Carlock Corner
Sept. 5, 2024
Upcoming Dates - Mark your Calendar
Friday, Sept. 6: Law Enforcement Drill
Tuesday, Sept 10: 1/2 day of school: Students dismissed at 10:45am.
Tuesday, Sept. 17: Picture Day; forms will come home Sept. 12.
Friday, Sept. 27: NO School
If you would like your student to receive/purchase a sack lunch on half days, please fill this form out by Friday, Sept. 6: Half Day School Lunch Form
Carlock Safety
New Safety Feature at Carlock
All Unit 5 Schools will be rolling out a new safety feature called Verkada. When you come to visit Carlock Elementary for any reason, you will need to bring your driver’s license. You will scan your license and a visitor badge will be printed out for you to wear while in the building.
All volunteers will still need to have a new approved background check for this year. Please call the office to get information about completing this process. Volunteers must complete this each year.
Part of our mission in Unit 5 to keep all of our stakeholders safe involves teaching best practices for responding to emergency situations. Over the past few years we have worked to strengthen these practices with our first responders throughout our area. Our school community has adopted and practiced the Standard Response Protocols by the ILoveUGuys Foundation. The standard response protocols are based on five actions that can be done to respond to all emergencies.
HOLD - During a HOLD, students would stay in their classroom with the teacher and wait for an all-clear before moving to the next class. We might call a HOLD for a spill or other unsafe situation in the hallway.
SECURE - We would call a SECURE if there was an unsafe event happening outside of the school. Exterior doors are all checked and students are not allowed to leave the building until it is safe.
LOCKDOWN - A LOCKDOWN would be called if an extremely unsafe situation existed in the school. Students and staff would lockdown their classrooms until police could secure the building.
EVACUATE - In the case of a fire, gas leak, or any other situations that make inside the building unsafe, we would EVACUATE the building using plans that are posted in each classroom.
SHELTER - If weather conditions are unsafe, we would call a SHELTER which would cause students to move to the safest locations within our building.
Please be assured that the lockdown drill:
Does not include any simulations that mimic an actual school shooting incident or active shooter event,
Is announced in advance to all school personnel and students before it begins, Includes content that is age and developmentally-appropriate,
Includes and involves school personnel, including school-based mental health professionals, Includes trauma-informed approaches to address the concerns and well-being of school personnel, and
Permits students to ask questions related to it.
For more details, a parent handout is linked here. The handout is also available in Spanish and linked here.
As a matter of teaching and learning how to respond in an emergency, every other year the last three actions are practiced with our first responder agencies in our Law Enforcement and Fire Drills. Under the School Safety Drill Act, a law enforcement drill must be observed within the first 90 days of school.
If you would like waive your student's participation in our law enforcement/lockdown drill please send an email to their teacher and to fitzgeke@unit5.org by Friday, 7am.
PBIS September - Being Positive
What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. This is a program designed to better engage our learners and minimize distractions throughout the school day.
Once of the important aspects of this program is having consistent expectations throughout the building.
What is an "Out of the Blue Day"
Carlock will hold monthly out of the blue days. These are unannounced days in which we recognize good behavior and positive choices. Incentives / prizes and extra recess time maybe included as prizes for OOTB Days.
Back to School Reading Tips:
1. Set a routine
2. Reading regularly at home
3. Make a special reading spot
4. Be a great reading partner
5. Surround your child with books (Carlock Library)
6. Bring books everywhere - every room, car, etc.
7. Set a good example; be caught in the act of reading!
8. Communicate with your teacher and feel free to volunteer to read at Carlock
9. Set reading goals with your child
10. Be enthusiastic! Positive attitude towards reading is very important
Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
The Carlock PTC is always looking for volunteers, please read below and follow their Facebook page!
Carlock Elementary Parent Teacher Club - Facebook
PTC Fundraisers
Feel free to join the PTC Fall Fundraiser order some donuts and apples from Braffet Farms. Additionally, the PTC has created an Opt-out Fundraiser. Please take a look at the forms below.
All fundraising checks should be payable to PTC.
Box Tops for Carlock
Help the Carlock PTC to earn a few dollars! Download the app, scan receipts and click on Carlock!
Connect with Carlock
The Carlock Corner will be sent throughout the school year for families to stay updated with Carlock happenings.
Email: fitzgeke@unit5.org
Website: https://www.unit5.org/carlock
Location: 301 W Washington St, Carlock, IL, USA
Phone: 309-557-4412
Carlock Cell Phone: 309-989-2643 (text or call) use after 2:30pm if no one answers main line
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Carlockeaglesprincipalpage
Twitter: @Carlockeagles