Raider Nation News
Week of November 25, 2019
Thanksgiving Week
Dear Atholton Families,
This is a short week with Thanksgiving break. However, parent/teacher conferences begin tomorrow. I hope you have scheduled a conference to learn about your child’s progress in each of his/her classes. Additionally, I hope you had an opportunity to visit classes last week during American Education Week. You do not need a special week to visit your child’s classes. Just coordinate with the teacher and parents are more than welcome to visit anytime.
Last Thursday the Board of Education finalized the redistricting plan for Howard County. Atholton is one of schools impacted. We will be losing students as well as gaining students. There will be more information disseminated to families as we navigate options for our current sophomores and juniors. You can find information about the final plan here.
Yesterday evening, I had the pleasure to see the AHS Drama Department’s Fall Production of She Kills Monsters. Our students did an outstanding job gracing us with humor and an underlying serious message. Kudos to Mr. Rosen and all those involved in the production.
Lastly, Thanksgiving is this week. It is a time to be thankful, a time to remember and embrace those who enrich our lives. I am thankful for a lot of things and that includes being thankful for this wonderful community.
I wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving!
Warmest Regards,
Robert Motley, Principal
Important Information
Mark Your Calendar
November 25 -- School Closes 3hrs Early / Evening Parent Conferences
November 26 -- School Closes 3hrs Early / Afternoon and Evening Parent Conferences
November 27 -- School Closed for Students / Morning Parent Conferences
Atholton High School
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Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065