Good Shepherd Weekly
October 11, 2024
Fun Run
Girls Scouts
Basketball is back! There was a great turnout at tryouts. Good Luck for a great season!
School Attendance
In the event that your child will be absent, late or dismissed early, please contact the school office at (401) 767-5906 by 9:00 am so our office staff can inform your child's teacher of their absence or end of day dismissal changes.
Please join us this Thursday!
Please JOIN US at Texas Roadhouse for our annual Good Shepherd DINE OUT event this Thursday, October 17, 3:00 PM-10:00 PM. Treat yourself to a meal out and benefit Good Shepherd Catholic School.
Fall Fundraiser Update
Shout out to all of our students and their families who participated in our Meadow Farms Fall Fundraiser!
Thanks to your hard work and great sales skills, our sales surpassed $23,000 and we exceeded all goals this year!
High Seller and Classroom prize winners will be announced NEXT WEEK!
Looking for Volunteers.....
Does your child need service hours?
Open House
Bishop Feehan High School
Bishop Feehan High School will be having an Open House on Sunday, November 3rd at 1pm. We invite you to tour the campus and meet with students, staff, coaches, and parents. Bishop Feehan also has an Early Action Program with Good Shepherd available to students who would like to be accepted and remain at Good Shepherd to finish out their Middle School Career.
Counselor's Corner
Thank you for all of your support. If you would like us to see your child, please reach out and we will work with administration to make it happen.
You can reach Miss Sam at spoliquin@gwcrs.org and Miss Nakena at nkilgore@gwcrs.org
Thank you!
Notes from the Nurse
- All medicine, epipens, and inhalers should be hand delivered to the school nurse by parents.
- Student physical examinations that were done over the summer need to be turned in ASAP.
- All medication orders (Tylenol, Tums, etc.) need to be completed at the start of every school year.
Fall Flu Clinic
Flu Shot & Flu Mist clinics will be held at several different schools in Woonsocket. Please see flyer for time and location that works best for your family. It is recommended that you preregister but walk ins will be accepted. Thank you! Click Button below to register your family!
Reminder: Flu Shots are required for all students that participate in our DHS licensed Pre-K programs. Please read letter below from Nurse Becky if your child is in our Pre-K program.
PTO Corner
Next Meeting : Monday, October 21, 2024
Please join us at 6:30pm in the cafeteria! New members always welcome. More info. coming soon.
Click the links below for information on upcoming school events!!
Trunk or Treat
The PTO is looking for volunteers to help make our Trunk or Treat spooktacular! There are several ways to contribute.
1. Sign up to decorate a trunk and hand out treats.
2. Sign up to volunteer at our activities.
3. Send in decorations/treats to hand out.
The event will be held on school grounds on 10/20/24 from 2-4 pm rain or shine. Volunteers can begin setting up their trunks at 1 pm.
Please remember that if you plan to volunteer for any PTO event, you must be Safe Environment certified. This requires a BCI/CORI check through our office and paperwork to be submitted.
Rediker Access
Good Shepherd School uses an electronic informational system called Rediker that allows parents to access their child's grades throughout the school year from Kindergarten through grade 8. This online platform provides access to teacher emails and student grades in an effort to promote a clear communication tool for our families. We ask that parents click the blue link below to activate your account in order to receive access to this important school information platform.
Cellphone Policy
As a reminder for all students, cellphone use during school hours is prohibited. If students need to reach out to parents, they must go to the school office during break time to make the call.
Changes of dismissal should not be made through text messages during the day as it becomes a challenge during end of day dismissal.
All cellphones and Apple Watches should be kept in your child's backpack during the school day to avoid disruption during class time. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Good Shepherd School Lunch Program
October Lunch Menu
Click the link below for the October lunch menu choices (click here)
Week of October 14th Order Form
Click on the link below for the weekly order form. Lunch orders are placed on a weekly basis and payments are made by cash or check to Good Shepherd School. (click here)
School Events
Monday, October 14th
- No School Today - Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 15th
- School Mass - 9am
- Band - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
- Boys Junior Basketball Practice - 5pm - 7pm
Wednesday, October 16th
- Signed Progress Reports due
- Girl Scouts - 3:15pm - 4:30pm
- Cross Country Meet - 4:30pm @ Slater Park, Pawtucket
- Girls Junior Basketball Practice - 6pm-8pm
- GWCRS Board Meeting - 7pm
Thursday, October 17th
- Choir Rehearsal - 3:15pm-4:00pm
- Lego Club - 3:15p-4:15p
- GWCRS Dine Out Night at Texas Roadhouse - North Smithfield - 3pm - 10pm
- Boys Grammar Basketball Practice - 6:00pm-8:00pm
Friday, October 18th
- Color Guard - 3:15pm - 4:30pm