Conroe High School Tiger Tracks
November 17, 2024
Hello Conroe Tiger Families,
As we prepare for the week before Thanksgiving, we would like to thank you for all of your support you have shown so far this school year. Your support is important in creating an environment where our students can thrive. I urge you all to consider ways you can support our CHS Staff, whether through involvement in school activities, open communication or reinforcing the importance of education at home. A united front between between our CHS Staff and our CHS Parents will definitely contribute to the overall success of our students.
If you would like to send a personalized thank you to one of your student’s teachers, the easiest way to do this is by creating a Teacher Achieving Excellence or T.A.E. submission. This is done by going to Parent Access Center, clicking on “Communication”, and then “Teacher/Staff Excellence”. You then have the option of selecting the teacher or staff member’s name. The message that you send will go directly to the staff member.
Here are a few updates and reminders:
Our Conroe High Staff Luncheons will take place on Wednesday, November 20th (CHS-9) and Thursday, November 21st (CHS Main) and PTO needs your help! You can help by signing up to volunteer, provide a dessert, a gift card (or door prize) or make a donation and PTO will shop for you. Our Conroe Tiger Staff and our PTO greatly appreciates your support! Have a great week!
Donation Link: https://thanksgivingluncheon.cheddarup.com
The Culture Club would like to invite everyone to the Multicultural Festival on Wednesday, November 20th from 5pm to 8pm in CHS Cafeteria. You’ll also find delicious food from cultural vendors and food trucks, along with fun activities hosted by the Chinese, Asian, K-pop, and Spanish cultural clubs. If you love boba tea, dumplings, steamed buns, Korean spicy rice cakes, fried rice, lo mein, and tamales, you definitely won’t want to miss this event! We can’t wait to see you there!
Juniors, the SAT School Day test is scheduled for this March. If interested, please register using the QR codes located on the flyers and TV's around school. The test is free for first time SAT testers. The deadline to register is January 23rd at noon.
Join KTIG for our Christmas flick on the field, December 4th at 6 PM. We will be showing The Grinch, what a great way to get in the Christmas spirit. Wristbands for the event can be purchased by scanning the QR code on the hallway tvs or by stopping by the paw print store. Wristbands will be $10 and are currently on sale. Remember, December 4th, the grinch, at Moorhead stadium. See you there.
- Senior ads are on sale now! Honor your senior by purchasing an ad in the yearbook online at yearbookforever.com. The deadline to purchase an ad is December 6. Email kgold@conroeisd.net with any questions.
- Please join us on Wednesday, November 20th for our Operation Graduation General Meeting at McKenzie’s BBQ at 6pm.
RESPONDING TO BULLYING - Webinar Presented By Stephanie Duer
Come learn more about bullying; what it is and what it isn't, and most importantly what to do about it! We will discuss warning signs, important trends, and laws. Resources will be shared and questions will be answered to assist parents and staff in finding more information and support. See the flyer below!
Click to Join: http://tiny.conroeisd.net/fxh7P
We appreciate your support with our Parking -Traffic Update last week! This will continue the remainder of the year. Also, if your child has a parking pass, please tell them to park in the correct lot. We will be revoking Parking Tags for those student who don't follow the rules. Students who park on campus without a parking tag may be towed.
CHS wants All Tigers to Achieve. A large part of student success is related to student attendance. We want to teach our Tigers all we can in the days that we have with them. Please encourage your student to attend every period to gain the knowledge they need to be successful. In the event your child does miss school, please be sure to email our attendance office or see the new Student Absence Reporting App information below. Also, please remind your child to get with their teacher about any work they missed. We would also like to remind you that your child will be at risk of losing credit and parents/guardians may have to go to court due to attendance.
CHS Main Attendance: CHSAttendance@conroeisd.net
CHS9 Attendance: CHS9Attendance@conroeisd.net
The Paw Print Store is selling winter apparel. See the flyer below!
As a reminder all students must wear their ID at all times: visible, chest level and above, on their person (not attached to a backpack or held in their hands). Students who do not have their ID will be required to purchase a temporary ID for $1. This charge will be applied to their school-cash account. You can see if your student has had to purchase any temporary IDs or any other fees by checking their school-cash account. If your student needs a new student ID, they need to go to their Assistant Principal's office so they can request a new ID.
SkillsUSA is working with Toys for Tots to collect toys now up until 12/10/24! Donations will be accepted at Conroe High School in room 1302 in the toy drop box. Make sure all toys are new and not gift wrapped. Food, chemicals, or realistic weapons will NOT be accepted. Contact onikadora@gmail.com with any questions.
If you need to apply for the free and reduced lunch program please visit the Conroe ISD Child Nutrition website. If you are in need of information regarding the program please see the attached flyers for information. Students who were on free or reduced lunch year and have not filled out an application and requalified have been dropped. If you need assistance please contact ndefensor@conroeisd.net at CHS and acarlito@conroeisd.net at CHS 9.
Child Nutrition offers meal service for breakfast and lunch to the children of Conroe ISD from EC-12th grade on a daily basis during the school year. Students are allowed 15 days (breakfast and lunch) to charge their meals. Once the 15-day charges have expired, the student is no longer allowed to charge.
Boys' Soccer Tryouts will be held December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at the Auxiliary Field. You will need to have a physical on file in order to participate. Please see Coach Pistor if you have any questions.
Conroe girls soccer will be having their tryout December 2 to December 4 from 2:35pm to 4:30pm in the auxiliary field. RankOne and a physical must be on file with the trainers. If you have any questions feel free to ask coach Stinson, Gutierrez, or Scott.
Please help our Conroe High Clubs and Organizations by attending a CHS Spirit Night Fundraiser or supporting a fundraiser. Details are below! See the flyers under CHS Events below!
- On Monday, November 18th, Citizens is hosting a fundraiser for Conroe High School!
- On Tuesday, November 19th, Conroe Boys Soccer is having a fundraiser at Panera!
- On Friday, November 22, Conroe DECA is having fundraiser at Panda Express!
- On Friday, December 6th, the Conroe Tiger Orchestra will be having a Holiday Gala! See the flyer below for additional details!
- The Golden Girls are having their Annual Winder Workshop on Saturday, December 7th. This workshop is for children Pre-K - 6th Grade. Click HERE for details!
The Golden Girls and Goldies are having a fundraiser with Little Caesars. Anyone who buys Little Caesars Fundraising Meal Deal Codes using this link contributes to the Golden Girl and Goldie Fundraiser. Plus, you save money on pizza, too. Click HERE for details.
Conroe Tiger Tennis has a fundraiser called RaiseRight. You can sign up to order physical gift cards, eGift cards and reloadable cards from RaiseRight, and a percentage of the sales goes directly to the Conroe Tiger Tennis Booster Club! Click HERE for details.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Please join us in congratulating the following students and student groups!
Conroe Rabbit Club - Jessica Skelton won BOB (Best of Breed) with her Blanc de Hotot at the American Rabbit Breeders Association National Convention that was held at the end of October. Way to go Jessica!
Conroe Bass Fishing Club showed up and showed out at their fishing tournament held on Saturday!
1st place high school with 44.15 lbs total
1st place team Preston and Jack 24.50lbs
1st place big bass Jack Cobler 9.56lbs
Conroe Tigers Football Team beat Aldine Davis in the Bi-District Round of Playoffs! They have advanced to the 2nd Round! This is the first time since 1999 that the Conroe Tigers have advanced to Area Playoffs in football!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us:
Conroe High School: 936-709-5700 or contactchs@conroeisd.net.
Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus: 936-709-4000 or contactchs9@conroeisd.net
We greatly appreciate your continued support!
Sic ‘em Tigers,
Tasha Smith
Principal, Conroe High School
Kevin Meyer
Principal, Conroe High School 9th Grade Campus
MISSION - Conroe High School is a safe and supportive environment that promotes diverse programs with rigorous expectations by instilling Tiger PRIDE!
VISION - All Tigers Achieve
Jessica Skelton - Conroe Rabbit Club
Conroe Tiger Bass Fishing Team
Be sure to CLICK HERE to view important updates and reminders from our CHS Counseling Team!
Conroe Basketball
Conroe High School
CHS Boys Soccer
Conroe High School PTO
Please join our CHS PTO!!! Joining is easy, please click the link below to join! To stay current on all things PTO, please join the CHS PTO Facebook Group. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO President Lisa Neal: ptoconroehighschool@gmail.com
CLASS INFORMATION - Grades 10 - 12
Important Information for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
Car Riders - Parents please be sure to look at the Student Drop-Off Map! Please plan for delays with the car rider line. Our doors will open at 6:45 and First Period begins at 7:15.
Parking Passes - Parking passes are only available for Juniors and Seniors who are eligible. If your child is driving to school please be sure they take care of everything they need to in order to purchase a parking pass. For information about parking passes, please click on the Parking Pass Info. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to Debra Gray-Baca: dlgraybaca@conroeisd.net
CHS Car Rider Map
Important Information For Freshmen
CHS9 Car Riders:
If you bring your student to school by vehicle, then please remember that the traffic loop in front of the Ninth Grade Campus contains two lanes. Vehicles can utilize the inside lane (left lane) to help alleviate traffic. When our duty personnel see students getting out of the vehicle from the left lane, we will stop traffic in the right lane allowing your student to cross safely. Please remind your student to check traffic before getting out of the vehicle. Parents, please continue to drive slowly and safely in the student drop-off area. We appreciate your attention to safety and patience every day.
PTO has limited supplies of their Class of 2028 shirts and hoodies. If you would like to purchase, you may do so here - https://my.cheddarup.com/c/class-of-2028-35572
CHS9 Car Rider Map
Mobile App
Stay in touch with CISD by downloading our new mobile app!
Download the app on your mobile device today and select ‘yes’ to receive push notifications with the latest news and updates from the District.
Key Features:
• Push Notifications - Select ‘yes’ when you download the app to receive the latest push notifications from the District.
• Calendar Events - Add events to the calendar on your personal mobile device directly from the calendar section on the app.
• News - Check out the latest District-wide and school news all in one place!
Conroe High School
Email: resmith@conroeisd.net
Website: chs.conroeisd.net
Phone: 936.709.5700
Twitter: @ConroeHigh