Principal Message
Golden Hills Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness and change the world.
Golden Hills staff is so happy to welcome all the Golden Hills Eagles back from winter break. We hope that everyone enjoyed their time at home with your families.
A reminder no cell phones are allowed at Golden Hills. If students bring one to school they must turn it into their teacher or the office for the day. This is a California law for grades K-5. Students not following this will receive pink slips and phones will need to be picked up by a family member.
All students who bring a drink ( Dutch Bro’s, Starbucks, Big Gulps etc.) will have to stay in the cafeteria before school, the drinks will not be allowed on the playground. It is helpful if students do not bring these. Cups with water are welcome! Thank you for your support!
Golden Hills staff wants to give a big shout out to all the community members who made our first ever Golden Hills Giving Tree a Success! With the help of our GH families and Feather Falls we were able to help 23 Golden Hills families and a total of 74 kids have a wonderful and magical holiday! Thank you again to everyone who donated items, we hope to do this again next year!
School-wide Progress Reports go Home on January 10th. Be sure to look over the report with your student and reach out to their teacher if you have any questions.
Please join us for our School SIte Council and Parent Teacher Group Meeting on January 23rd from 3-4 pm in the STEAM room.
Thank you,
Mrs. Napoli
Golden Hills Principal
Fourth Grade Basketball Tryouts are Wed. 1/15/25 from 2:45 -3:45 pm.
Fifth Grade Basketball Tryouts are Thur. 1/16/25 from 2:45pm-3:45pm.
Students will need to be picked up from Golden Hills by 4pm.
Thank you to Mr. Sasaki’s class at Palermo Community Day for the donation of a BMX bike. The students built the bike and all students who missed two or less absences in the month of December were put into a raffle.
Team Ticket Award Winners
Classes with Best Attendance for the month of December:
1st: Mrs. Chapman
2nd: Ms. Smith
1st: Mr. Sharp
2nd: Ms. Russell
December Attendance Challenge: The class with the best attendance in December won a Lego Party! Congratulations to Ms. Chapman’s class!
January Attendance Challenge: Class with the best attendance from January 6th- January 31st will win a VR party!
Second Trimester Attendance Challenge is ON!
On March 6th we have a STEAM arcade on campus!
To be invited to participate in the STEAM arcade the requirements are:
Less than 11 absences (excused or unexcused) for the entire school year
Less than 6 (excused or unexcused) absences from 11/01/24-3/1/25
Our third trimester reward will be a field trip to the movies!
If your child is absent please call the school office to let them know the reason so that your child can possibly be excused.Also, if your child will be absent for 3 or more days you can request independent study. Your child will receive work to do and if the work is completed, your child will receive credit for attendance and will not be counted as absent. If you have questions, please call the school office.
Attendance is very important, if your student is not at school, they cannot learn. Thank you for your support!
Boys Basketball Try-outs
Boys Basketball Try-outs are coming soon. Golden Hills will have a fourth and a fifth grade team. Practices are held after school and games are located out of town, Richvale, Gridley etc. Students must have their own transportation to games.
Shady Creek Field Trip for 2025-26 school year!
Shady Creek is a three night, four day environmental camp. Our fourth grade class will be attending next year. In order to attend we must have parent volunteers to stay in the cabins with the students. These parents must be cleared through our district through the volunteer process. We will need to have the parents cleared before the end of this school year to commit to going! The reserved dates for Shady Creek are the week before our October intercession. Please begin the process so we can be sure we have enough parent volunteers.
Fourth Grade families, we will need you for next year! We need around 10 females and 10 male chaperones for the cabins. So far we have 2 volunteers. Please click the link below to sign up to volunteer:
Optional Homework Packets are now available!
Based on family feedback from our surveys we are now offering optional monthly homework packets to go along with nightly reading and multiplication fact practice. They are available in the office for pick-up or you can use the links listed below to print them at home.
Food Pantry
We will be accepting non-perishable food donations at any point during the school year. We have a food pantry in our new wellness center and are trying to keep it stocked at all times. If you ever have any donations please bring them to the office. Thank you so much!
FREE Preventative Dental Services coming this month to Golden Hills!
We will have free preventative dental screenings, regardless of insurance status, available at Golden Hills at the end of this month. Interest forms will be coming home with your student soon. If you have any questions or would like another copy of the paperwork, please reach out to Caitlin Webb at cwebb@palermok8.org or (530) 552-1631.
Message from the Nurse
Upcoming Events:
1/8/ Golden Hills Dance Day
1/10 National Eagle Day-Dress in Golden Hills clothing/colors
1/15 Fourth Grade Boys Basketball Tryout 2:45-3:45 pm
1/16 Fifth Grade Boys Basketball Tryouts 2:45-3:45 pm
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
1/23: School Site Council/ PTG Meeting from 3-4
2/8: School Site Council/ PTG Meeting at 3 pm
2/17-2/21: February Intercession
3/6: STEAM Arcade Attendance Reward