Feb 3rd - News from the Nest

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Monday, February 3rd
- Class meetings during lunch study halls - Juniors & Seniors - No open campus lunch
Tuesday, February 4th
- Class meetings during lunch study hall - Freshmen & Sophomores
- Principal's Advisory Committee 6:30pm
Wednesday, February 5th
- Eagle Pride 7:00am
Wednesday, February 12th
- Lakes Eagles Booster Club Happy Hour Mixer & Brief Meeting at LakeHouse Restaurant in Lake Villa, 6 pm Social, 7 pm Meeting
Friday, February 14th
- Institute Day - No School
Monday, February 17th
- Presidents' Day - No School
Thursday, February 20th
- Board of Education Meeting @ LCHS 6:320pm
Friday, February 21st
- Mama Mia! Opening Night @ 7pm
To the Eagle Community,
I owe you all an apology and an explanation. I am truly saddened about the Winter Formal cancellation, and I’m sorry for the way we communicated this decision. The administration understands that events like these are important to students and families, and we didn’t make this decision lightly.
Knowing the past WinterFest events were not a success, Student Council asked students in the spring of 2024 what they wanted and secured a petition signed by 300 students to have a Winter Formal. We listened, and Student Council started planning. Homecoming was a success with over 900 tickets sold, so the same DJ company was hired for the Winter Formal. Trust me, the DJ is a key component that draws or deters our students. This includes a vetted DJ team who plays clean music, can entertain/monitor a high school crowd, and brings in a stage with a light show. In hindsight, a smaller entertainment package would have been more fitting for this event. Also, our chaperones at Homecoming noticed students sitting in the athletic hallway during the dance to get out of the lights and noise, so a Silent Disco was added at a fraction of the DJ team's cost to enhance the dance's inclusivity.
Four days before the dance, only 67 tickets had been sold. We moved too quickly and canceled the event without explanation. Realizing our haste after hearing from students and parents, we responded by reopening ticket sales but were transparent about the urgency to purchase tickets spreading the information through our mass communications. We now recognize that we should have looked at ticket sales at least a week in advance to communicate the concern of low ticket sales to our community - 24 hours was stressful for all. The addition of the Silent Disco was also confusing in our messaging with students not recognizing a typical DJ experience was still part of the event. In hindsight, our communications were crafted with too much efficiency and not enough care. We also talked with the entertainment company about options for adjustments. Unfortunately, despite all of these efforts, the Winter Formal did not draw enough enthusiasm from the student body to make the dance work with less than 200 tickets sold.
I am committed to finding ways to celebrate and engage our students in meaningful ways that are desirable to our students. We will be opening a survey to all students during our class meetings on Monday, 2/3, and Tuesday, 2/4, to collaborate with our students. We are exploring adding to our Senior Celebration Assembly in May to bring back an event called Celebration Day. I will be asking for student participation in the planning of this and future events.
We have reflected as a team and I have reflected as a principal on what can be improved and promise to do better moving forward for our students and our community. Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out with suggestions or concerns.
Jori Bowen
Proud LCHS Principal
Spring Student Surveys (NEW)
Students will be asked to participate in a social learning survey during 2nd period on February 24, 2025. A modified bell schedule for February 24 will be used to provide time for administration.
On March 17 students will be asked to complete anonymous school environment and equity-and-inclusion surveys. This year D117 has applied for permission to use the data collected through these surveys in place of an additional survey that students have been asked to complete in the past called 5Essentials. We're excited to preserve more instructional time by consolidating how many surveys we ask students to complete.
You can read the district letter regarding these surveys, including an opportunity for parent opt-out, here: Panorama family letter -- Spring 2025 student surveys.
More information about a new Panorama Education parent survey will be coming soon.
Why cook dinner tonight? (New)
Consider grabbing dinner tonight, Monday February 3, from Station 51 in Antioch to support our incredible Lakes Eagles Booster Club. Dine in or take-out between 6 and 9 pm; show the flyer below. Third-party delivery apps (Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc.) are excluded.
It's a win win! THANK YOU!
