RES Weekly Buzz
Happy Fall!
We enjoyed seeing many of you at Back to School Night this week. The teachers were happy to meet you and to have the opportunity to talk about their classrooms and this upcoming school year. It was nice to kick off the school year with a bit of normalcy and to welcome you all in person.
As the weather changes and cooler temperatures arrive, please remember to send your children into school with another layer to wear during recess. Please label these layers, as they are often misplaced. Lost and found can be located on the table at the school entrance.
We know that plans change and this sometimes happens at the last minute. Please let the classroom teacher or office know when your student(s) after-school plans or attendance at after-school programs have changed so that we are prepared for dismissal. Thank you for your attention to this.
We appreciate the support and the well-wishes we have received from many of you. Have a terrific weekend!
Amy & Jodi
Upcoming Important Dates
- October 10th: No School/Holiday
- October 11th: No School for students: Teacher Professional Development Day
- October 28th: Halloween Parade at RES 1:15 PM
- October 31st: Rain Date - Halloween Parade at RES 1:15 PM
Notes from the Nurse
- If you have not turned in your child's green health form to the RES health office yet, please do so right away!
- Please review the RPS COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols for this upcoming school year: RPS COVID Protocols 2022-2023. The RES health office is no longer offering in-school rapid COVID testing for students. If your child is demonstrating any symptoms of COVID, they should do a rapid test at home and follow the protocol linked above.
- COVID and influenza vaccines are not currently required for students in Massachusetts. However, they are both STRONGLY recommended, especially heading into the 2022-2023 flu season. Please consult with your pediatrician.
- If your pediatrician needs to fax any information or documents to the RES health office, the fax number is 978-546-3805.
- All RPS health forms may be found at the RPS health link: RPS Health Services.
- Please remember to send your child with a water bottle EVERY DAY for school!
- If you have any questions, please call the RES health office at 978-546-1223.
RPS expects that students attend school daily. Students who attend school regularly have been shown to achieve at higher levels than students who do not have regular attendance. Consistent attendance strengthens academic progress as students are present to participate in interactive class activities and discussions. While there are legitimate reasons that may cause a student to miss school, frequent absences quickly add up to learning loss. We ask that parents and students attempt to limit the circumstances that result in absence from school.
Before/After School Activities
Homework Club for Gr 3-5 in room G132 with Mrs. Trumbour. The schedule is as follows:
- Monday and Thursdays 3-4pm
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8-8:45am
Before/After School Activities Weekly Schedule
Parent Resources
- Your PTO needs your unique talents, whether it's volunteering a few hours a month or a few hours a year, serving on the board, or attending meetings. Find your pet project and join us! All communications from the PTO will be done via our email address of and our Facebook page under Rockport Parent Teacher Organization. We would love to have you join us! Please use this link to fill out a membership form: RPS PTO Membership Form.
Rockport New Years Eve Button Design Contest
Please go to this link: Rockport's New Year's Eve Button Contest or click on the picture to download the contest information.