SFSS Weekly Family Newsletter
Friday, August 11, 2023
I want to thank Mr. Babb, Mr. Liberatore, and Mr. Bruzee for their dedication and hard work in making these spaces amazing.
We are pleased to announce the hiring of Veronica Chappell who will serve as our new business manager and administrative assistant. Her first day is August 21st. We appreciate your continued patience as we transition between staff.
Don't forget that the supply drop off and meet your teacher event is Wednesday, August 30 from 4 pm - 6 pm. If you need some extra supplies or want to "shop" our available supplies, we have a table set up currently and will during that evening. We are grateful to the community supply collections for their donations.
Also, we have lot of polo shirts and navy pants in our uniform closet. There are a few navy skorts and shorts, and small PE and spirit wear shirts. We are collecting donations of gently used uniforms.
After-school Dance Program
Volunteering and Case Training
To complete the training, go to: https://www.dor.org/safe-environment/office-of-safe-environment/ .
We will NOT be completing background checks until you decide to volunteer.
If you have any questions regarding the training, please contact Don Cass at don.cass@dor.org or 781-2624 option 1.