The Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 18 - May 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Happy Teacher/Staff Appreciation Day - 5/7
Thank you to everyone who has taken a moment to recognize our teachers and support staff's contributions to this community. The tokens of appreciation, delicious food, gift, and personal notes were so kind! We love serving the students in this community and are so proud being Butler Bears!
National School Nurse Appreciation Day - 5/8
This week, we took a moment to also recognize our School Nurse team! School nurses play a crucial role in bridging the gap between healthcare and education. We are so lucky to have Nurse Gina, Nurse Eileen, and Nurse Tara at Butler to care for us each day! Thank you, School Nurses!
Nurse Tara and Nurse Eileen
Nurse Gina
Happy Memorial Day - 5/27
Important Information
Mill Creek Blood Drive - Friday, May 24th
Mill Creek Elementary is holding a blood drive on Friday, May 24th. This drive is the 3rd annual for Finn, a Mill Creek staff member's son who recently finished his last treatment for leukemia! It's a celebration for him and supports other patients who need blood donations.
NAESP - Report to Parents: How to Talk About Mental Health with Children
The month of May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a time to raise awareness and reduce any stigmas about mental health issues that affect millions of people. The national campaign titled, "Take the Moment," focuses upon "...being present and in the moment to recognize and identify ways to help oneself reduce stress and lower anxiety. Many things can help an individual feel more empowered and balanced - like taking 5-10 minutes to walk, meditate, or practicing imagery."
In this month's National Association of Elementary School Principals - Report to Parents, the article, "How to Taal About Mental Health with Children," identifies signs, discussion strategies, and partnering practices with the school to help and support children. "Families have a powerful role in supporting their children’s mental and emotional health at home and at school. Learn signs that your child might be struggling and strategies to talk about mental health with your child..."
To read the entire article from the NAESP, please click here.
CB Realignment Plan - Community Update/Board Decision
Thank you to those who have provided feedback and helped guide our decision-making processes. The board also approved the Realignment plan to be implemented in fall, 2026. That plan includes:
• Realignment to a K-5, 6-8, 9-12 configuration. (Current grade configuration is K-6, 7-9, 10-12).
• Implement full day kindergarten in all elementary schools in fall, 2026.
• Establish a full day kindergarten pilot for the 2025-26 school year.
• The Administration will prepare a timeline of tasks to be implemented prior to fall, 2026.
To read the most recent press release about realignment, please visit here (3/13). If you have questions, concerns, or feedback, you can share it here.
Dr. Scanlon, Superintendent
CB's E-Friday Folder - Online Location for Community Offerings
To learn about programs, events, clubs, and athletic organizations in our local area, please be sure to check on e-Friday Folder by clicking here.
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
Central Bucks School District: Portrait of a Graduate
CBSD Portrait of a Graduate
- Balanced Individuals - February Focus
- Responsible Citizens - October Focus
- Resilient Learners - December Focus
- Critical Thinkers - January Focus
- Effective Communicators - November Focus
- Thoughtful Collaborators - March Focus
- Adaptable Innovators - April Focus
To learn more about our monthly Portrait of a Graduate Page, please click here.
Department News
Health Office Reminders
Hello from the Health Office! We wanted to reach out with a few reminders.
- Field Trips: Field Trip season is upon us! If your student has an epi-pen or inhaler that needs to accompany them on the trip, please send one in from home to our office.
- Health Screenings: All student health screenings have been completed for the year. To see your child’s results, please log onto the Parent Portal:
Reminders About Required Medical Forms for 24-25:
- All students rising into 3rd grade require submission of a dental examination form.
- All students rising into 6th grade require submission of a physical examination form.
- All students rising into 7th grade require submission of a dental examination form. Please email 7th grade dentals to cbunaminurses@cbsd.org.
- IMPORTANT: All forms must be dated on or after September 2023 and are *due by October 15th of the 24-25 school year*. These forms can be found on the Butler Health Office website.
- Butler Health Office
Spring Health Curriculum Update - 5th & 6th Grades
Dear 5th and 6th grade parents/guardians - This upcoming week, you will receive an email communicating that your child will be participating in health instruction in May (5th grade- HIV/AIDS; 6th Grade Human Growth and Development and HIV/AIDS). You will only need to complete the form if you would like to opt your child out of instruction. The opt-out form will be made available in parent portal on April 18. (Do not complete any form if your child is to participate.)
Support for Families - Contact our Student Counselor Department
Butler Elementary School Counselors are her to support students and families who are in need. If you are a family that needs support, please contact your School Counselor.
