June Monthly Newsletter
Glen Avenue Elementary School
Final Message from the Principal
As we come to the end of another school year, I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you. Your support, encouragement and involvement in your child’s education have made a significant impact on their growth and development this year.
It has been a pleasure watching our scholars learn, grow, and discover new talents and interests. Your unwavering support and partnership have been instrumental in creating a nurturing and enriching learning environment for our students.
As we look forward to a well-deserved summer break, I encourage you to continue fostering a love for learning and exploration in your children. Take this time to create lasting memories, explore new places, and engage in activities that spark curiosity and joy. This may look like a picnic at the park, a visit to the Salisbury zoo, or joining us for one of our three summer pop-events this summer! It could also be reading a book together, planning and cooking a meal together each week, or playing games as a family.
This summer Glen Avenue will be getting a new bus and car rider loop with additional parking spaces being added too! As a result, the office staff will not be working out of Glen Avenue again this summer, please call the school number and we will happily assist you.
We will mail your scholar’s report card to you June 19th and they will be posted on the Family Portal June 19th at 3:00 PM.
Wishing you a summer full of memories and relaxation.
Happy summer to all,
Mrs. McGoogan
Kids Read Now
Great news…
your child received their first Kids Read Now book, a bracelet and the KRN Parent Guide today at school.
The other 7 books they selected to read will be mailed directly to them over the summer.
Have your child read their selected book or read it together. Once completed, report the book one of four ways:
Scan the QR code inside the book cover
Call 937-576-4086 and follow the voice prompts
Text the 3 digit book code to 576576
Log onto the website https://kidsreadnow.org/
Simply use your personal email address or cell phone number to login.
If you help your child to report that they read all 8 books they will be rewarded with a certificate and prizes in the fall.
Any questions or concerns, please contact Susie Jones at 410-677-5806 or email sjones@wcboe.org
Email Domain Transition -FYI
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT from Wicomico County Public Schools! Our Transition to A New Email Domain Takes Place This Weekend.
On Friday June 7th at 4pm, all WCPS employee and student email address domains will change from @wcboe.org to @mywcps.org. It's part of the school system's new branding that began last year with a new logo and website domain. This new email domain change is a massive undertaking and preparation from our Technology team has taken close to a year to complete.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Wicomico County Public Schools email service will not be available from 4 p.m. on Friday June 7th UNTIL the morning of Monday June 10th. Employees and students WILL NOT have access to their email account over the weekend. Family Portal/X2 will remain available over the weekend since it relies on usernames and not an email address.
Wicomico County Public Schools appreciates your patience during this exciting transition!
Dear Families,
We want our school to be the best it can be! Please fill out this survey to tell us what you think are the school's strong points and how we can improve. Only one survey per household is needed. Thank you for your feedback and support.
Estimadas familias,
¡Queremos que nuestra escuela sea lo mejor posible! Complete esta encuesta para decirnos cuáles cree que son los puntos fuertes de la escuela y cómo podemos mejorar. Solo se necesita una encuesta por hogar. Gracias por sus comentarios y su apoyo.
Chè Fanmi,
Nou vle lekòl nou an pi bon ke li kapab! Tanpri ranpli sondaj sa a pou di nou ki sa ou panse ki pwen solid lekòl la ak ki jan nou ka amelyore. Se yon sèl sondaj pou chak kay ki nesesè. Mèsi pou fidbak ou ak sipò.
Queridas famílias,
Queremos que nossa escola seja a melhor possível! Por favor, preencha esta pesquisa para nos dizer o que você acha que são os pontos fortes da escola e como podemos melhorar. Apenas uma pesquisa por domicílio é necessária. Obrigado por seus comentários e apoio.
Community School Coordinator
A Message from Mrs. Beebe
Thank you to all our families and scholars who joined in our family events this year. YOU are why we are here!!!! It is our goal to offer great events and opportunities for our Gator families to learn, engage, celebrate and congregate!!!
Thank you to our community partners as well. There are many people, companies, faith-based partners and non-profit organizations that keep our programs running. We are forever grateful for their commitment to Glen Avenue Elementary.
Please note that we will be out and about all summer. We have 3 summer pop up events planned. June 27 we will be at the Westbrooke Commons on West Rd. July 25 we will be set up at Emory Ct. Parkside Apartments and August 8 we will be between Keene and Patrick Avenues. All our “pop up” events are from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM. Come join us, play some games, enjoy a refreshing treat and reconnect with your Gator family.
Kyle Beebe
Community School Coordinator
End of Year Awards
Skillin' & Grillin' Math Family Night
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Staff Shoutout
Ms. Melissa Johanning - PPW
Congratulations to Ms. Melissa Johanning for receiving the Wicomico County Public Schools Extra Mile Award for May!
