Weekly Cadence
March 20, 2024
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Bands program right now.
Schedule at a Glance
Sync the Calendar to your phone!
The easiest way to keep up with schedules is to sync the band calendar to your phone! Add this url https://fcbands.boosterhub.com/ical-stream to your google or outlook calendar.
*If you are experiencing issues with your calendar synching, we recommend to un-sync and re-sync your calendar every once in a while to make sure your calendar is up-to-date.
2024-2025 FC Band Boosters Board
As mentioned in the image above, our events coordinator role remains open at this time. Anyone interested in filling the open events coordinator role should reach out to events@fcbands.org and submit a short interest statement by Friday Apr 5. The board will then review all interest and vote to fill the role at the April 17 board meeting.
2024 Marching Band Season
Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, April 3rd for our Marching Band Registration Night!
For all students wishing to participate in the Fall 2024 Marching Band season, you and your parent or guardian will need to sign-up for a timeslot to register for band. To select your timeslot, visit fcbands.org and navigate to the April calendar. Click the box on April 3 that says, "Marching Band Registration". A box will open. At the bottom of the box is a red button that it labeled, "View Volunteer Opportunities", click this button to see open timeslots. Make your selection.
During this time, you will complete required paperwork, pay initial fees, get fitted for uniforms/shoes, and learn about fundraising opportunities. Please note, guard students will not be fitted at this event, but at a later time.
We also need help with uniform fittings that night. Anyone interested in helping must have a background check on file. To volunteer, visit fcbands.org and navigate to the April calendar. Click the box on April 3 that says, "MB Registration Volunteer Sign-up". A box will open. At the bottom of the box is a red button that says "View Volunteer Opportunities", click this button to see available volunteer needs. Make your selection.
Any questions can be directed to marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org.
Spring Flowers!
The Spring Flower Fundraiser is now LIVE https://fcbands.org/store/1919/9790
Social media posts have been made, please share on your personal pages!
Purchase a hanging basket or planter today and support Franklin Central Band students.
The student’s account will be credited a portion of each plant sold.
Payment & Order Deadline (Online orders only):
- Online Orders & Online Payment Due: Monday, April 8th by12PM
Online Order Details:
- Include the student’s name during check out or select ‘bands” to donate to Franklin Central Bands.
- Color may vary depending on availability.
Flower Delivery:
Students will pick up flowers on Monday, April 22nd to distribute to their supporters.
Note from the board (sent out via email 3.19): The Band Booster Board would like to make you aware of an issue that was discovered, and now corrected, with the spring flower fundraiser. Unfortunately, some of the spring flowers listed in our store had incorrect prices. This was a sincere accident, and we are sorry for any confusion it may have caused. Any flowers already ordered will be honored at the price that was listed at the time of sale. As a reminder, profits for this type of fundraiser are based on type of item sold and delivery charges, if any. All sales, before or after the update, will still earn a return. We have also added additional plant options with lower price points to increase affordability to help our students raise additional funds.
Indy 500 Fundraising Opportunity
The vendors are asking for assistance again this year. They're only staffing Race Day currently. There will be other shifts/days made available on a later date. Other groups are being asked to fill positions, so no shift is guaranteed, so act fast.
This is a fantastic and easy way of making money for your students' accounts. *All workers must be at least 16 years old. All minors must be accompanied by an adult. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44A5AC2AA1F8C25-47459237-ims2024
If you haven’t made your March installment for winter ensembles please do so. Final installment is due April 1st (no April’s Fool).
As we approach Marching Band signups it is imperative all past due accounts are brought current. Please contact treasurer@fcbands.org with questions.
Helpful Videos to find your account, make a payment and/or apply booster credits:
How to Navigate to your Booster Hub Account
Payment Methods
- Deposit Box
- White Box on wall next to band office door
- Cash/Check/Money Orders Accepted
- Checks payable to "FC Band Boosters"
- Include your student's name with the payment.
- Mail
- Mail To: Franklin Central Band Boosters, PO Box 39029, Indianapolis, IN 46239
- Cash/Check/Money Orders Accepted
- Include your student's name with the payment.
- Online Payment
- Visit "FCBands.org"
- Select "Store"
- Select Appropriate Fee or "Fees - Custom Amount"
- PRO TIP: We can now process automatic payments through our website! Reach out to our treasurer at treasurer@fcbands.org for more information!
*Please note, Chrome is the preferred browser when interacting with BoosterHub and payments.
Percussion Symphony
Thank you to those who have donated $5 for the pizza dinner on Thursday. There is still time to donate, we are asking that all students donate $5 if they are able. Donations can be given to our percussion liaison, Jessica Lee, at any rehearsal this week.
Spring Break Schedule
Items to have for Comp Day:
- Black marching shoes and black socks
- All proper undergarments needed for under your uniforms
- Water bottles for rehearsal
- Bottled water will be on the trailer and bus for the competition.