School Calendar & Building Updates
School Calendar
May Continued:
May 15 - Concert Series: Gr.1 - 6:30 PM; Gr. 3 - 7:30 PM
May 16 - Rita's Celebrity Scoop - Chalfont - 5:00 - 9:00 PM
May 19 - CBSD Kids Triathlon - CB South (Pre-Registrants ONLY)
May 20 - 6th Grade Visit to MBIT
May 21 - 6th Grade Orientation - Unami (Students Only)
May 22 - Field Day (Rain Date 5/31)
May 23 - Early Dismissal (Professional Development) - 12:25 PM
May 24 - Mill Creek Blood Drive (See Details Above)
May 24-May 27 - Memorial Day Weekend - Office Closed
June 3 - Band/Strings Concert - Grades 5&6 - 7:00 PM
June 7 - Move Up Day K-5 - PM-K attends in AM (In-School, Student Only Event)
June 12 - Volunteer Tea (8:30 AM) - Thank You Parent Volunteers!
June 12 - 6th Grade Promotion (7:00 PM)
June 13 - Half Day for Students - 12:25 PM Dismissal (Graduation Day)
June 14 - Last Day for Students (Half-Day) - 12:25 PM Dismissal
June 14 - Spirit Day - Beach Day! (Dress for the Beach)
June 14 - Kids Celebrating Kids Assembly - Student Assembly
August - Class Placement 2024-2025 - Date TBD
Have a Great Summer!
Butler Music Concert Series - Date Changes/Updates Gr. 1-4
Butler Update to our Spring Concert Schedule - Please Make Note Grade 1-4 Families:
May 15th evening performance of 1st grade “It’s a Zoo Out There” and 3rd grade “Circus ,Circus”.
1st grade evening show starts at 6:30 pm
3rd grade show starts at 7:30pm
**Great Show!!! - May 8th evening performance of 2nd grade “Sing Me A Story” and 4th grade “Earworm Extravaganza!” Show.
Rita's Celebrity Scoop - 5/16 - Thursday Night!
Please join the Butler Staff at Rita's in Chalfont on Rt. 202 - Thursday, May 16th from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm! A portion of the proceeds will support the school - so we hope we see everyone there! See schedule below:
5:00 PM-5:30 PM:
Michelle Warner, Megan Ford, Lexi Davenport
5:30 PM-6:00 PM:
Christie Patterson, Madison Zahustecher, Dave Filson
6:00 PM-6:30 PM:
Miranda Van Houten, Julia Fagan
6:30 PM-7:00 PM:
Deb Rosica, Juliette Camburn
7:00 PM-7:30 PM:
Sierra Bigler, Eric Guenst
7:30 PM-8:00 PM:
Jeanne Schlotter, Stephanie Byrne
8:00 PM-8:30 PM:
Lisa Hanna
8:30 PM-9:00 PM:
Kimberly Maduzia, Hayley Montana, Kaela Romani
Grand Families Support Group
Please see the community resource for grandparents who are raising children of loved ones. It's never too late to join during the spring dates!
CBSD Kids Triathlon - 5/19 (Register Closed)
Registration has closed for the CB Kids Triathlon - to be held on May 19th at CB South High School. This is a district-supported event that is only open to Central Bucks K-6 elementary school students. CBSD.org/triathlon
*FREE* CB South Titans Wrestling Sessions - K-8
Starting Friday April 26th (through June 7th), the CB South Titan wrestling program will be hosting a “Free” Friday night wrestling and play session for all interested students grades K thru 8 for 6-weeks!
- Grades K thru 4 - Arrive 5:45 PM - 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
- Grades 5 & 8 Arrive 6:45 PM - 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Students will learn, it’s not a matter of size, skill, or natural athletic ability. Champions come in all shapes and sizes! Participating schools include all buildings who feed into CB South.
Sessions held at CB South Wrestling Gym will combine wrestling-based drills along with gymnastic style games that introduce the sport to your child and begin forging the basic skills of our sport into future wrestlers. NO EXPERIENCE is necessary.
Wrestling more than any sport your child can compete in teaches and instills:
- Overall mental and physical fitness.
- Good listening skills.
- Self-confidence and independence.
- Self-discipline and respect for others.
- The ability to cope and deal with failure.
- The value of hard work in pursuit of one’s goals.
- Self-defense (Wrestling is the Ultimate Martial Art)
CB South Titans Volleyball Camp - June
Interested in learning more about Volleyball or enhancing your skills with a new sport? Join the CB South Titan Volleyball Teams - both boys and girls - for a focused and energy-filled experience. Please see details below - registration can be found on MyPaymentsPlus - CB South Volleyball!
CB West Cheer Camp for KIDS - June
West Cheer Academy
Grades 1-8
June 24, 25, & 26
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
CB South Field Hockey Camp - August 5-8 (Grades 2-9)
Registration Process: Go to www.mypaymentsplus.com. Once registered, click on the Events and Activities Tab on the left and search CB South Girls Youth Field Hockey Camp. Add it to your cart and checkout!
Each camper will receive excellent instruction from coaches and the current field hockey team, attention to detail, and a reversible camp pinnie.
Butler Spirit Day Calendar 23-24
Refer to this Calendar to anticipate Spirit Days for the year! **Updated dates for December and January.