Melissa joined Glen Avenue Elementary School this year. She provides support to 3 additional schools besides ours. She has truly been an asset to our front office, students, families, and all that work with her. Firstly, Melissa supports staff in Attendance and Truancy issues for our students. She creates bonds with the families to get their student to school.
Secondly, Melissa truly cares for our FIT Families [Families In Transition] most of all. With her caring nature, she ensures all our FIT students arrive at school on time, no matter where they live. I know it is Melissa's job, but she truly goes above and beyond to make these students feel loved and cared for, while assuring the families the safety in transporting their children.
Recently she learned our Raptor System to help provide support to the front office staff when hundreds of family members participated in Field Day, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Graduations.
Thank you for all that you do!
Counselor's Corner
Health Impacts
More and more studies are suggesting our gut health impacts our mental health and behaviors. The foods we are digesting as children are linked to health problems later in life . Whenever possible, giving our kids fresh fruits and vegetables would be best. The dyes and preservatives found in our common foods are possibly increasing symptoms of ADHD, anxiety, and depression. During the summer our kids love to snack. Best practices is to keep healthy options on hand. Here is an article with more information about ultra-processed foods.
Summer Fun
The summer is a great time to keep our kids active and create new healthy habits. Just one hour playing outside can make a big difference in physical and mental health.
Keeping with routines within the home also can curb any behavior issues. Kids still need bedtimes, chores, and time to practice academic skills during the summer break.
Here is an article for summer activities that won’t break the bank.
Students of the Month - May
Name it to Tame It - Mental Health Awareness
Grade 2
Ms. Ryan- Juvelsone Charles
Ms. Greenan- Maleak Brumskin
Ms. Branyon/Sutton- Able Powell
Ms. Beetler- Jose Chali Montes de Oca
Ms. Glading- Omari Cottman
Ms. Krider- Angel Solis-Hernandez
Grade 3
Ms. George- Bri’lah Maneul
Ms. Moziek- Hamaza Nyalley
Ms. Steele- Hailey Hornsby
Ms. Wise- Nikolai Hoffman
Ms. Shue- Morgan Brown
Grade 4
Ms. Manchin- Ja’Nya Jones
Ms. Evans- Cole Aviles
Ms. Bradley- Karter Warrington
Ms. Eichhorn- Joe Mesadieu
Ms. Farrell- Zayden Fontaine
Grade 5
Ms. Green- Lee’Yah Johnosn
Ms. Lovely- Emily Jewell
Ms. Kelly- Tayvon Johnson
Ms. Auvil- Ramaya Henry Maddox
Mr. Field- Jamali Timoleon
Positive Referral Recipients
The following students received positive referrals from staff members for demonstrating kind and and helpful behaviors that go above and beyond our Snap & Roll expectations.
Grade 2: Robina Desir, Lisa Alerte, Giselle Mayo-Ramirez, Chelsea Miculax, Omari Cottman, Simaya Scarborough, Dadna Leonard, Ka'Lae Rayne, Kawhi Garrett, Taina Dervil
Grade 3: Kalani Handy, William Raab, Brittney Saint Louis, Cameron Grubbs, Hamza Nyalley, Theo Johnson, Donald Johnson
Grade 4: Ava Dorman-Adams, Cole Aviles, Ja'Kirah Abdus-Shakoor, Jace Dickson
Grade 5: Adrienne Arsenault, Bryanna Shrieves, Gracelyn Newton, Jayden Merrill
Grade Level Attendance Winners
Congratulations to the following classes for having the highest attendance percentage rate this school year! Overall the 4th grade has the highest overall attendance rate!✅
The top class from each grade level was chosen to receive a special surprise….these scholars were awarded with a gift certificate to Sweet Frog!🍦🐸
Grade 2: Ms. Ryan’s class (95.43%)
Grade 3: Ms. George’s Class (95.9%)
Grade 4: Ms. Eichhorn’s Class (97.29%)
Grade 5: Ms. Kelly’s Class (94.02%)
And congratulations to Ms. Eichhorn’s class for having the highest attendance percentage for the entire school!! 🎉🎉
A Note From Our Nurse
Reminder, the last day to pick up for medications is June 12, 2024 by 2 pm. We cannot keep meds over the summer for next year per our policies and MD laws. If medications are not picked up by that time, they will be disposed of safely. If you have any questions, please call the nurse at 410-677-5844. Nursing staff wishes each and every student a safe and happy summer!
