Matador News
February 7, 2025
Granada Recognitions
Our Granada High School staff is doing great work. We have Granada High School staff members that deserve some recognition. Please take a few minutes to give some recognition to some of our amazing Granada HS staff. Click here to complete the form.
Public Hearing: Alameda County Committee on School District Organization for Approval of LVJUSD Board Election Map- February 11th-
The final step in the process to complete our district’s transition to by-trustee area elections will be an ACOE public hearing held in our LVJUSD Boardroom at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2025. This hearing is open to the public; details can be found on our district and school website calendars.
New Matador Sweatshirts are now available for purchase! Please use this link to put in your order. We encourage you to share this link with family and friends as all profits go to the Class of 2027.
Chick-Fil-A will be available for purchase at the Winter ball - apple pay or cash will be accepted.
This hoodie is on sale (fundraiser for the sophomore class of 2027). This link will close on February 14th. Buy yours today!
There are all-purpose buffs on sale in student services (fundraiser for the junior class of 2026) for $10. Stop by and purchase the newest spirit item today!
2024-2025 school year
Celebrating Academic Achievement
Students who qualified for an academic block picked them up this past Wednesday.
Students achieve Honor Roll status by earning a weighted GPA of 3.0 or above in a semester; Principal’s Honor Roll for weighted GPA of 3.7 or above in a semester; and Top Scholar Award for weighted GPA of 4.0 or above in a semester. Principal’s Honor Roll students are eligible to receive an Academic Block G after 3 consecutive semesters on Principal’s Honor Roll. Students who earn Principals Honor Roll for 5 consecutive semesters will earn an Academic Star. Additional stars awarded for 7 consecutive semesters on Principals Honor Roll.
Ms. Hauselt's Economic class did an in class project where there "purchased" supplies, created a product, and pitched the project. The project taught the class about supply chain.
See the Granada Music Parents website at www.granadamusic.net for more information.
Wishing best of skill and good luck to our winter music programs as their competition seasons get underway! This Saturday, February 1, the City of Livermore Guard, the City of Livermore Drumline, and L-Pattern students Dan Booth, Misha Sarwar and Hunter Tindle compete at Liberty HS in Brentwood. Let's go!
Join the Granada Music Parents and GHS jazz students for a special Page Mill Twilight Tasting on Thursday, February 20, from 5:30 – 8:00pm. Page Mill will donate $10 of every $20 tasting fee and a portion of all other sales back to the music program.
For more athletic pictures click on the photos below. Pictures courtesy of the Livermore Granada Boosters.
Black Men in White Coats Youth Summit
Discussions with dynamic speakers and diverse physician panelists
Hands on simulation activities
Educational breakout sessions covering an array of topics including:
Networking and communication skills
Hands on CPR training
Workshops and support for parents & guardians
Educational guidance from local counselors including how to get into college and medical school
For more information, visit the BMWC Summit webpage, or view the flyer in this week’s
Attachments folder.
International Baccalaureate
Looking for any information related to Safe and Sober Grad Night?
Check out www.granadassgn.com or connect with us at granadassgn@gmail.com.
If you are on Facebook, please join our Group for parents at GHS SSGN25
Tickets are available for ALMOST PROM at Almost Famous on March 8th!
This fundraiser is VITAL for us to have a successful SSGN for our students! Please come, bring your friends, invite your neighbors and let everyone join in the fun of helping the kids!!
Almost Prom is a night of music, food, beer and wine for purchase, raffle prizes, auction items, memorable moments and a ton of fun to raise needed funds for Safe and Sober Grad Night! It is a great opportunity to get out with your loved ones or your friend group! AND you don’t have to dress up if you don’t want to! It is ALMOST Prom.
Please check out this link for more information and to purchase your tickets. The number of tickets is limited but the fun will be off the hook!!
It’s time for Spring Cleaning!! We would love to take your bags and boxes of:
Pots and pans
Small Appliances (no microwaves)
Collecting 1/30- 2/10 at 835 Del Norte Drive 94550
Please consider supporting a senior to attend SSGN that would otherwise be unable to afford to attend. $65 supports one student’s ticket but we appreciate donations of any size to help our fund grow!! https://granada.futurefund.com/store/campaigns/42214-ssgn25-donation-for-support-a-senior?c=1
Adam J Clark Portrait Session Fundraiser
$275 for a Portrait Package and $55 of every package goes to SSGN25
You can use it for your Senior or for a Family session!
Package Includes:
An outside photo session in Livermore with Adam J Clark
2 High Resolution Digital Images
You will have the opportunity to purchase additional pictures after seeing previews
You may be able to use an alternative location with a travel fee