The Call
Oct. 14-18,2024
Dear Colin Powell Academy Families,
I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your tremendous support during our recent Hispanic Heritage Fair. Your involvement played a vital role in celebrating our diverse cultures and making the event a success.
I also want to acknowledge the letter I sent on Friday, October 11, 2024, regarding an incident at our school. We hear your concerns, and I want to reassure you that the safety and well-being of our students and staff are our highest priorities.
As we continue to navigate this school year together, I invite you to join me for our Principal's - CPA Conversations (Chat and Chew ) on October 29, 2024. This will be a great opportunity for us to discuss your questions and concerns, as well as share updates on what’s happening at CPA.
Thank you for your ongoing support and collaboration.
Ms. Lattimore
School Climate Survey
Dear CPA Community,
This is a friendly reminder to complete the 2024 PGCPS Climate and Culture Survey if you haven't done so already. Your feedback is crucial in helping us create a positive and supportive school environment.
Students in Grades 4-12 families, and staff are encouraged to participate and share their school experiences, perceptions, and ideas. The survey is conducted in partnership with Hanover Research and is completely anonymous, ensuring your responses remain confidential.
The survey will be open until October 31. After completing the survey, you can enter a contest to win a prize. One winner will be chosen randomly. Please take a few minutes to participate and have your voice heard.
Thank you for your time and input. For any questions, please contact us at strategicplanning@pgcps.org.
English: bit.ly/24ClimateSurvey
Spanish: bit.ly/24ClimateSurveyES
French: bit.ly/24ClimateSurveyFR
Mon. Oct. 14
Arts Rotation 1- Selected Teachers
Cheer Tryouts (Cafeteria)
Girl Basketball Tryouts (3:45-4:45pm)
Flag Football 6-8th
Tus. Oct.15
Girl Basketball Tryouts (3:45-4:45pm)
NBCT Cohort Meeting @ CPA
Cursive Writing Club-Sambells
STEM Club- Ms. Rivers
Cheer Tryouts
Wed. Oct. 16- Unity Day (WEAR ORANGE)
Boy Basketball Tryouts (3:45-4:45 pm)
Soccer Begins (1-5th Grade)
Flag Football 6-8th) -outdoors
Flag Football (Grades 3-5th)- outdoors
Thurs. Oct. 17
Boy Basketball Tryouts (3:45-4:45pm)
Cheer Club (Grades 1-5th)
Friday, Oct. 18
School Closed- Professional Development Day
CPA PTO Meeting (Virtual)
Please check SeeSaw for Meeting Link
Wednesday, Oct 23, 2024, 06:30 PM
Attention 8th Grade Families
Curious about which program might be the best fit?
Join us at our Specialty Programs Showcase on Thursday, November 7 at Charles Herbert Flowers High School from 6 to 8 p.m. This event is the perfect opportunity to meet program coordinators, speak with current students, and learn about the diverse offerings available.
Important Application Windows
High School Specialty Programs: Apply now through December 13
Programas de especialidad en PGCPS
Las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George se complacen en ofrecer una variedad de programas de especialidad diseñados para despertar la pasión, fomentar el talento y preparar el camino hacia carreras profesionales prometedoras. Desde ciencias de la salud hasta artes, hay algo para cada estudiante.
¡Marquen sus calendarios para la presentación!
¿Tienes curiosidad sobre cuál programa es el más adecuado?
Acompáñanos en nuestra Presentación de los Programas de Especialidad el jueves, 7 de noviembre en la Escuela Superior Charles Herbert Flowers de 6:00 a 8:00 p. m. Este evento es la oportunidad perfecta para conocer a los coordinadores del programa, hablar con estudiantes actuales y aprender sobre las diversas ofertas disponibles.
Importantes plazos de solicitud de admisión
Programas de especialidad de la escuela superior: solicita tu admisión desde ahora hasta el 13 de diciembre.
LoterÃa de las escuelas chárter y los programas de especialidad de kÃnder a 8. º grado: del 1 de noviembre de 2024 al 7 de febrero de 2025.
LoterÃa del Programa de Talentosos y Dotados (TAG): del 16 de diciembre de 2024 al 12 de marzo de 2025.
¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de forjar tu futuro y dar el primer paso para desarrollar tu potencial!
Principal CPA Conversations
The purpose of our Principal's Chat and Chew is to create an open and welcoming space for parents to connect with school leadership and stay informed about what's happening at Colin Powell Academy. This informal session allows me to share important updates, upcoming events, and initiatives that impact our students. Please check See Saw for Meeting Link.
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024, 06:00 PM
Hello COLIN POWELL ACADEMY Family and Friends!
Our AWESOME READATHON Donation Fundraiser continues and we are super excited!! Thank you, for helping our school EXTEND our goal ($30,000)! This fundraiser will support students assemblies, PBIS rewards, our school store, and classroom activities .
You Can Still Donate:
- Make your donation now to set a good example for other potential donors to follow.
- SHARE your donation page with at least 10 family and friends with the email function on your donation page.
- From your donation page you can easily post on FACEBOOK, send TEXTS, and post to SOCIAL MEDIA!
Can’t find your student by name? Click HERE to register your student!à https://app.pledge-drive.net/Campaign/powell2024/register
Thank you for your generous support!
Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
As a reminder, please refrain from using the bus entrance and exit located on Swan Creek Road. This area is designated specifically for bus traffic to ensure the safety and efficiency of our dismissal procedures. Using this entrance for parent drop-off or pick-up can create congestion and increase the risk of accidents.
Your cooperation in following our designated traffic patterns is essential in maintaining a safe environment for all students, staff, and families.