Wolf Tracks
Friday, Sept 20
Terry Fox Run
Lakeland Ridge is so proud to be kicking off the year with our Terry Fox Run on Thursday September 26th @ 1:45. Students will participate in a school-wide assembly followed by a run with their buddies.
If you’d like to donate and receive a tax receipt, please visit our school link Lakeland Ridge School - Sherwood Park, AB | Terry Fox School Run . Students are also encouraged to bring to toonie for Terry from September 18 – 26th.
Leadership students will be visiting each class to give a small presentation and hand out fundraising forms if wanted. If we reach our goal of $3000, Mr. Cunningham will be shaving his head in support of cancer research!
Together, we can make a difference and continue Terry's legacy!
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Each year, September 30th marks the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities.
September 30th is also Orange Shirt Day, a commemorative day intended to raise awareness of the individual, family and community inter-generational impacts of residential schools, and to promote the concept of "Every Child Matters".
At Lakeland Ridge, we will recognize both National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day on September 27th. We would encourage all students, staff and community members to wear orange in unison that day.
As we continue to build upon our strong school and community culture, we would love to have your support to ensure that all of our elementary and junior high students are attending school every day.
Attendance is integral to maximize learning and contributes to a positive school culture, particularly in junior high. Our most important role models and leaders are our junior high students, who help ensure the Wolfpack remains strong for the next generation of students.
We are asking that parents and guardians support attendance and avoid excusing their children from classes and school-wide events.
We want all of our Wolves (young an old) to be a part of our school community. Wolfpacks always stick together!
Home/School Communication
Open communication is an integral part of our school community. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education, please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact the school for clarification or to share important information. Your child's teacher is typically your first point of contact. Likewise, teachers will also contact you when they need your support to ensure your child’s success. The partnership between home and school has a positive impact on students' engagement, motivation, behavior and academics!
📆Upcoming Dates and Events
Sept. 20 & 21 - Jr Volleyball EIAA Tournament; Sr Volleyball Tournament @ BFH
Sept. 25 - Linking Generations Information Session Gr. 7-9
Sept. 26 - Terry Fox Run
Sept. 27 - Orange Shirt Day
Sept. 30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (No School)
Oct. 2 - Early Dismissal - 2:10pm
Oct. 4 - PL Day - No School
Oct. 9 - Grade 5 D.A.R.E.; Zone 5 Cross Country Championships; Jersey Day - Oilers 1st Game
Oct. 14 - Thanksgiving No School
Oct. 15 - Linking Generations Visit #1
Oct. 15-18 - Book Fair
Oct. 16 & 17 - Parent Teacher Interviews
Oct. 18 & 19 - Sr Volleyball Tournament
Oct. 23 - Picture Retakes
Check our school website for the most up-to-date information.
Elementary Lunch Bell Change
Based upon feedback gathered from students, parents and staff, we are adjusting our lunch bells for elementary starting on Monday. We are shortening the eating portion of lunch by 5 minutes in an effort to give students more time outside to play. Here are the new bell times:
- Lunch Eating: 12:24-12:49
- Lunch Recess: 12:49-1:19
- Warning Bell: 1:19
Bike Index Program
More information can be found at:
💡 Reminders
Please ensure your child(ren) bring their utensils for their lunches and water bottles. 🍴
Also, please ensure your child is dressed for the weather, and has an extra set of clothes in their bags. 🧦👚🧣🧤
Door Locking Procedures
All exterior doors, including the front entrance doors, will always be locked, and opened only for student and visitor access during designated school entry times.
Our front entrance is equipped with a doorbell and camera linked to the front office. Visitors seeking entry into the school are required to use the main entrance and ring the bell for assistance. Please remember to sign in at the office on our iPad. For safety reasons, it is imperative that we are aware of who is in the building and where there are helping out just in case of an emergency.
Medical Forms 💉
If your student requires medication to be accessible at the school such as Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, Reactine, and Tums, please fill out the Medication Management Plan forms below.
Students are not permitted to administer their own medication at school. All medication should be provided in its original packaging and labelled with student’s name. All medication will be stored in the office with administering recorded.
LLR Child/Student Medication/Personal Care Management - Parent/Guardian Consent
LLR Child/Student Medication Management Plan
LLR Asthma Emergency Plan
LLR Individual Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
Bus App
Download these bus apps for a successful ride!
Is your child riding the bus this year? If yes, download the My Ride and Bus Status apps to stay in the know about your child’s bus stop location, route, pickup time and whether their bus is running on schedule.
Update your PowerSchool information
The EIPS Correction and Verification Form is available online through your PowerSchool Parent Portal—at the top of the left-hand menu. Use the form to access and update your child’s records information—including address, parent and guardian information, emergency contacts and medical information. Reviewing the form and submitting updates ensures the school has the most up-to-date information regarding your child.
When reviewing the form, pay close attention to all listed phone numbers, email addresses and emergency contact information. Also, if you recently moved, now is the time to ensure the Division has your updated address. Throughout the year, the Division and school use the listed information to communicate with families about important information, including updates, the latest news and events.
PowerSchool Correction and Verification Form
Review and update the form by Sept. 25, 2024
If you have questions about the form or your Parent Portal account, contact the school office at 780-416-9018.
Pay School Fees Online!
Wondering when and how to pay for school fees? School fee information for the 2024-25 school year will be posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal in late September. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. NOTE: Additional fees may be added throughout the year—for example, at the beginning of each semester, as your child takes part in various activities, or they may be adjusted by changes in selected optional courses in junior and senior high school. If you’re unable to pay your school fees, you can apply to have certain fees waived. The application deadline is Dec. 16, 2024.
For more information, visit the school website. Alternatively, contact Cathy Eyben, Business Manager at 780-416-9018.
Contact Us
Email: general.llr@eips.ca
Website: https://www.lakelandridge.ca/
Location: 101 Crimson Drive, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-416-9018
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeland-Ridge-School-1490402014609661
Instagram: @LakelandRidgeWolves