National Counselor Week (New)
Nate Bargar
Calysta Gargano
Tyler Reimer
Nicole Repa
Samaa Saed
Ariana Velazquez
College Scholarships - SENIORS (Week 2)
Summer School Registration is Live
Hello! Registration for D117 Summer School 2025 is open. As a reminder, registration closes on April 4th! The options offered are various credit-bearing courses, bridge courses to assist with transitioning to higher-level coursework, credit recovery, and Summer Freshman Academy. Shared here is the Summer School Brochure. For clarity, the last page of the brochure contains the information and links to the registration form. If you have any questions, please reach out to your counselor or respective building Summer School Principal.
Curt Onstad
LCHS Summer School Principal
Notice of Public Hearing (New)
According to Section 10-20.56 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-20.56], school districts may, by adopted resolution, utilize "e-learning days" in lieu of emergency days. The number of e-learning days may not exceed the minimum number of proposed emergency days for an approved school calendar. The district's e-learning program must be verified by the regional office of education or intermediate service center for the school district prior to implementation. The school board must hold a public hearing prior to initial adoption or renewal of an e-learning program. Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of Community High School District 117 in the County of Lake, State of Illinois, the Resolution to Adopt eLearning Program in Lieu of the District’s Scheduled Emergency Days for said school district for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028 will be on file and conveniently available for public inspection at the School District 117 Business Office, 1625 Deep Lake Road, Lake Villa, Illinois 60046. Hours of inspection are 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said resolution will be held at 6:30 p.m. on the 20th day of February 2025, at Lakes Community High School, 1600 Eagle Way, Lake Villa, IL 60046 by the Board of Education Community High School District 117, in the County of Lake, State of Illinois.
Acceptance Week - March 10 -14th (New)
CLC Application Drive (WeeK 2)
To any students who are thinking CLC is in their future (whether you are 100% sure OR EVEN A MAYBE; if you're after a certificate, degree, or you are looking to transfer after a semester or two). If you haven't made steps to apply to the College and you know it's on your "To-Do" list, plan on joining us at this Thursday's Application Drive in the C.C.C on January 30th.
Volunteers Needed: Mock Interviews (Week 2)
Lakes Community High School is again hosting Mock Interviews for students in Personal Finance and Life Resource Management (LRM). Students have been exploring careers, resumes and the interview process. Mock Interviews provide the opportunity for them to make these concepts real.
Mock Interviews will take place on Thursday, February 13. We need YOUR help to make the project a success - can you help us provide this real-world life experience? This process allows our students to be both college and career-ready.
Please SIGN UP HERE for the individual period(s) you are available. There will be approximately 175 students interviewing over the day. The specific schedule for volunteers is as follows:
Period 2 8:55-9:45 6 volunteers needed
Period 3 9:50-10:40 13 volunteers needed
Period 4 10:45-11:35 13 volunteers needed
Period 5 11:40-12:30 5 volunteers needed
Period 8 2:25-3:15 6 volunteers needed
In our current economic times, many companies are looking for ways to connect with potential employees. If your company would like to participate in this Mock Interview opportunity, please feel free to share this email. We are eager to partner with the community to provide real connections for our students and local businesses.
Further information including student expectations, potential interview questions and a rubric “scoring guide” will be provided to confirmed volunteers before the Mock Interviews.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at marcia.zboril@chsd117.org.
Parent Webinar: Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guide for Families
Compass Health Center is excited to continue their three-part series: Parent and Family University, and we’d love for you to be part of it!
Join us for our [virtual] session on February 19th: Reducing Risks, Building Trust: Substance Use Guidance for Families. This event offers practical, expert-led strategies for families to navigate mental health challenges and foster healthier habits.
Why You Should Attend:
Expert Advice: Learn practical strategies for mental health, substance use, and screen habits from Compass clinicians.
Actionable Tools: Get easy-to-apply tips to support your family’s well-being.
Build Trust: Strengthen communication and trust with your loved ones.
Convenient & Virtual: Join us from home at your convenience.
Graduation 2025
Important Information
Important information will be communicated next month. Watch your email!
Cap and Gown
This is the time of year when parents fear that they've forgotten to order their students cap and gown. Don't worry! As part of the school year registration process/fees you have already ordered and paid for them.
January 15th Email
An email was sent to parents/guardians of the Class of 2025 on January 15th. It's regarding confirming important information that was entered at the time of registration. Questions can be directed to Erika Marino at (847) 838-7102 or erika.marino@chsd117.org.
NEW: Check out our D117 Infinite Campus Parent University for a library of the Infinite Campus tips shared in our weekly newsletter.
