MUHS Community Newsletter
January 10, 2025
A Message from the MUHS Leadership Team
Dear MUHS Community,
As we approach the end of the first semester on Friday, January 17, we’d like to remind students and families to check in on grades through PowerSchool. Last week’s newsletter (which you can find online here) includes instructions for checking grades. If you have any questions or concerns about missing assignments or opportunities to demonstrate proficiency before semester-long classes end, please don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers.
There will be no school on Monday, January 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Tuesday, January 21, will be a teacher workday to finalize grades. We hope students and families will enjoy the long weekend. Semester 2 begins on Wednesday, January 22.
Looking ahead, there’s a lot to look forward to in the second half of the school year! Winter Carnival, Winter Ball, sporting events, and musical and theatrical performances are opportunities to bring our students together and showcase their many talents. Each year we host multiple events to support the transition of 8th graders to high school. For 10th graders, this is a great time to be thinking about flexible pathways options for junior and senior year. If you’re curious about the IB Diploma Program, we encourage you to attend the info night next week (more details below). It’s hard to believe, but Prom and Senior Week will be here before we know it! The pace of the year picks up from here, and we’re excited for all the opportunities the second semester brings.
Caitlin Steele, Principal
Ben Weir, Assistant Principal
Sean Farrell, Activities Director
Host Families Needed!
We are still in search of 3 more host families to host a student from France, April 19th to May 3rd. A group of 15 high school students are coming from Chambery, France, as apart of an exchange with our French program. No experience with French necessary (their level of English is very high!), just an interest in sharing your home and culture! Small stipend available to help with cost of hosting. Please contact Michelle Steele if interested. Merci!
Panorama SEL Screener
ACSD students have been taking this survey for 2 years now, and we are actively using the data at the school and district level. At MUHS it helps us to know how students are doing and - as we get better at working with this data - it will give us information we need to respond with whole advisory and individual supports as needed.
This survey will be given to students in grades 3-12 between this week and February 7. The survey asks students to self-reflect on skills related to self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision-making, relationship skills, and social awareness. We ask that all students participate, because their feedback provides valuable insights to help us improve and adapt.
Opportunities for Students
Student/Staff Yoga
School Counseling
DP Information Night
On Thursday, January 16th we will host our Annual DP Information Night at MUHS in the Auditorium at 6:30 pm. The primary focus of this event is to support Grade 10 students and families who are considering the pathway of either a full diploma candidate or as a certificate candidate. This event is open to all families, for students of all ages, who would like to learn more about the Grade 11/12 IB options.
School Counselors
If you have questions about your child's schedule, please reach out to their School Counselor for help.
Sam Lewis
Adrien Preston
Emily Schademan
Important Dates
January 11 - Success Saturday
January 16 - DP Information Night
January 17 - End of Quarter 2
January 20 - MLK Day - No School
January 21 - No School
January 22 - Start of Semester 2
February 15 - Winter Ball
February 21 - PAHCC Applications Due
February 22-March 4 - Winter Break
March 4 - Parent-Teacher Conferences
Music Department Calendar
1/11/25 All State Music Festival Auditions - Depart at 9:30 AM Return at 6:00 PM
1/17/25 Camerata and DP Music to Helen Porter - Depart at 10 AM
1/29/25 Camerata and DP Music Recital - 6:30 PM
2/7/24 District Music Festival - Middlebury, VT
Check out the MUHS Events Calendar online here.
Success Saturday
For students who fall behind in coursework, Success Saturday is an opportunity to spend some time catching up with the support of MUHS educators. This year's Success Saturday dates are: September 28, October 19, November 16, December 7, January 11, February 8, March 22, April 12, and May 31. Success Saturday dates for the 2024-2025 school year. Success Saturday is in the Learning Center at MUHS and runs from 9am-1pm. To learn more, contact Chris Giorgio at
Helpful Information
Volunteer, Substitute, Work with Us!
Follow Us on Social Media
73 Charles Ave
Middlebury, VT 05753
TELEPHONE: 802-382-1500
FAX: 802-382-1101