Class of 2025
Senior Newsletter - December
Senior Newsletter - December 2024
Seniors, we are one third the way closer to graduation. We are very proud of your accomplishments, focus and resiliency. If you face challenges, know that your grade level team is here to support you and act as a sounding board if you need someone to talk things through. Strive to maintain a regular sleep and exercise schedule and eat a healthy diet for these are necessary for good mental and physical health. If you feel stressed, participate in activities to lower your anxiety like yoga, exercise, and meditation. We believe in you, Wolves. Keep up the good work and stay focused.
As we head towards winter break it's time to begin planning and looking forward to what comes next. Happy Holiday wishes to you and your families as we wrap up 2024 and look forward to 2025 and your graduation!
Senior Team:
John Malich, Assistant Principal
April Emerson, Dean of Students
Ashley Kasten, Counselor (A-K)
Nick Lyon, Counselor (L-Z)
Susie Nass, Career Counselor
Dave Goodwin
XELLO - High School & Beyond Plan
Log in via HelloID and complete the 12th grade lessons. Xello is a great way to figure out what your next steps should be, based on your goals and career pathway after high school. How well do you know yourself? Should you go to college, get a job, join the military or join an apprenticeship program? Teacher, A.I. specialist, Physio Therapist, Mechanic, Solar power engineer, Cyber crime stopper, Nurse... You may be surprised where your skills, talent, passion or hobbies lead you.
REMEMBER: ** The due date to complete Xello is January 24th - last day of 1st Semester **
Request A Copy of your Transcript
Send it to yourself and see what it looks like. Senior Grades matter!
It is not uncommon for colleges to contact students for an explanation if they see a drop in grades or rigor of coursework.
Visit the high school website Quick Links menu and follow directions to create your account in Parchment. This is how you access and transfer your transcript to any college of further education or military recruiter. Now and in the future.
Make sure to enter your SKHS student ID number and enter “2025” for the Grad/Leave Yr.
You will find a link to video tutorials and answers to FAQs online. If you still have questions, email:
Career Center Updates
A variety of college scholarships and grants are available to South Kitsap School District students throughout the year. Scholarships are posted in the Career Center at SKHS and online. They will be posted in order of due date and students are advised to check at least once a week for new postings.
Students should check out the Washington College Grant as well as the CSS profile to help with paying for college.
Need help with your FAFSA application?
For students interested in joining the military, they should begin by meeting with local recruiters for the branch they are considering. They will probably be told they will need to take the ASVAB to determine what skill sets and job best suit them for specialization while in the service. The ASVAB is offered at SKHS and students should visit the Career Center to sign up.
The Armed Services offer students many career and educational opportunities. When looking into these options, students should explore the wide range of programs available including enlistment opportunities, ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corp) scholarships, and GI Bill funding for higher education.
Yearbook Grad Ads
Yearbook Recognition Ads are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. In addition, revenues from Recognition Ads help our school create a better yearbook.
To purchase your ad online, follow the instructions listed below. Jostens is responsible for our school's yearbook ad sales. Please do not contact or send materials to the school. Your ad will be created directly through the Jostens website so you can upload those special photos. Please also consider our school's ad content guidelines during the creation of your ad online (no obvious logos because of copyright issues, no images depicting actual or implied drugs, alcohol, or weapons).
All orders for Yearbook Recognition Ads must be placed by 01/24/2025. Ads are placed through Jostens (not the high school).To place an order go to:
Full page $275
1/2 page $175
1/4 page $100.00
1/8 page $60.00
If you have already ordered your graduation items, THANK YOU!
If you haven't, it's NOT TOO LATE!
You can still place your order on
Have a wonderful holiday break!
Jostens - South Sound Team
Office 253-210-0575
Fax 866-381-9032
Parent Facebook Page
Families: Would you like to support, volunteer or just be kept in-the-loop? Senior class families play an important role in coordinating Grad Night, the Downtown Parade, Fundraising and planning for the senior class.
Join the "South Kitsap High School Seniors 2025" Facebook group.