The Messenger

December 2024
A Message from the Principal
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break, filled with time spent with family and friends. As we head into the final weeks of the calendar year, the next few weeks will fly by quickly, and before we know it, winter break will be upon us.
This week, we are excited to continue our tradition of supporting the Anoka Christmas Committee, Inc. through our annual Great McKinley Coin Collection. The Christmas Committee always shares how generous the McKinley community has been over the years, and we hope to keep that tradition alive by providing support to families in northern Anoka County. Please encourage your children to participate and help us make this a successful collection.
Save the Date: North Pole Treasures Holiday Event
We are thrilled to invite you to our annual North Pole Treasures holiday event, which will also feature our BIZ Kid$ program! This exciting winter event will take place on Thursday, December 12, from 5:30 - 7:30 PM. It's going to be a festive evening with:
- Holiday gift shopping
- A silent auction
- Photos with Santa
- Cookie decorating
- Reindeer food making
- Pizza will be available for purchase from Mansetti’s
We hope to see you at McKinley for a night of fun and holiday cheer!
First Trimester Report Cards
Report cards for the first trimester are now available online! Please log in to your Parent Vue account to view your child’s progress. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. How to print report cards
Thank You for Your Support
A huge thank you to our entire McKinley School community for your generous support of this fall's fundraiser. Thanks to your efforts, we are able to purchase 130 new Chromebooks and 25 iPads. This technology upgrade will greatly benefit our students and enhance their learning experiences. We appreciate your continued support!
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to finishing the year strong!
District Kindness Poster Contest Winners
Congratulations to Gabe Zuk and Mayvis Yang on earning top honors for their Kindness Posters at their respective grade levels. They will be honored at the Anoka-Hennepin School Board meeting on Monday, January 27. Thanks to the generosity of the Horace Mann Insurance Company, Gabe and Mayvis will receive a prize at the school board recognition and their winning posters will be reproduced and shared across our district’s schools.
Again, congratulations to Gabe and Mayvis.
A Message from Mrs. Ness-Manary
This month's Character Strong trait is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Looking at someone else’s point of view is an important way for us to understand others. Perspective-taking is the ability to consider a situation from another person’s point of view. Perspective-taking skills we are building include:
- Working to understand what others may be seeing, thinking, or feeling in different situations.
- Considering how best to respond after understanding other people’s points of view.
One way to practice perspective-taking with your student is asking questions like, “What was that like for you?” or “What do you think made you feel that way?”
The Great McKinley Coin Collection is back again! This will run Monday, December 2 - Friday, December 6. All proceeds go to the Christmas Committee of Anoka County. You can find out more about the Christmas Committee here. Students are asked to bring in their coins (or dollars) to add to the collection. The grade level that collects the most money by the end of the week will win a popcorn party! Last year, we raised over $2700!
The Artful Bulldogs - Mrs. Thomsen
Our Kindergarten artists will continue to demonstrate the ability to use lines while also introducing how we add shapes to our art. In our first project of trimester 2, we will look at the pieces of work by the artist Maurice Utrillo. We will talk about the shapes that he uses to make buildings. Artists will draw a house with a one sided perspective, a roof and shapes to add details to the house. They will add their own details to make them cozy.
First Grade
Our learning target in trimester 2 is mastering shape. In our first project, our talented artists will create a cityscape using color construction paper. Students will show an understanding of geometric shapes by adding geometric shapes to their buildings. Ask your artists to find geometric shapes in your home or when you are driving around town.
Second Grade
Second grade artists will learn about the Element of Art, space, this trimester. Our first project will be a seascape. Students will be introduced and apply the concepts of foreground, middleground, and background. We will also learn about how overlapping creates depth in their artwork. This is a really enjoyable project packed with lots of
wonderful mediums and color.
Third Grade
Our third grade artists will explore and apply the Element of Art, pattern, this trimester. Artists will demonstrate the ability to draw 3D landscapes that use different types of patterns to make their own landscape design. We will learn about folk artist, Heather Galler. She brings beautiful color to her artwork and this project is inspired by her wonderful approach to pattern.
Fourth Grade
Our focus this trimester in fourth grade art is Contrast and Emphasis. Our artists will learn about contrast and Emphasis and how to create it in a work of art. Our first project will be an Amate Bird painting inspired by traditional folk art created by the Otomi and Nahua Indians of Mexico. Drawing one abstract bird as a focal point, or emphasis and then painting with bright, neon paint is used to create contrast with brown paper. These turn out so beautifully!
Fifth Grade
Our fifth grade artists will learn about the artist Jeff Koons and create a work of art in the style of Pop Art. This type of art is using objects from popular culture and everyday objects to connect to things going on in our world. These balloon dogs are iconic and I think they will really enjoy adding their own medium choices to this Pop Art project.
Explorations News - Mrs. Marano
December News
In Kindergarten, we will be starting a unit on motion and forces! Students will be learning that forces are pushes and pulls, and that using force causes motion to happen. What kinds of forces do you and your child use every day? Kids will be learning a game in class (“use a force” game) where I ask them to pull or push something. They LOVE this, and you can play it with them at home. Ask them to use a PULL force or a PUSH force. Then ask them what they moved! They may also enjoy being the one to ask you to show force :) We always specify that we use force in a way that is kind and doesn’t break things! Have fun together!
First Grade
We are just finishing our unit on plants with something very exciting–we are designing our own inventions based on plants! First graders were challenged to come up with some real-life problems, and then use a plant for inspiration to solve that problem. Your child will be so excited to share their idea with you as the final “exhibit” in their Museum of Leafology! Our next unit will be an animal unit. We will begin looking at unique animal body parts and their functions. Science is awesome!
Second Grade
We are investigating how some materials can change their properties with a change in temperature. In class, students are observing a crayon-making demonstration, and they would LOVE to tell you all about it! In addition to changing properties, we will be doing one more engineering challenge in December. We will be building not a tower, but a different structure this time!
Third Grade
Our students are enjoying learning about the effects of adding weight to moving objects. Ask your child about the swing investigations, and what happened when we added washers to our mini-swings! Up next, we are going to investigate how some objects can push and pull on each other without even touching. This learning will lead us into a challenge to design a game using non-touching forces!
PTO Updates
The PTO had a great turnout at the November 11, 2024 meeting. We voted to allocate the money from the Booster fundraiser to purchase 130 Chromebooks, 25 iPads plus accessories! Because of our great fundraiser we were able to add additional technology to the original ask. We couldn't have done this without support from our McKinley families.
Mark your calendars for North Pole Treasures on December 12, 2024. See the flyer for more information.
Students should be receiving their T-shirts in the coming weeks which will be perfect for field trips!
Finally, the PTO was also happy to fund the fourth grade Kindness Retreat this fall, and Mr. Miller reported that it was great to hear from the fourth graders how they can spread kindness.
We look forward to seeing more new faces at our next meeting on January 6th, 2025.
Volunteer Services Update - Mrs. Hanson
McKinley Apparel
Calendar of Events
- 2 -6 - Great McKinley Coin Collection
- 4 - Second grade field trip
- 12 - North Pole Treasures/BIZ Kid$
- 19 - Fifth grade field trip
- 20 - Staff Development Day - No school for students
- 23 - 31 - Winter Break
- 1 - Happy New Year - Last Day of Winter Break
- 2 - School Resumes
- 6 - PTO Meeting
- 16 - PTO Cherry Fundraiser begins
- 17 - Staff Development Day - No school for students
- 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - School District Closed
- 30 - PTO Cherry Fundraiser closes
This e-newsletter is published by McKinley Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.