Hisle Happenings
November 11th
- RSVP for Thanksgiving Tailgate on Thursday, November 14th
- Bookmark hisle's webpage for easy access to information!
- Share your career information with Ms. Issac at renata.isaac@leanderisd.org
- Purchase a yearbook or shirt...you could gift them during the upcoming holidays!
Posts by Prindle
It's FALL!
It's always a bit challenging to adjust to the time change, but I can say I prefer coming to school when it's daylight! We've got a few items to share so please keep reading!
- Arrival: Our campus opens at 7:10am. We've seen an inrease in the number of children arriving prior to 7am and there is NO supervision! Today, the children were playing tag and almost got hit by a car that was dropping off an employee. Please do NOT drop children off prior to 7 am!
- Coats, hats and more: Please remember that anythiing that your child wears or brings to school can be "lost", and we are begging for families to label EVERYTHING with a name! This will help us get it back to the owner. We're looking for someone to help us with lost and found by checking it weekly for names so we can get items back to the owner IF there is a name! If this is something you are interested in, please reach out to robin.harvey@leanderisd.org
- Communication: Sometimes, email gets overwhelming, and we get it! Please remember to bookmark hisle's page for easy access to newsletters! It's the easiest way to find information and past history! You should be getting a weekly email from me AND a weekly email from your teachers each Monday!
- Spirit Wear: Several families have asked about t-shirts! We will open the store AGAIN for people to purchase t-shirts or sweatshirts for the winter! We are required to close it so the orders can ship! This allows no shirts to be created that just sit on a shelf! ALL children will be going on a field trip, and school shirts are always requested to make it easy to know who are "Hisle Hounds!" BUY your shirt now! The window closes on December 6th with a ship date of December 18th!
- Yearbooks: Each year, we create a yearbook to capture the events throughout the year...reading is grand, playground fun, field trips and more! We only order 40-50% of our enrollment to guarantee we won't have yearbooks the campus pays for that sit in a closet so get yours now! Once they are sold, there are NO more to be had!
Excited to see families this week at our tailgate! Remember, Hisle hounds howl loud and proud.
Thanksgiving Tailgate November 14th
On Thursday, November 14th, families are invited to come tailgate with their child as we celebrate Thanksgiving during typical lunch times! This time is meant to be one of gathering, gratitude, and joy!
A few things to note:
- PRIOR TO COMING TO HISLE: Bring a blanket or chairs AND your state issued ID!
- Family members will be expected to sign in prior to meeting their child for lunch.
- RSVP here! This will allow families to quickly pick up their visitor tag.
- Families who do NOT RSVP or who have not had their state issued ID scanned will be required to stand in a line to sign in!
- Families should bring lawn chairs or a blanket to "picnic" on outdoors.
- Families will pick up a visitor badge before joining their child at their designated location.
- Children may opt to bring a lunch or purchase a lunch. Another option is families may bring lunch for the entire family!
- We ask that families allow children to remain at school for learning after the Tailgate!
As a reminder, please remember to RSVP. You can RSVP here!
Traffic Improvements
As you all know, Leander continues to grow AND this always brings about the need for road improvements. The city of Leander will be widening Bagdad at Collaborative Way over the next several months which could impact family travel to and from Hisle each day! One aspect that we anticipate is INCREASED traffic around San Gabriel and Halsey at the four way stop as people find alternative ways to skipping the traffic. We're monitoring over the course of the next week, and we've asked staff to utilize Hero Way/Bagdad as we come to school each day! We will be sharing the scope of the work with maps in a different newsletter!
Counselor's Corner
November Counseling Lessons
We’re nearing a new month, which means a new classroom lesson. This month will be a lesson on Conflict-Resolution using Kelso’s Choices. Please be sure to talk with your child about what they learned.
Holidays and Support
Holidays are just around the corner and sometimes this time of year can be a tough time for families. We want you to know we are here to help if you need it! HES Families, please take a minute to fill out this feedback form so, as a Hisle school community, we can prepare and support any needs that may arise during the holiday season. Please fill this form out by Nov. 15th.
Generation Texas Week
We would love for families to share life experiences and career choice. Knowing about careers gives students new ideas to explore. We would love to share with our students what you do as a career/or job and the training required to get you where you are today. We will start sharing the Generation Texas Career slides on Morning Announcements (during the GT Week: Nov. 18-22) so all students can learn about the wonderful opportunities around and may continue sharing if we receive lots of participation. Additionally, if you would like to video yourself explaining your career, using the information from the slides) in 1-2mins. max, please feel free to do so. Please email renata.isaac@leanderisd.org your slide or video by Nov. 15th. Thank you for your support!
Hello! Hisle Elementary has a few events happening and would LOVE some assistance! Here are the signup genius looking for volunteers and snacks
- THANKSGIVING TAILGATE: Our Thanksgiving Tailgate November 14 is looking for 2 volunteers per class to help with clean up and assist where needed. Hisle PTO: Hisle's Thanksgiving Tailgate
- TURKEY TROT: Hisle's First Turkey Trot November 22 needs Volunteers for each grade level to keep things running smoothly, hand out snacks and supervise the water station. Looking for about 8 volunteers per grade level. Hisle PTO: Hisle's First Turkey Trot! - November 22nd.
- SNACK DONATIONS: We are looking for donations of precut, ready to eat fruit and vegetables to serve our Turkey Trot Participants. Please see Signup Genius for requested items. We are requesting items be delivered November 21 in the morning. Hisle PTO: Turkey Trot Snack Donations
Chipolte Spirit Night
Wednesday, Nov 13, 2024, 04:00 PM
Chipotle Mexican Grill, U.S. 183, Leander, TX, USA
Thnksgiving Tailgate
PREK: 12:00-12:30
KINDER: 10:50-11:20
1st Grade: 12:35-1:05
2nd Grade: 10:15-10:45
3rd Grade: 10:35-11:05
4th/5th Grade: 11:25-11:55
Thursday, Nov 14, 2024, 10:15 AM
Donald Lewis Hisle Elementary School, Frontenac St, Leander, TX, USA
2nd 9 Weeks Progress Reports HOME
Friday, Nov 22, 2024, 02:45 PM
Friday Folders
Turkey Trot
Students will "trot" a mile in the bus lot of Hisle. Families are welcome to cheer their child on as he or she runs! It will take place during specials. First grade will have a different time!