OLHMS Update (10/29/24)
Half Day on Thursday!
Tuesday's Top of the Mind
Did you know our school community has the choice to participate in some additional fun wearing appropriate costumes on Halloween?
We enjoy adding some fun and school spirit on the half day of school! Halloween costumes are welcomed on the 31st! Here is the LINK for our guidelines.
Did you know that we will be collecting, packing and sending candy to the troops overseas in partnership with Jacky's Soldiers?
Once again we will be participating in partnership with Jacky's Soldiers to collect candy for our troops! Please help us collect your left over Halloween candy or the extra candy you may just need to get out of the house by sending it in with your scholar or dropping it off in the office! Last year, we collected over 1,200 pounds! I believe we can tip the scale on 1,500 pounds! Here is a Fox News story from a few years back!
Did you know home basketball games and volleyball games begin next week?
We love having fans here to support our Mustang Athletes. Here is the LINK for our Spector Permission Form and Code of Conduct for student spectators. Student fans unaccompanied by parents, must have an electronic or paper form on file to attend home games. Students cannot stay in the building for games unless they are part of a club or activity.
OLHMS Costume Guidelines
Candy Donations for Our Troops
Reminder and Updates
Mustang Families,
We appreciated another very successful OLHMS High School Fair! Thank you to both of our attendance area high schools, OLCHS, Richards and each of the private institutions Brother Rice, Chicago Christian, IMSA, Mt. Carmel, Marist, Morgan Park Academy, Mother McAuley, St. Rita and St. Laurence for their time and information. Special thank you to our amazing OLHMS Counseling Team for organizing this annual event!
As a dynamic and supportive environment, believing in the gift we individually and collectively bring to the table is extremely important! Please remind scholars to follow our Mustang Musts of being responsible, safe and respectful. We have noticed our student levels of comfort increasing and reminder conversations at home solidify our partnership. Our Mustang Musts keep our opportunities very simple and we appreciate your partnership to reinforce this. Here is LINKED resource for families with some tips for preventing cyberbullying. We are hearing about elevated challenges on social media outlets. Please talk to and check your child's phone activity so it doesn't impact our educational environment! Your support and proactiveness is greatly appreciated!
Speaking of support and success, here is the Class of 2025 Graduate Expectation Letter. This letter has been distributed and discussed with our Class of 2025!
Attendance Matters!
We love seeing our scholars in school daily!
Current Attendance Rate is 98.4%
Attention all 7th and 8th grade students interested in joining the National Junior Honor Society! There will be a mandatory meeting for petitioning members on Wednesday, December 18th.
- During this meeting, we will review the requirements for induction, which include submitting a Trimester 1 report card with a majority of 3's in both Core and Encore classes.
- Additionally, you must demonstrate leadership qualities, participate in service activities, and exhibit good character. If you're serious about making a difference and joining NJHS, be sure to attend!
Bus Transportation
Bus Behavior: Please remind bus riders that we must be following our Mustang Musts. We have been hearing about challenging, inappropriate and unsafe behavior on the bus riders to and from school. Students will be given consequences for their behavior which may include a suspension from the bus.
Bus Loading and Unloading: Families should not be passing buses in our parking lot. This is dangerous and almost caused an accident. Do not pass buses with their stop sign extended.
Idling Vehicles
We can all support a healthy environment in and around school! Do your best to turn off your car while you wait for your scholar!
Researchers estimate that idling from heavy-duty and lightduty vehicles combined wastes about 6 billion gallons of fuel annually. About half of that is attributable to personal vehicles, which generate around 30 million tons of CO2 every year just by idling. While the impact of idling may be small on a per-car basis, the impact of the 250 million personal vehicles in the U.S. adds up. For saving fuel and reducing emissions, eliminating the unnecessary idling of personal vehicles would be the same as taking 5 million vehicles off the roads.
Teacher Assignments, Schedules and Transportation
Skyward Family Access is a great place to check on student balances, schedules, emergency contacts and all things student information!
Student Portal: Our Mustangs utilize the this site to access their Google Classrooms, Google Drive, Gmail, Skyward and student apps. This is also where daily announcements are posted for students. It is always a perfect conversation starter for our sometimes reluctant middle school communicators!
Ask your scholar to grab their Chromebook and check out the student home page along with their Google Classrooms for each course! Do you see any missing assignments? We are quickly approaching the end of this first trimester and grades will be solidified!
Lunch Accounts: Make sure to check your child's lunch account on Skyward. Alcarte items are available for purchase. Scholars with negative balances will NOT be allowed to purchase any alcarte items. Thinking about lunch, if a student receives a lunch detention, they are given a bagged lunch and cannot purchase alarte items.
Lunch Detentions: Students serving lunch detentions will be given a brown bag lunch unless they have brought a home lunch the day of detention.
Student Device Repair Program:
Your student's device is protected against accidental damage, theft, fire, flood, natural disasters, power surge and vandalism. If your child’s device needs repair, below are the costs associated with each incident during a school year:
1st incident - No Charge (one-time fee waiver)
2nd incident - $25.00
3rd incident - $50.00
Membership is $6.00 per student and $10.00 per adult
PTSA Meetings are at 6:00pm monthly
- PTSA Meeting- November 4, 2024 at 6:00pm
- PTSA Spirit Gear- Orders have been delivered!
- Reach out to Delecta Harris, our PTSA President for more information (olhmsd123ptsa@gmail.com )
- PTSA Facebook
Thank you all of the families attending the bowling event last weekend!
All parents/ guardians/ staff & students are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
If you are interested in supporting our school in a different capacity please reach out to our PTSA! Maybe you do not have the time to donate, but your contributions can still be made through your membership!
Important Dates
Dates to Remember:
10/31/24: D123 Half-Day
11/1/24: Comfy Gear!
11/4/24: OLHMS PTSA Meeting
11/8/24: Veteran's Day Assembly
11/14/24: OLHMS Music Booster Eat-n-Earn
11/16/24: D123 Leaf Raking
12/14/24: Feed Six
12/18/24: NJHS Petitioning Meeting
OLHMS Annual Veteran's Day Assembly
Friday, November 8th at 9:30 AM
Oak Lawn - Hometown Middle School would like to invite you to join us in honoring our veterans on
Friday, November 8. Please encourage any veteran who is a neighbor, friend, or family member of
District 123 to attend and be honored at our annual assembly. Please take the time to fill out this
RSVP by Friday, October 25th if you plan on inviting a veteran to attend this event. The program will
be held in the main gymnasium at OLHMS from 9:30am - 10:30am. Our student body will be in
attendance, along with our band/chorus, and guest speakers. The event will be broadcasted live for
any member that is unable to attend.
OLHMS Music Booster Eat-n-Earn
November 14, 2024
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn Community High School
Oak Lawn Community High School (co-ed)- Upcoming Shadow Day is November 25th. Incoming Freshmen Course Selection Night is February 5, 2025. Information found at Community HS. Additional information and questions can be answered by contacting Maria Vanderwarren, at 708-741-5602 or mvanderwarren@olchs.org.
Harold L. Richards High School (co-ed)- Perspective current 8th graders can attend the Open House on December 4th from 6 pm- 8 pm. Information found at Richards Open House.
Sunday, November 3rd from 11 am-1 pm for Open House! Receive a campus tour, meet our team, and find out why there has never been a better time to be a Crusader! Sign Up here: https://www.brotherrice.org/experience/
Brother Rice (all gentlemen)- Shadow Days can be scheduled on Fridays by registering at BR Shadow Day
Event Details: Open House
Date: Sunday, October 20th
Time: Registration starts at 1:45 PM, the program begins at 2:00 PM
Location: Chicago Christian High School Shadow Days
De La Salle High School (co-ed)- Shadow Days can be scheduled by registering at De La Salle HS.
Marist (co-ed)- Shadow Days can be scheduled on Fridays by registering at Marist Shadow Day.
Mother McAuley (all ladies)- registration must be completed 24 hours prior to shadowing. The next big Shadow Day is February 17th, however, other dates can be scheduled by registering at McAuley Shadow Day.
TODAY! 4-6pm (3:30-4pm low sensory accommodations)
Recommended for children 2-8 years old
Wednesday, October 30 from 5-8pm
7th & 8th Grade Girls
Monday, November 4 from 6-8pm
**Updated flyer
Tuesday, November 19 at 8:15am
Parents of 8th Grade Girls
November 21-24
6th-8th Graders
Shadow days at McAuley are offered everyday! We invite all 6-8th grade girls to experience a day in the life of a Mighty Mac.
Registration link can be found here: mothermcauley.org/admissions/shadow-mcauley
Morgan Park Academy (co-ed)- Shadow Days can be scheduled on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays by selecting “Schedule A Shadow Day For Middle School” at MPA Shadow Day.
Mount Carmel (all gentlemen)- Shadow Days are typically held any day that school is in session. If interested, register at MC Shadow Day.
Providence Catholic High School
St. Ignatius College Prep (co-ed)- Shadow Days can be scheduled by registering at St. Ignatius CP.
St. Laurence HS (co-ed)- Shadow Days can be scheduled by selecting “ Fill Out Our Inquiry Form” at St. Laurence HS.
St Rita High School (all gentlemen)- Shadow Days can be scheduled by registering at SR Shadow Day. Please be advised that the next Shadow Day is October 25th.
D123 4WARD: We have begun a new effort to engage our alumni!! From the classroom to the stage, the athletic field to the culinary club, and everywhere in between, we want to know what our graduates have been up to in "tomorrow's world."
Whether these alumni excelled in high school, found opportunities in college, or started a successful career, the stories, adventures, and triumphs shared will inspire us, current students, and future leaders. This program is an opportunity to celebrate these achievements together and keep the D123 community spirit alive long after middle school graduation.
Families of alumni and D123 graduates themselves are invited to fill out this form to submit for possible inclusion in our alumni spotlight E-Newsletter, "D123 4-WARD." The newsletter will be produced and sent semiannually in December and May. Participants will be notified if their story will be included in the publication.
D123 4Ward May Addition: Check out the special edition newsletter focus on our D123 Alumni!