Apprenticeship Awareness Program (Week 3)
Plumbers' JAC Local 130 Plumbing Apprenticeship Program
The application for the 2024- 2025 Plumbers' Local 130 Plumbing Apprenticeship Program is now open. https://apply.jac130.org/
The application is open until February 16, 2025, or 2000 submitted applications.
See Mr. Bargar for assistance in completing your application.
2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Attention class of 2025 and families!
The 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now open using the following link. Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
As a reminder, completing the FAFSA is an Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) graduation requirement. Please remember that before beginning the FAFSA parents/guardians and students both will need a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID. Create Account Once you have created your account it can take 1-3 days for your FSA ID to be processed.
Email Mr. Nate Bargar, LCHS Post-secondary Counselor, at nathan.bargar@chsd117.org.
College & Career Center
- Attending a college visit is a great way to learn about colleges/universities.
- College visits are open to Juniors and Seniors and will take place in the College and Career Center.
- To attend a college visit you must both register in Maia Learning and obtain permission to attend from the teacher of the class that you'll be missing 24 school hours in advance (ie. A Monday 8:30am visit requires registration and permission from your teacher by 8:30am the previous Friday).
Here is the full calendar.
College of Lake County Apprenticeship Awareness Programs
Latest Highlights
The varsity girls basketball team picked up two NLCC wins last week, as they defeated Round Lake and North Chicago. They have a big NLCC match-up with Antioch on Wednesday night at home! Gymnastics continues to prepare for regionals, which will take place this Wednesday at Glenbrook South. Boys basketball came up short vs. Grayslake North on Friday, but are right back to it this week. They have games against Round Lake and North Chicago on the road. The cheer team displayed an amazing routine at sectionals, and placed 9th as a team. Congratulations on an outstanding season! Girls bowling won the conference title, with Ella Kempf, Nicole Kennedy, Katie Kingsbury, Ava Lewis, and Peyton Mezo receiving all-conference honors! Mezo was the NLCC individual champion, and bowled a high game of 289! The girls are seeking their 3rd straight regional championship this weekend. The girls wrestling team had 5 who advanced to sectionals. Congratulations to Haven Sylves (2nd place), Osmairi Medina (4th place), Elise Kaylor (3rd place), Tina Hasner (3rd place), and Josie Larson (1st place)! The boys wrestlers are back to practice this week and will wrestle in the Antioch regional this Saturday.
Thank you for your continued support of Lakes athletics!
Upcoming Home On-Campus Varsity Events, 2/3-2/10
Wednesday, February 5th-Girls Basketball vs. Antioch, 7:00 PM
Click here for the latest Eagle athletic updates!
Celebrating our Winter Athletes
As the winter season moves quickly to an end, we wanted to give a loud shout-out to these outstanding athletes. Thank you for your dedication, contributions, and passion as Eagles. Congratulations!
Senior Gisele Muzones photographed and designed this impressive tribute to our senior athletes.
- Check our website for the latest info on Club and Activities offerings, meeting dates and times.
- Follow us on social media: Instagram Twitter
- Registration is now live for Clubs and Competitive Activities.
Activities Competitions (new)
Thursday, February 7- eSports on-line
- The South Asan Student Association enjoyed a field trip to Flambé India.
- JV Scholastic Bowl took 1st place in the JV Division of the NLCC Conference Match on January 29.
- D117 Winterguard took 2nd Place at Jacobs High School on Saturday, February 1.
- eSports players Mike Clampit, Ryan Froehlich, Bobby Weichmann qualified for the IHSEA Super Smash Bros Solos to be held in Lisle on March 2.
- Chess qualified for State, to be held in Peoria on February 14th and 15th. More to come soon on their State Walk.
Winterguard perfoming "Out From Under"
eSports competing at IMSA
Ski and Snowboard Club at Alpine Valley
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Informational Links
Eagle Success Outside of the Nest!
We are genuinely proud of our students and all that they achieve. Some student activities are outside of LCHS and D117, so we are excited to celebrate them here. If you have an update to include, please send it to Principal Bowen at jori.bowen@chsd117.org
Lakes Eagles Booster Club
In case you missed it...
Visit last week's News from the Nest here!
Contact Information:
1600 Eagle Way
Lake Villa, IL 60046
P 847.838.7100
F 847.838.3670