- Students are on their own for lunch and snacks.
We Have Hit the Halfway Mark!!! Please support our “Miles to Dayton” Fundraiser
Please support our “Miles to Dayton” Fundraiser
Indoor has raised $2895.00 so far, we only have 31-mile markers left to cover! Please continue to share with your family and friends and on social media!
Our top student seller currently is Audrey Smith $467.50
Thank you to the following students for your participation:
Emily Roman
Jude Kieper
Audrey Smith
Zach Brown
Brady White
Ari Lee
Patrick Hippleheuser
Isaac McCormick
Emma Crone
Miles Wake
Lexi Burgess
Kyle Purdy
Grace Johnes
Cooper Baker
Zach Davis
Abby Keene
Henry Crane
Dakotah McIntyre
Carley Stevens
Matthew Diekhoff
Libby Matczak
Mackenzie Hutchinson
Jonathan Flannery
We would love to see every student performer sell one of the mile markers!
A brief reminder as our competition season begins:
Because FCPS performs copyright-protected music, please do NOT share video/audio recordings of the band’s performance on your personal social media. We pay for the right to perform said music in a live performance setting, but not for the right to record and distribute that same performance. You may share any videos you capture on our private Franklin Central Percussion Symphony Friends & Families Facebook Group. You are welcome and encouraged to snap and share your photos on your personal social media, as well as post those photos in the FCPS family's group.
Indoor Percussion Helpful Resources
As we approach competition season, it may be helpful to be familiar with the following websites:
IPA – Indiana Percussion Association: https://www.indianapercussion.org/
You can find schedules, scores, ticket info and much more here for any IPA competition. When I start sharing itineraries for competitions, I will always link this site for reference.
They already have information regarding our first competition on 2/10 at FC. Please know that performance times are subject to change.
WGI – Winter Guard International: https://wgi.org/
You can find schedules, scores, ticket info and much more here for any WGI competition.
We participate in two WGI comps, the 3/2 and 3/3 Indy Regional held here at FC and The World Championship in Dayton, Ohio.
Winter Guard
Mandatory Dayton Meeting
Weekend Itinerary
Miles to Dayton Fundraiser Update!
Guard is rallying! Thank you to all of the guard members that have participated in our fundraiser so far. We still have a long way to go to make our goal of $5,000.
So far we have raised $1319.
Please continue to share our link and help us reach our goal. Our hope is to have all members of Open and Reg A to get involved. If all students work to raise $120 we will meet our goal.
Here is an easy email template to send to friends and family. Make it a goal to send out at least 5 emails this week! Make sure to give your emails a personal touch, maybe even include a picture!
Miles to Dayton Email Template
Remember, people can donate any amount they want. It doesn't matter if the mile marker number is taken. Our ultimate goal is to raise $5000. Fundraisers like these are what help keep our fees down.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this fundraiser. We need to have all hands on deck to make this happen!!
Show Bands
Congratulations Electric Mayhem!
Students participating in our show bands, Electric Mayhem and Static Havoc can find their rehearsal & performance times are on the choir calendar, fcchoirs.org. For calendar sync instructions click here.
Franklin Central Band Sponsors
Thank you to our current sponsors!
New Year, New Opportunity to Sponsor FC Bands
It's a new year and time to rally to find businesses interested in sponsoring our awesome band program. The partnership of sponsors is critical to maintain the exceptional level of instruction and opportunity that is currently provided to our students.
For every sponsor you are able to secure, you will receive 10% of the donation to your student’s band account. Franklin Central Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
Check out recent updates to our Sponsorship Program
- Updated Sponsor Landing Page on Booster Hub
- New perks and advertising added to each sponsor level.
- Student Packet to assist in reaching out to our community businesses to acquire new sponsors!
- Band Student Sponsor Resources - all the details and support needed to speak to potential sponsors
Questions? sponsor@fcbands.org
Background Checks
Reminder for all parents and volunteers! ⭐
Please make sure you have a SafeVisitor background check on file with FTCSC. A cleared background check is required for all of our volunteers (this includes required volunteer shifts at our events and helping with props during competitions). Background Checks are good for 2 years.
To complete a background check: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
*Note: Volunteer Background Checks are no longer free of charge. The fee is approximately $16.00 per volunteer.
General Fundraising
Find our enrollment code on FCbands.org or contact Jessica Lee at vicepresident@fcbands.org with any questions! This is an easy way to earn extra funds for your student account.
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in RaiseRight HERE.
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy to sign up and start earning for the band. Ask your friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone you know to sign up as well!
Log in to your Kroger account and search for our organization:
Organization Name: Band Boosters Club of Franklin Central H. S. Inc.
Organization Code: 10100
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards HERE