Butler 2023-2024 Spirit Days
Check Here to see what the next event will be!
School Happenings
Spring Concert - Grade 2 & 4
2nd grade “Sing Me A Story” and 4th grade “Earworm Extravaganza!” took place on Wednesday, May 8th as we welcomed students and families to the stage for two incredible performances! Having performed earlier in the day at the all-school assembly, students had their dress rehearsal in preparation for the big night! That evening, the students shined on stage as they were led by Ms. Griffin, Butler Music Teacher. We had a great time enjoying the themes and performances!
Grade 2
Sing Me A Story!
Grade 4
Earworm Extravaganza!
Grade 4
Our String performers enjoyed their first official concert - under the direction of Mrs. Donna Hartzell - Wonderful performance from our amazingly creative sting performers!
Principal for the Day - 5/3
Friday, May 3rd was an exciting day as we welcomed Jacob M., 6th Grade, as this year's Principal for the Day. This recognition was determined during Spring Fair's Teacher Raffle and is always a popular award. Jacob got to oversee a fire drill, read to Kindergarten, hand out Birthday Pencils, and helped Mr. Funseth to supervise the day at Butler! Thanks for helping the school, Jacob!
Butler Town Hall Meeting - RESPECT
As part of our Positive Behavior initiative (PBIS), Butler Elementary continues to focus on our building-wide attributes and pledge! On Friday, May 10th, Butler had the honor of having some of our 6th Grade students lead the important message on RESPECT (from the "R" in "BUTLER")! With the direction of Ms. Augustine and Mr. Filson, the students shared their ideas of Respect and focused topics through an interactive audience experience!
The students led two programs for a primary and intermediate program identifying what it means to be a Butler Bear from those with the most experience in our school! Thank you to those students:
Butler PTO Spring Book Fair - 5/13-5/17
The Butler PTO strives to support the students at Butler Elementary throughout the school year - primarily by hosting student-friendly and family-friendly events for our Community. This week, the Butler PTO was able to provide a generous offer for $5 to every student at the Book Fair in purchasing a new book - thanks in large part to the well-attended events throughout the school year! Thank you to the PTO for promoting reading and for supporting our educational initiatives at Butler! Thank you to the community for joining us at our school!
Spirit Day - Disney Celebration! - 5/9
Students dressed in anything "Disney" to celebrate May! This may be one of the most well-dressed theme days of the year and students love to be in their favorite Star Wars, Princess, Pixar, or Mouse-Eared outfit that can be found. Thanks to all the students and staff who participated! Last Theme Day of the year will be June 14th - Beach Day!
4th Grade Crayola Experience & Lehigh Valley Trip
Fourth grade enjoyed a trip to the Crayola Factory where they continued their learning of canals, locks, and the assembly lines/factories as part of their Lehigh Valley trip. They also were able to imbed some Art Excitement by strengthening creativity with colors! At Crayola, students were able to name and wrap their own Crayola Crayon, mold different fun-shaped crayons, and create splatter art from different colors. The students were thrilled and excited to see their learning of these subjects come to life.
Grade 4 PEN - Invention Convention
4th grade PEN students have been hard at work the last few months engineering and marketing their own unique inventions! Teams worked to build their creations, and then plan advertising to pitch their ideas at the Invention Convention. They also worked collaboratively to complete some critical thinking and problem-solving challenges throughout the day. Our Butler Inventors were quite impressive!
6th Grade Camp America Field Trip - 5/13
Butler 6th Graders enjoyed a day outside on Monday, May 13th - where the children focused on enjoying exercise and fresh air at Camp America in Warrington! The students loved spending time with their friends as the school year starts to wind down - and their time at Butler is coming to an end. Besides the all-you-can-eat barbecue, the children enjoyed a myriad of outdoor activities including soccer, volleyball, basketball, mini-golf, paddle boats, and kayaks. It was such fun seeing the whole sixth grade class enjoying their time together.
Student Showcase
"I Learn Best By..." - Girl Scout Bronze Project - Bettering Butler!
Butler Student Shines at Local Academic Competition!
Paw Power Winners - 5/3 & 5/10
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
5/3 Winners: Jason M. (Kdg.), Ava K. (Gr.1), Kat G. (Gr.2), Emilia A (Gr.3), Freya S (Gr.4), Parker H. (Gr.5), Veronica H. (Gr.6), T-Shirt - Joanna C. (Gr.4)
5/10 Winners: Julian S. (Kdg.), Audrey L. (Gr.1), Chloe L. (Gr.2), Dominic L. (Gr.3), Aleksa M. (Gr.4), Mariah O. (Gr.5), Sasha K. (Gr.6), T-Shirt - Adela A. (Gr.3)
Congratulations to all students who earned Positive Paw Power awards!
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
District Details
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Administrative Assistant to Principal: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Administrative Assistant to Assistant Principal: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem
Central Bucks School District
Acting Superintendent: James Scanlon, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools