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Mrs. Hyler's Classroom News
Second Grade
Curriculum News
We will continue to read a balance of fiction and nonfiction texts for the remainder of the year. The children will focus on being able to answer the who, what, where, when, and how questions to reinforce comprehension. We will be reading a few titles from the Amelia Bedelia series and learning about figurative language, such as homophones and idioms. We'll also be learning a lot about deserts in our nonfiction unit. Students will be focusing on finding the main idea and details of different sections of texts about deserts.
We are using number lines and base ten blocks to add and subtract two-digit numbers. In the next couple of weeks we will be solving problems using two-digit numbers, and adding up to four two-digit numbers.
Word Study:
The second graders will be learning about the r-controlled syllable in the coming weeks (ar, or, er, ir, ur) and vowel teams (ea, oi, oy, ew, oo).
We will be writing opinion pieces next. The students will be able to state an opinion and give reasons to support their opinion. I will continue to model writing in paragraph form. The students are expected to write letters using the correct formation, on the appropriate lines, and using neatness. I have retaught how to form all letters correctly and on the lines. Please help reinforce this at home.
Solids and liquids is our next unit of study.
Social Studies:
Geography is our next unit of study.
Snow Day Activities!
- Read each day for at least 20 minutes! This is the most important practice to maintain!
- Write! Students can write imaginative stories, or journal about what is happening in their day at home.
- Have your child retell what they are reading, or summarize main idea of book/chapter.
- Practice addition and subtraction facts to 20.
- Check out the links I've attached below!
Halloween Candy Corn Relays!
At the Tree Farm!
Cookie Decorating Fun!
Dates to Remember!
April 22-26: Spring Holiday Break
Mrs. Hyler
Email: hylerm@wataugaschools.org
Website: https://www.wataugaschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 361 Jefferson Road, Boone, NC, USA
Phone: (828) 264-8481