Weekly Warrior Parent Newsletter
September 28, 2024 ~ Week 7
WECS District and WMS School News
Important Dates:
- October 3, 2024: Parent Teacher Conferences ~ 4:00-8:00pm
- October 5, 2024: WMS Craft Fair ~ 10:00am-2:00pm
- October 10, 2024: WMS Movie Night (Mayfield Drive-in) ~ 7:00pm
- November 7, 2024: Parent Teacher Conferences ~ 4:00-8:00pm
- November 20, 2024 : Monthly PTO Meeting (WMS Library) ~ 7:00pm
- November 22, 2024: Casino Night (at Lavera) ~ 6:00pm
- November 25, 2024: Choir Concert - PAC (North HS) ~ 7:30-8:30pm
Parent Teacher Conference Information
Parent Teacher Conferences take place on Thursday, October 3 from 4:00pm-8:00pm. Please use the doors located by the gym to enter WMS for conferences (same doors as Open House). The following are links to grade level team information for scheduling conferences:
- Grade 6 - Team Tribe
- Grade 6 - Team Warriors
- Grade 7 - Team Spartans
- Grade 7 - Team Vikings
- Grade 8 - Team Gladiators
- Grade 8 - Team Titans
Please note, if you would like to meet with your child's P.E., Music, or Art teacher please visit their classrooms - (P.E. in gym, Art Rooms at the end of 7th grade hallway, or Music located in the Commons area). If you have any questions or are in need of any supports, please call our main office at 440-975-3600.
School Pictures Retake Info
PHOTO Make up/Retake Day IS COMING! Willoughby Middle Schools Day is Wednesday October 2nd - There are two different options for ordering this year.
- You can use this link to pre register and opt in to see your students photos once they are ready (approx 10 days after photo day) - You will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in Power School to log in - This online photo gallery link will give you lots of different options along with allowing you to see before you buy and the orders will ship right to your house https://my.photoday.com/gallery/willoughby-middle-
- If you prefer to place your order using an order form - the office does have some on hand feel free to have your student pick one up - please be sure to have your student bring the completed order form on picture day and give it to the photographer at the time of taking their pictures - these orders will be processed and delivered back to the school and sent home with your student approximately 3 weeks after photo day.
Student Spotlight
WMS Students to Participate in Kindness Rally
- This coming week a group of WMS Students will be attending The Kindness Rally at Mentor High School. Schools across Lake, Geauga, and Ashtabula Counties participate in the Kindness Rally, which is a student-led event designed to excite and inspire students to make a difference in their schools. We work hard to build a culture of kindness and compassion in all of our schools. Kindness rallies are important to our bullying-prevention efforts and our goal to create a safe environment where students can learn and grow.
Academic Focus
WECS Academic Resources
- Did you know the WECS website has a section overviewing academic supports and resources? Click Here to view resources surrounding curriculum, state testing, learning standards, and more.
WMS PTO Information
Our activities are only successful with your HELP! VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED!
- October 5: Craft & Vendor Fair - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Sign-up HERE
- November 22: Casino Night Fundraiser - PLANNING COMMITTEE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! This fundraiser can raise a significant amount for our PTO, and help is needed from soliciting raffle baskets/donations and sponsors, to building/organizing baskets, and decorating the space. Sign-up HERE TO HELP!
School Programs & Supports
WECS Community Activities
Are you looking for activities for your children? Interested in family programs in the community? There are so many options for Willoughby-Eastlake families, such as city departments of recreation, sports teams, scouting, camps and special events in all of our surrounding communities, plus so much more!
Information from approved organizations who host activities for Willoughby-Eastlake youth and the community are posted electronically. Paper flyers from organizations are not sent home with students. To access the flyers, visit the COMMUNITY link on the district and building website pages Community Activities Flyers
For specific information about the events, you need to contact the sponsoring organization. Flyers are updated periodically during the month so remember to visit often to check for new postings.
Enjoy what our community has to offer!
Parent Portal SchoolMessenger Support
- SchoolMessenger si the automated system used by Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools to make attendance calls and send district wide messages; such as school closings due to inclement weather and event reminders. You can manage your account through the parent portal in PowerSchool. If you need to update your contact number and make changes for communication preferences please click on the following link. CLICK HERE
Parent Feedback or Suggestions
Do you have any questions, suggestions, or want to thank a staff member? Please fill out the following form/survey: CLICK HERE