parents and students who use the portal: https://www.sandi.net/itd/powerschoolportal
Link to San Diego Unified's PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal: https://powerschool.sandi.net
Did you know? Student Accident Insurance is available through the district at a very low cost! See here for more info:
2024-2025 K12 Information for Parents.pdf
District Calendar: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://cdnsm5-ss18.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_27732394/File/Academics/Academic%20Calendars/Traditional/Final%20Revised%2012.14.22%20%202024-25%20Instructional%20Calendar.pdf
School Events Calendar (SUBJECT TO CHANGE): https://docs.google.com/document/d/10tjcH9_suEK2NIGD8LnvYilz2L3qSpzBKq3S7lI-n0w/edit?usp=sharing
School Supplies:
You are not required to purchase any supplies for school. Many parents ask however, if there is anything they can purchase for their child in class or for the classroom. Our teachers have compiled grade level lists of the items they recommend your child bring to school. You can find the lists here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oexoO8yFaev2_VR_p7BkLyCx2RXjIclx/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113602026430230137633&rtpof=true&sd=true
School Lunch is free for all students. Students are also welcome to bring their own lunches from home if preferred. Please know that substitutions (although rare) can occur and that occasionally the cafeteria will run out of certain items/entrees. If your child is picky we recommend you always send a snack or have your child bring their own lunch.
Lunch Menus can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JOM20y_blJp0_B7n6dCw3OgHZvUrnWF4/view
Student Computers
All incoming 3rd-5th grade students should have their devices at home with them over the summer (even exiting 5th graders) as devices now follow the student (to whatever district school they attend).
Incoming K-2nd grade students will receive their computers once school starts (this process may take several weeks so please be patient)
The Instructional Technology Department created the following resources for parents (links below)
Please view this information on laptop care and digital citizenship with your children
If your child is NOT returning to a school in our district please return their computers and chargers to the front office.
English | Spanish | Swahili | Arabic | Tagalog | Vietnamese
Stay connected to other TES families on our private PTO Facebook page. Join here if you are not a member already and please remember to keep it positive! https://www.facebook.com/groups/600110760171486/
TES Parent "Hot Sheet" where you can find more information about our school can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vmrsiw5oE0bw0BrUBEReE75OW9LCHxe-QBbXb9-BVSY/edit
School/Parent Compact can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgQnNJ_7fZbNYs0VC5lb7NCvZbc1usIr/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113602026430230137633&rtpof=true&sd=true
Parent Engagement Policy can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1noXBq0jEwnY7P2ocBjIWoFVdu-iWNcRF/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113602026430230137633&rtpof=true&sd=true
Uniform Complaint Procedure: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Jy50QIPDE-p1Lai7qVEu_XVEQcQeIqU/view?usp=drive_link
Tierrasanta Elementary
Email: sviavada@sandi.net
Website: sandiegounified.org/tierrasanta
Phone: (619) 605-2500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/600110760171486/