Transition Tuesday
A Parents Journey ~ Ages 12-22
Tune In Every Tuesday @ 1 PM EST
Do you have a child aged 12-22?
Transition Planning is an opportunity to be a part of the life decisions of your youth. Let's create inclusive support for each other as parents of children with disabilities.
This workshop helps to teach everyone how to make the most of the TIEP, and how to best work with youth with disabilities, to make sure they have the tools and information to fulfill their post-secondary goals.
Presented by: Misti Pollaro & Lynn Thibodeau Cyr, Training Coordinators
We will start our journey at age 12, and walk through middle school, into high school, and into adulthood. This looks different for all families but, if you have the information, knowledge, and resources, it may just make that journey a bit easier.
Email: misti@fndfl.org
Website: fndusa.org
Phone: 813.407.8013
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ParentSupportNetworkFL/