Tick Season
This is tick season, and I am encountering students with tick bites. Ticks can cause long-term diseases. Most people are familiar with the deer tick and Lymes disease. But today, I wanted to take the time to educate you on the Lonestar tick.
This can cause a disease called Ehrlichiosis (symptoms are headache, chills fever, muscle aches, stomachache, nausea and vomiting). There is another condition caused by the lone star tick that can cause allergic reactions to red meat where someone did not have any reaction before. Prevention of this and early removal of the tick is key. For more information on Lonestar tick, please visit the link below.
Let us try and be proactive with the above suggestions from the CDC to prevent the spread of disease caused by ticks. See the Tick Prevention Link below.
WCPS Community Resources
Student and Family Resources
The mission of the Division of Student and Family Services is to support the total educational experience, thus assuring all students the opportunity to develop skills essential for successful learning, healthy physical/emotional/social growth and gainful employment. Please click the link to view the available resources.
Free Immunizations
The Wicomico County Health Department will offer free immunization clinics for children in June, July, August, and September, by appointment only, at its main building on West Carroll Street in Salisbury. This is a great opportunity for parents and guardians to make sure students are up to date on their immunizations well before they return for next school year. Call 410-543-6943 to make an appointment that fits your family’s summer schedule. See the attached flier for more information.
eBulletin Board
Grade Level & Specials News
Grade 2
We can’t believe the end of the school year is almost here! We still have some fun ahead. We will continue to read informational text about insects, explore geometry, and learn all about plants. Second grade students have made so much progress this year. To help them retain all they have learned and prepare for third grade we are asking that you practice the skills they have learned throughout the break. Try to read with and encourage your scholar to read often throughout the summer. It is a great idea to have them read aloud to reinforce and practice fluent reading with expression. After they read, talk to your scholar about what they have just read. When you can, practice skip counting, and basic addition and subtraction facts. Randomly ask your child what time it is and have them calculate what time it will be in a couple of hours. There are many games that easily lend themselves to counting money or comparing quantities. Next year students will be multiplying and dividing so practicing repeated addition is a great way to prepare your scholar. Writing in a summer journal is a fantastic way to keep your child writing throughout the break. We look forward to seeing our second graders continue to bloom as they become third graders next year! We are so very proud of their growth!
Grade 3
As we close the end of the year we will be reviewing third grade math skills in order to prepare for the fourth grade. Students have learned how to multiply and divide, add and subtract with regrouping of three digit numbers, find area and perimeter and identify fractions. Over the summer please encourage students to continue to work on their fluency of single digit multiplication. In ELA we will finish our unit on the power of friendship with our novel study, Charlotte's Web. Please encourage your child to read over the summer. This will help keep students on a steady pace to the fourth grade. Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the year, have a great summer!
Grade 4
It is crazy to believe that our year together is coming to a close. Thank you for your support this school year. We are very proud of the progress that each child has made this school year. The remainder of the school year will have a focus on preparing students for fifth grade. In Math, we will be doing STEP UP activities to make sure students have a secure understanding of the important key concepts that will be taught in fifth grade. We will also be learning some fun Math games that we can play easily at home this summer. In ELA we will be completing our final unit on Greek Myths. We will work on improving our writing by adding descriptive sensory details, using figurative language, and citing the text when appropriate, all while increasing our writing stamina. In Science we will be learning about our muscles, skeleton, brain, nerves, and information processing. In Social Studies, we will learn about the American Revolution. Please encourage your child to read and write this summer. Keeping a summer journal is a great idea. Students can journal about their summer adventures, and create fictional summer adventure stories too. Reading, writing, and practicing math facts frequently will help prevent your child from the “summer slide,” where they forget a lot of what they learned during the down time. Have a wonderful summer!
Grade 5
We are wrapping up a very successful year in fifth grade. In math we are completing our eighth uint which brings together all of the skills taught over the year. FOr example, the students are planning out their own community center and laying out the facilities using area, volume and even measurement conversions. In reading we are completing “A Wrinkle in Time” and getting the students ready for middle school Language Arts through writing and discussing the material as a class. In science we have been exploring all of the concepts covered this year in an effort to bring the big ideas of life science, physical science and astronomy together for a better understanding of the world around us. FInally, in social studies we are currently looking into the industrialization of America after the Civil War and the results of that change in today’s society. We also bid goodbye to our fifth graders in a ceremony on June 10th, more details to follow, that wraps up the year on a positive note! Thank you parents for being so supportive all year long!
