ADE K-12 ELA Newsletter
November 2022
~ Hot Off the Press ~
NAEP Scores released
K-12 ELA Office Hours
Thursday, November 10th, 11am-12pm
This is an online event hosted by the ADE ELA team.
Register for K-12 ELA Office Hours in EMS!
Access our 2022-2023 Office Hours Padlet to keep up-to-date or see topics you've missed at a previous Office Hours.
Book Studies
Come join us for our current professional learning book studies!
Kinder-12th Grades:
Structured Literacy Interventions edited by Louise Spear-Swerling
9 Wednesdays, August 31 - November 2nd
4:30-5:30 MST
Contact: Maggie Velazquez
See Dyslexia Book Study Flyer for more information.
**Dyslexia Book Studies will resume in January- the next book will be Overcoming Dyslexia
by Sally Shaywitz, M.D. and Jonathan Shaywitz, M.D.
Secondary (6th-12th):
Disciplinary Literacy Inquiry & Instruction by Jacy Ippolito, et al.
8 Thursdays, September 1st - October 27th
4:30-5:30 MST
Contact: Lauren Spenceley
**Thank you to all who took part - please feel free to join us for the last session on 10/27!
Secondary ELA Book Studies will resume in January - the next book is Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties. Registration details to come soon!
General Info for our book studies:
- Virtual book chats take place via Zoom.
- All participants must register in the ADE EMS system to receive credit - each session is offered individually.
- All participants who register in EMS, read their chapter(s), and attend the book study will be given 2-hours PD credit.
- More details, ordering information, etc. can be found on the flyers linked above. Please share with your colleagues!
Arizona Reading Fundamentals OnDemand Academy
- Systemic Reading Fundamentals
- Secondary Reading Fundamentals
- Dyslexia Reading Fundamentals
Before you register, please watch our OnDemand Academy Introduction Video to learn more.
Don't forget that each knowledge block recommends a companion text. Please browse the Professional Development webpage for all details prior to registering.
Mid-Year Universal Screening Data DUE Feb. 1st
Beginning of the year Literacy Assessment Data window 1 closes on Nov. 1st.
Mid-year Literacy Assessment Data window 2 opens on Dec. 1st. As you complete your mid-year Universal Screening administration this winter, be sure to enter this data into the MOWR portal, following the same multi-step process as you did in Aug-Oct.
For all MOWR questions, please reach out to Sarah Bondy by emailing:
Literacy Research Association Annual Conference
Quarterly Dyslexia Training Designee PLC Meetings
Calling all school-level Dyslexia Training Designees. The ADE ELA team presents Quarterly PLC Meetings for the Dyslexia Training Designee. Please join our quarterly Dyslexia Training Designee PLC, hosted by Maggie Velazquez, Dyslexia and Literacy Intervention Specialist. This is your opportunity to meet with other DTDs in Arizona to collaborate, share, and discuss roles and responsibilities of being your school's DTD. We will build this DTD Professional Learning Community to help support one another in this amazing role, "Dyslexia Training Designee". Please note you do not have to have your DTD trainings completed to attend.
Make sure to register for our Quarterly DTD PLCs here. The next one will be November 8.
Webinar: "Arizona's 6-12th Grade Writing Standards: Model, Practice, Reflect, Assess"
Secondary ELA Upcoming PD
Come join all the current and upcoming Secondary ELA Professional Learning opportunities, including live webinars and asynchronous courses! Register for all secondary ELA opportunities here!
Indigenous Author Panel
News from AETA
The Arizona English Teachers' Association (AETA) offers events and professional learning for all English teachers in Arizona, including monthly webinars, a newsletter, and a journal.
November News:
- 2022 AETA Conference - "I Change Myself, I Change the World: Stories of Hope, Change, & Light" Thank you to everyone who attended! It was a fantastic conference!
- Journal - AETA is calling for journal submissions for their Fall AETA journal. The submission deadline is January 31st, 2023.
The Four-Part Processor
Each month, we have been introducing a new section of the ADE Science of Reading webpage. Over the last ELEVEN months, we have introduced the Homepage, Structured Literacy, Brain Research, Reading Researchers, SOR Terminology, Educational Equity, SOR Articles, Podcasts, Books, the Simple View of Reading, and Scarborough's Reading Rope.
This month, let’s learn more about the Science of Reading with our Four-Part Processor section.
The Four-Part Processing Model (Siedenburg and McClelland, 1989) is an illustration of how the brain hears, recognizes, and reads words. The four parts include the phonological, orthographic, meaning, and context processors. This simplified model illustrates how all four parts work together in the brain to read effectively, and the importance of explicit classroom instruction in all four parts to strengthen each area.
SOR Podcast Update
Listen wherever you get your podcasts or on the APM Reports website: Sold a Story: How Teaching Kids to Read Went So Wrong
Secondary Literacy (6-12)
Dyslexia (K-12)
The ADE English Language Arts Team
Dr. Amy Boza, Director of English Language Arts and Move On When Reading
Sarah Bondy, K-5 Literacy Lead
Lauren Spenceley, Secondary ELA Specialist
Maggie Velazquez, Dyslexia and Literacy Intervention Specialist
Kim Piranio, Literacy and Dyslexia Specialist
Karen Ten Napel, Literacy and Dyslexia Specialist
Michele Rutin, P-3 Coach Coordinator