The Wolf's Howl #17
December 20, 2024
Dear Wass Families,
On behalf of the entire Wass Staff, we wish you a beautiful two weeks of time with your children. Thank you for entrusting our amazing teachers with your most precious gifts. We are so grateful for teaching and learning in such a loving and supportive community!
With much love and gratitude,
Mrs. Crowe
Important Dates
- Monday, 12/23-Friday, 1/3-No School Winter Break
- Thursday, 1/9-PTO Meeting 7:00PM Media Center
- Thursday, 1/16-Festival of Choirs at Athens 7:00PM
- Monday, 1/20-No School in honor of MLK Day
- Wednesday, 1/22, Thursday, 1/23, and Friday, 1/24-Half Day Dismissal all three days
- Tuesday, 2/4-Unified Basketball Game @ Athens 6:30PM
- Thursday, 2/6-Unplug and Connect Learning Night at Wass 6:30PM
- Thursday, 2/13-PTO Meeting 7:00PM Media Center
- Monday, 2/17 & Tuesday, 2/18-No School Mid-Winter Break
Thank you to all of the families and members of our Wass community who contributed to our holiday drive this year! We were able to fullfil the wishes of our families and that is thanks to your generosity and kind spirits. What a fantastic example of character to set for our kids when we assist others who need extra help! The warmth and kindness you show are very much appreciated year after year!
Congratulations Wolfbots!
Our Wolfbots did an excellent presentation at the FLLE event and received an All-Rounder Award!
Our Wolfbots include:
2nd graders-Anay, Anthony, Everett, Sidharth
Kindergarteners-Aadi, Bernard, Eliza and Ethan.
Let's Show Our Support on February 4th!
Free Parenting Classes
CARE House of Oakland County provides free parenting classes through their prevention program. They will even provide childcare and transportation if needed! Here is the link to the website with additional information!
Indoor Lineup/Indoor Recess Policies
As we enter winter weather, I would like to remind you of our Indoor Lineup/Indoor Recess Policy.
TSD Weather Policy: Recess will not occur during inclement weather or EXTREME cold. District policy states that there will be no outdoor recess when temperatures are below 10º Fahrenheit; and, if temperatures are between 10 and 20º Fahrenheit, the wind-chill factor will be considered.
Wass Tip: We use the “Feels Like” temperature on the Weather Channel App to determine if we have indoor/outdoor lineup and/or recess. If it’s 10 degrees or higher, we go outside.
Indoor Lineup Locations for Cold Temperatures (When the temperature is below 10 degrees) and Rainy Days:
- Kindergarten students will line up in the hallway by the gym and cafeteria.
- 1st grade students will line up in the front lobby.
- 2nd grade students will line up in the “Art Gallery” hallway (between front and back lobbies).
- 3rd grade students will line up in the hallway between rooms 6 and 7.
- 4th grade students will line up in the hallway between rooms 12 and 13.
- 5th grade students will line up in the back hallway between room 18 and the art room (back lobby).
All students should enter the front doors for indoor lineup. After reading through this information, I might suggest that you have a conversation with your child about where he or she will line up during indoor lineup.
Please send your child to school with the appropriate winter clothing (winter coat, hat, gloves, and boots) to participate in all activities.
Wass Cold Weather Traffic Procedures
As we return from the Thanksgiving Break, we are heading into the coldest part of the school year. This means more vehicles will be dropping off and picking up their children from school.
If we all follow our traffic procedures, model patience and respect, we can welcome and dismiss students safely.
We ask that everyone read these traffic concerns and procedures:
- Please pull all the way forward in the drop off and pick up loops.
- All adults should always remain in their vehicles in the drop-off and dismissal loops.
- Students should only exit or enter vehicles on the passenger side.
- Respect our crossing guards during arrival and dismissal. Please follow their lead and direction.
- Vehicles on Willard Drive should not leapfrog around the line. This is creating unsafe situations. Please stay behind the vehicle in front of you.
- Only park your vehicle in official parking spots. If you don’t see parking spot lines, please don’t park your vehicle illegally. This creates traffic jams for everyone else.
- The parent parking lot is a self-monitored system. We don’t have enough adult staff to monitor how adults use the lot. Please follow traffic laws and always use common sense.
- Don’t drop off or pick up students at the sidewalk in the parent parking lot. Please park your vehicle and walk up to the school to pick up your child.
- Consider using a side street as a meeting place to pick up your child(ren). This will help reduce the number of vehicles at drop off and dismissal.
- Please pick up your children on time at the end of the day.
Learning Night-New Date-Feb. 6th-RSVPs Needed!
RSVPs are needed so we can plan accordingly!
Please respond using this link!
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=HFsE7ftO7kaKrQXH05cAy7OmbaaP8EJCkn9SLDxMKaBUNDlKV01IQjVNQzVJWUtPMlpPM1hWSlIzWC4uFrom the PTO
We wish all of our students, staff and families a wonderful and warm holiday season and a restful Winter Break!! We will see you all in the new year!!
From, Ashleigh, Tony, Kevin and Krista
The Wass PTO is continuing our tradition of sharing a bit of extra appreciation with our hardworking teachers and staff throughout the year!
These efforts are entirely optional, but always appreciated! If you’d like to contribute, please sign up here: https://www.evite.com/signup-sheet/5167609109544960
Thank you!
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is pretty full! Stop by if your child is missing anything. If the items aren't claimed, they will be donated mid-January.
TSD students are invited to participate in the upcoming MLK Day Creative Contest! Reflect on a time when you made a positive difference in your community and consider how that experience impacted you and those around you. Share your reflection through a video, essay, poem, or a portfolio of visual artwork.
The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, January 1, at 11:59 p.m. For more information: https://www.troy.k12.mi.us/student-life/2025-mlk-day-student-contest-submission-form
Enrichment Flyers
TSD Inclusive Newsletter
Science Olympiad
Families who are interested should send an email with their child's name and grade details to sciolypiad.wass@gmail.com
Kroger Community Rewards
Since the start of the 2024-25 school year, we 184 signed up households in the Wass community have managed to raise $660.77 through Kroger rewards! That's money that goes right back to our students just for shopping!
Would you like to see what your household contributed? If you look in your app, you can go to settings --> rewards --> community rewards and see your own quarterly contribution!
If you haven't signed up yet, it's easy! Follow the link and start earning! Families and friends can also sign up to help us earn: https://www.kroger.com/i/community/community-rewards
TSD 24-25 Calendar at a Glance
January Menus
Notice a couple of changes to our lunch menu. One new menu item is the caprese sandwich (with pine nut free pesto) on Fridays!