Demo Family Memo
January 10th, 2025
Principal Message
Dear Jefferson Families,
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025! It was wonderful to see all of our students return to school after the winter break, and I am excited to finish these last two weeks of the first semester on a strong note.
As we head into the final stretch before finals, I encourage all students to take full advantage of FLEX and tutoring opportunities offered in the coming days. These resources are designed to support their success and help them feel prepared as they wrap up the semester. Please take a moment to review the schedule for the next two weeks, and remind your student(s) to attend any extra help sessions available.
Together, let's finish strong!
Demos I say!
Weekly Schedule- January 13th-17th
Monday, Jan 13th- A Day
Tuesday, Jan. 14th- B Day
Wednesday, Jan. 15th- A Day *Flex
Thursday, Jan. 16th- B day *Flex
Friday, Jan. 17th- A Day
Upcoming Schedule- January 20th-24th
Monday, Jan 20th- MLK Day No School
Tuesday, Jan. 21st- B Day
Wednesday, Jan. 22nd- A Day
Thursday, Jan. 23rd- B day
Friday, Jan. 24th- All 8 Day
Calendars 2025
Devices At School:
Just a reminder that PPS Chromebooks are the only acceptable devices to use at school. Students should not be using their own devices during class.
Attendance Coach
District Policy: Leaving Campus without permission: Failing to remain on school grounds, at any point after arrival, without authorization which also includes school-sponsored activities such as field trips.
Please remind your student to remain on campus during the school day, except during lunchtime. Leaving campus outside of lunch unexcused is considered a Type 3 violation, which results in an immediate escalation to Step 3 on the Attendance ladder. This will include a phone call home and the assignment of after-school detention.
The JHS Attendance Support Intervention Ladder Or, "Attendance Ladder" for short, is our school's approach to addressing unexcused attendance codes such as LAT (Late after Tardy) and SKP (Skipping). When students have unexcused absences without a valid and documented excuse, they will meet with the Student Attendance Coach and be placed on the ladder. The steps for the ladder are located below. For any questions, please contact La’Mar Winston Jr., the Student Attendance Coach.
Below are the attendance percentages for our entire student body, based on data pulled on ________:
- Green: Students with 90% to 100% attendance
- Yellow: Students with 80% to 89.9% attendance
- Red: Students with attendance below 79.9%
If your child is interested in joining the Rose Festival Court they still have time to apply. Visit this link ( for more information or email Susan Elliott at . Students will need their parents to fill out a form found under the Programs Tab. The deadline for all forms required is January 17, 2025.
Yearbook Pictures:
Parents of seniors will soon be able to purchase senior pages in the yearbook. Senior pictures are due March 3rd and can be sent to until the Jostens QR codes are established.
Happy 2025! The AVID team would like to welcome our new 10th grade (and a couple 9th grade sections) AVID teacher, Amber Villa-Zang. Amber is a great addition to our team and she’s already making great connections with our students and setting a culture of high expectations and high levels of support. Welcome to Jeff Amber!
College and Career
Student Support Team
We’re excited to present the dance department’s winter production next week! Tickets are available for purchase at the door:
- $6 for adults
- $3 for students and seniors
iUrban Teen
Jefferson Athletics Information: Week of January 12th - January 18th
It is a great time to become a DEMO! We are currently accepting athletic participation registration for the following Winter Sports: Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball, Men’s Wrestling, Women’s Wrestling, Men’s Swimming, and Women’s Swimming.
Student-athletes must complete registration, have a valid physical on file, and be cleared by the Jefferson Athletic Office in order to participate in Winter Sports.
Men’s Basketball Coach: Robert Smaller -
Women’s Basketball Coach: Andre Lawrence -
Wrestling Coach: Montral Brazile -
Swimming Coach: Janice Lucas -
Cheer Coach: Martiesha Lambert -
ADMISSION: The PIL will be charging admission in the following sports across the district. Wrestling and Men’s and Women’s Basketball. You can purchase tickets at the door or can pre-purchase online prior to the event.
Jefferson HS - Buy Tickets Online
PIL Single Game Ticket Prices -
Adults - $7.00
Students/Senior Citizens - $5.00
Elementary students - Free
Showcases and Tournaments - Prices Excluded
Out of Season Sports Workouts
Open Period : 1/6/25 - 3/2/25
Limited to a maximum of six hours each week per program, not per student (including open gyms).
Allows optional, fundamental skill development with an unlimited number of student-athletes. NO 8th graders or students from other schools may participate.
No competitions/games or tryouts permitted.
Athletics Practice Schedule Week of 1/12/25 - 1/18/25
Basketball 3:45 PM - 8 PM Gyms
Wrestling 3:45 PM- 6 PM Wrestling Room
Swim Contact Coach Lucas Matt Dishman Pool
Upcoming Events: 1/11/25 - 1/18/25
January 11th
W. Varsity Basketball @ Benson @ Franklin HS 5:30 PM ER BL 3:30
January 14th
M. Frosh Basketball @ Lincoln 4:15 PM ER 2:45 BL 3:00
W. JV Basketball @ Lincoln 4:15 PM ER 2:45 BL 3:00
M. JV Basketball @ Lincoln 5:45 PM BL 4:30
W. Varsity Basketball @ Lincoln 5:45 PM BL 4:30
M. Varsity Basketball @ Lincoln 7:15 PM BL 5:30
January 15th
Wrestling @ Lincoln McDaniel and Franklin 5:00 PM ER 3 BL 3:15
January 17th
M. Frosh Basketball @ Cleveland 5:45 PM BL 4:30
W. JV Basketball vs Cleveland 4:15 PM
M. JV Basketball @ Cleveland 4:15 PM ER 2:45 BL 3:00
W. Varsity Basketball vs Cleveland 5:45 PM
M. Varsity Basketball vs Cleveland 7:15 PM
Academic Eligibility
Academic requirements are as follows and students who fail to meet any of these requirements are not eligible to participate in sports. 1) student must have passed five classes the previous semester; 2) student must be enrolled and be passing five classes in the current semester; 3) student must be making satisfactory progress toward graduation by earning the minimum number of credits: 4.5 credits by the start of 10th grade, 10 credits by the start of 11th grade, 17 credits by the start of 12th grade. In addition, students must have earned the following GPA the previous quarter: 2.0 with no F's or 2.5 with one F. Students who do not meet this requirement may register and participate but will be placed on academic probation for the current quarter and must attend study sessions.
Attendance Process and Expectations
Attendance Process:
1) Attendance reports are sent at 2:30pm to all coaches.
2) Coaches will share with players their attendance.
3) Coaches will follow attendance policy (policy below).
4) If a student questions the validity of the attendance - The Coach will contact the AD.
5) The AD will then investigate and make a determination.
6) The AD will share with the Coach the determination.
*It is expected that the player or other players will not reach out to the teacher of record about the attendance concern after a determination has been made.
Attendance/Athletic Eligibility
A Student/Athlete must attend school for the entire day of that practice/game day.
Day of:
1 or more Unexcused classes: LAT, CUT, or ABSENT - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day.
>2 Excused classes - Student/Athlete will not be allowed to participate that day and will be directed to the Athletic Director.
Prearranged Absences will be addressed on a case by case basis.
How to Excuse an Absence
As a parent or guardian, you have several options to excuse your student's attendance:
Call 503-916-5180 Option 2 (please leave a message if it goes to voicemail); The office checks voicemail for the last time at 3:30 daily
Send a note with your student
An absence may be excused if the absence is caused by:
(A) The pupil’s sickness, including the mental or behavioral health of the pupil;
(B) The sickness of some member of the pupil’s family
(C) An emergency
(D) Pre Arranged Appointment
If you student has a medical appointment, have reception print them out an attendance note
Excuse all day absences on ParentVue
As a student:
Check your attendance in StudentVue often during the day, if you believe your attendance is incorrect, check with your classroom teachers first and have them email the office if you need a correction.
If you are going to an appointment, have the desk reception folks at the appointment print you out an attendance note and turn it into the office.
Ask your parent/guardian to call the office and leave a message to excuse qualifying absences
Students may not excuse their own attendance, even if the student is 18 years old