Mrs. Krider's Class
Go Team Go!!! In June our scholars will learn about Olympic sports. Through the unit the scholars are introduced to the concept of teamwork and working together as a team through the study of the Summer and Special Olympics. Scholars are also introduced to some of the sports and athletes students may see at the Olympics. During instruction, scholars will be encouraged to discuss what it means to work together and how they work as a team in the classroom. Scholars will be expected to read, write and answer questions about sports and teams. They will also explore how different sports balls move and learn the history of the Special Olympics by reading and completing a timeline.
Please be reminded to continue to check on DOJO for updates on upcoming events and message me there or via email (akrider@wcboe.org) with any questions!
Free Field Trip to North Salisbury School to meet our “pen pals” on June 3rd from 9:00am-11:00am.
With 5th grade this month in class we will be looking at:
•Some of the physical, mental, emotional and social changes that may occur during puberty
•Strategies to manage the changes students will experience
•Their own feelings and their rights and responsibilities
We acknowledge the importance for students to understand that other peers around them may be going through different changes during this time in their life and it can be scary, intimidating, frustrating or confusing for some. With this lesson, we discuss the importance of showing empathy towards others.
As this school year comes to a close, students have been learning the basics of coding and how to use algorithms to program robots. We have been working with Dash Bots, Bee Bots, and Ozobots to review some concepts we have learned in Media this year.
Just a reminder that all books were due to the Media Center as of Friday, May 24th. Please check with your child to see if they have turned in all of their Media books to avoid book fines.
Have a wonderful summer! 🙂
During our art class, with the coming of a new season, students will participate in art compositions reflecting warm and cool colors as well as reflecting what we’ve learned and for the future ahead.
🎺🎷🎻🥁 Congratulations to our Band & Strings students on their amazing concert last week! I am so proud of you all! Check out these photos of our student performers!
- Miss Morris🎵
This month in music, we will be wrapping up with some review and fun activities for the end of the year 🎶
Title 1 & Parent Family Engagement Info
Right to Know
As a Title I school, we are required to inform you of your right to request information on the qualifications of the teacher and/or the instructional assistant who will be working with your child. Please rest assured that we have worked diligently to ensure that all staff members meet the requirements set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education. If you would like to exercise your right to request this information, you may email or send a letter using US mail to the Director of Human Resources or to my attention. You will receive a response from the Director of Human Resources within 30 days of the original request. We look forward to serving you and your student this year.
School Improvement Plan
Title 1 schoolwide schools create school improvement plans (SIPs) to provide a quality program to meet the needs of all students. The SIP is written with input from teachers, parents, administrators, and other community members. Multiple data points including attendance, assessments, discipline reports and overall climate of the school are reviewed to identify areas of strength and challenge. Strategies are written into the plan to focus on the needs of the students.
However, there may be times when everyone is not in agreement with the priorities or direction of the plan and may feel more attention should have been directed to other areas. In these circumstances, you are encouraged to share your comments and/or concerns regarding your school’s SIP with us.
Parent Family Engagement Information
Attendance Information
Chronic Absenteeism (missing more than 10% of days enrolled for any reason) is the single strongest predictor of dropping out before graduation.
Students who drop out are more likely to be poor, unemployed, have substance abuse problems, be teen parents and be involved with the law.
Students who miss a month or more of kindergarten are more likely to perform poorly in 1st grade, particularly in reading.
By 6th grade, a pattern of chronic absence is a predictor of high school dropout rates.
Research shows that a student's success in 9th grade is directly linked to the likelihood the student will successfully graduate high school with a diploma by 12th grade.
(Statistics courtesy of The Children's Initiative)
It is so important that our scholars are in school for every class, every day. Being physically present in school is a necessary precursor to learning. Chronic absences/tardies to school prevent students from learning the skills they need to succeed in each grade level of school. Research has repeatedly found a “clear and consistent relationship between attendance and achievement.” I encourage each family to prioritize their scholar’s attendance as we move throughout the school year. If your scholar needs to be out, please make sure to reach out to their teachers for make-up assignments and submit a note explaining their absences within 5 days of the absence. We may only accept notes from parents for 5 days missed, all other absences will require a doctor note to be excused. Please know we are here to assist you as we work together for your scholar's growth!
Children who miss school miss out on opportunities to learn, build lasting friendships, and develop the skills and attitudes needed to become good citizens and valued employees. There is a clear connection between student attendance and student performance in school. Data shows that higher attendance equals higher achievement for all students
For ideas on how to help your scholar at home, click on this link:
2024-25 Approved School Calendar
Mission & Vision Statements
Mission Statement
Glen Avenue School creates a caring school community that provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to be thoughtful, responsible, and highly productive citizens as well as lifelong learners.
Vision Statement
Glen Avenue Elementary School will be:
- the school where all teachers want to teach,
- Students want to learn, and
- Families wish their children could attend