Bobcat Bulletin
April 15
Letter from Mrs. Anderson
Dear Bobcat Families:
Thank you to all of our families for attending our Student Led Conferences on April 2nd. We had the best turn out in EPE history with over 130 families in attendance. This can be attributed to our school and family partnership that continues to be strong within our EPE community.
This month we began our state testing in grades 4 and 5. Please remember the importance of attendance to be sure your child is in school every day. Our students continue to prepare for their final progress monitoring at the end of April and continuing in May. Please make sure to mark your calendars for all of our end of the year events including grade level specific testing dates, our upcoming musical performances, and our 5th grade Moving Up Ceremony.
Finally, thank you to our Parent Lighthouse Team for participating in our recent Leader In Me Lighthouse visit! As our school continues to practice the 7 Habits and develop Leaders within our building, you continue to work countless hours with our team to improve best practices within our school community.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
In partnership,
Mrs. Anderson, Principal
April Important Dates
April 16: SAC Meeting 7:30am
April 16: Kids on the Go Event at Immokalee Middle School 5:30pm
April 18: LEAD Graduation for 5th Grade 1:30pm in the Cafeteria
April 23: 3rd and 4th Grade Music Concert 5:30 in the Cafeteria
April 24: 4th Grade Field Trip to the Artis of Naples
April 25: 5th Grade Field Trip to Immokalee Middle School 9:45am-11:15am
April 26: Student Leadership Clubs 8am
April Testing Dates
April 16: iReady Diagnostic 5th Grade 8:30am
April 23: Kinder ELA Testing
April 24: 1st Grade ELA Testing
April 25: 2nd Grade ELA Testing
Closed Campus during Testing
As a result of upcoming state and district testing, EPE will no longer allow guests to eat in the cafeteria after Friday, April 5m 2024. The close campus will occur from April 8th through May 30th.
Counselor Corner
Hello Bobcat Families,
April is focused on Fairness. As I am sure you have noticed, children are very quick in pointing out when they feel like something is not fair. Being fair is not the same as being equal. By helping our students learn fairness, they can build stronger relationships, social skills, and empathy towards others.
Here are some activities to practice fairness at home:
· Turn-Taking: Practice taking turns during simple games like Uno or Tic-Tac-Toe.
· Say: “Fair” in Sign Language:
· Make-Up Rules: When playing games like Hide-and-Seek and Hopscotch, allow your children to make-up the rules. Encourage them to make-up rules that are fair for everyone.
· Play Split the Candy:
o Split the Candy is a simple activity that helps adults understand how their children perceive fairness. Here’s how to play:
1. Split your students into groups of 4 to 6.
2. Give them an odd number of candies and instruct them to divide them fairly (not evenly).
3. At the end of the activity, ask students to reflect on whether they devised a fair solution.
4. Ask questions like: What made you decide to split the candy this way? Did someone take the lead on splitting the candy? Did you make a decision based on need? Strength? Equality?
Being fair is a skill that children can begin practicing at a young age. Sometimes, being fair is not the same as being equal. For instance, should older siblings always be allowed to win just because they are bigger, stronger, or smarter? Helping children learn how to problem-solve fairness will guide them through social situations and become kinder to others.
Kimberly Combes
School Counselor
Leader in Me
Lighthouse Review
On April 11th, two representatives from Franklin Covey (Leader in Me) came for the Lighthouse Review Process. Lighthouse review is where Eden Park's Leader in Me systems are scored using a rubric to determine our strengths and areas for growth.
Our parents and students described EPE as safe, inclusive, fun, welcoming, and loved. Both parents and students felt a sense of pride in being a part of the EPE community.
Thank you to the students, staff, and parents who helped our guests feel welcome while they learned all about our school. We will have official results within the next three to five weeks.
Visitors learning about PBIS Club and our Positive Referral Board.
Morning Greeters Welcoming Everyone
Visitors learning about our School- Wide Attendance WIG from the Attendance Ambassadors.
Learn Sign Language
TUESDAY, April 16, 2024
Join us in the media center to help make important decisions for our school’s improvement and increased student achievement.
In collaboration with Benison Center, we are excited to enter all community members who attend our SAC meeting into a raffle drawing. We look forward to seeing who will walk out of the meeting with a prize.
The April 16th agenda can be found on our school website under About Us- School Advisory Council (SAC)
Do you have a student who is receiving ESE services?
Collier County Public Schools is surveying parents of ESE students. If your child has an IEP, please complete the survey below. The deadline to complete the survey is May 3, 2024. Thank you.
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Collier están encuestando a los padres de estudiantes de ESE. Si su hijo tiene un IEP, complete la encuesta a continuación. La fecha límite para completar la encuesta es el 3 de mayo de 2024. Gracias.
Lekòl Leta Collier County ap fè sondaj sou paran elèv ESE yo. Si pitit ou a gen yon IEP, tanpri ranpli sondaj ki anba a. Dat limit pou ranpli sondaj la se 3 me 2024. Mèsi
Student ID and Lanyard
All students will be issued and are required to wear a school ID and lanyard while at school. This is part of our school dress code. Students will use badges to sign on to their bus, check out library books, and go through the lunch line. Lost badges may be replaced in the front office for $2.00 cash.
School Board Policies 2266, 3362, and 5517 – Prohibits discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and/or gender identity), disability, or age in the provision of educational opportunities or employment opportunities and benefits. The District School Board does not discriminate on the basis of sex or disability in the education programs and activities that it operates, pursuant to the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.
For additional information or to report Title IX or any other discrimination/harassment concerns, contact Ms. Valerie Wenrich, Chief Human Resources Officer/ Title IX Coordinator, at (239) 377-0351, or at 5775 Osceola Trail, Naples, Florida 34109.