Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- May 23rd, 2024
Prayer to Mother Mary for Protection
We fly to your protection, most holy Mother of God; please listen to our petitions and needs, and deliver us from all dangers, ever glorious and blessed Virgin Mary.
Mary, our model and mother, by your obedience and patience you have taught us how to be true children of God. Please help us by your powerful assistance to overcome all our weaknesses, and to fulfill perfectly our tasks in life.
By your compassionate aid may we ever stand in spirit with you beneath the cross of Christ so that we may also rejoice with you in your divine Son’s triumphant victory over sin and death.
In your maternal kindness help us to be faithful to prayers in the company of God’s Church as you were one with the Apostles in the upper room as you waited for the promised Spirit of Pentecost.
With your gracious assistance may we be near you in the glory of Christ’s kingdom come to sing with you and all the faithful the eternal praise of God. Amen.
Lead: O Mary, conceived without sin,
Response: Pray for us who have recourse to you.
AmenA Note from Mrs. Longden
Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday. Remember that grades have value, but we are most focused on each student working hard and engaging daily in learning and growth. The purpose of education is not to earn a good grade, but rather to grow in wisdom and virtue. Grades are simply one indicator of progress among many. This is a team effort with all of us working together to support our students. If you have any questions, please let us know.
As we close out this school year, I would like to call to mind the Bible verse, “Say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and fortress, my God in whom I trust’” (Psalm 91:2). I feel that it has been especially appropriate this year, and we have truly experienced the Lord as our refuge and fortress in the midst of extraordinary times. We have been able to witness the Lord's providential love protecting our community and blessing our school year. As we move into the summer months, I would like to thank our parents for trusting us with your precious children, it turned out to be a year rich with blessing. May all of our families have a blessed and relaxing summer, and we look forward to welcoming you back in August! On behalf of all of the faculty, staff, and students of Holy Trinity Catholic School, we thank you for a great year and wish you an amazing summer.
A Note to Our Graduates (and Parents)...
We are so proud of your hard work and accomplishments! Some of our parents share their child's placement results for their freshman year of high school to thank us for the preparation they received at Holy Trinity. We love to hear about your success stories in and out of the classroom! You will always be a valued part of our school and its history! So, (parents & graduates) PLEASE keep in touch with your little parochial school home at Holy Trinity directly and/or through social media. We love you, and we can't wait to hear about all of the exciting things you'll be doing! ❤️❤️
Mrs. Longden
As a culmination to our theme this year, we are planning a Eucharistic Procession after Mass on Friday, May 24th, 2024. Holy Trinity Catholic School's Student Council members are inviting you to join us for Mass at 7:45 am and a Eucharistic Procession to follow. After Mass we will have a procession around Kewaskum while praying the rosary and singing hymns.
Please gather in Father's driveway and we will get in order to process together.
In case of inclement weather, we will process inside the church and school.
See you there!
Great to be Grateful
Family Folders
Thank you for promptly returning your Family Folders.
We appreciate your cooperation with this method of communication throughout the year.
8th Grade Graduates
Congratulations to our 8th grade graduates!
*Brynn Evans
*Si Qi Gundrum
*Zachary Hein
*Addison Melzark
Graduation is on Tuesday, May 28th at 1 PM
Not pictured: Brynn
5K Graduates
Congratulations to our 5K graduates!
Graduation is on Tuesday, May 28th at 4 PM
Band/Orchestra Interest
For students who will be in 4th-8th grade in the 2024-2025 school year.
Earlier this year we asked for interest in band/orchestra.The plan for the first year, 2024-2025, would be to have individual or small group lessons to begin with the basics of music reading and instrument play. We will then work on creating a band/orchestra.
There will be a parent meeting in the fall.
This is a work in progress and we are thankful for your patience as we work on ways to bring this to Holy Trinity.
Please fill out the survey attached if you are interested.
State of the School Report
See the attached document with our State of the School Report for 2023-2024.
Tutoring Opportunity
Sue Goeden has worked with students at Holy Trinity for reading tutoring and is available for tutoring this summer.
If you are interested in tutoring for your child, please reach out to her at 262-689-3594 or by email at dsgoeden@gmail.com.
Art Show
Check out the pictures from the Art Show!
Thank you to Mrs. Sandvold for her hard work with the students and putting this together!
Last Day of School
The last day of school for 3K, 4K, 1st-7th grade is Wednesday, May 29th, 2024.
Dismissal is at 10:30 A.M.
We will not have busses for dismissal that day.
If your child(ren) will be going home with someone other than parents, please let the office know. You can call, email (holytrinityschool@htschool.net), or send a note with your child.
Questions, please let us know.
Thank you.
Social Fest Class Baskets
Social Fest Auction
Class Baskets:
Class projects this year will be a basket provided by each class.
We are looking for one parent from each class to help with the organizing and execution of this auction item. We will be combining Middle School (6th-8th grade) as one basket.
Tasks include:
- Decide on a theme/idea for the basket
- Ask other class parents for items to fill the basket
- Email classroom teacher so they know what is coming and how to help
- Fill the basket and return to school by July 16th, 2024
Each class basket will have a unique theme. The goal is for the entire class to help solicit the items to fill the basket. Maximum value of the basket would be $500. Please see how you can help.
We are hoping these themed baskets will be a BIG HIT in our Auction again this year...these baskets can range from a night on the town for Mom and Dad, to a family trip to Virginia Beach, and a Family Game Night basket for everyone to enjoy, plus much, much more! We are asking that all parents participate in some way to support your class basket. Parents can purchase gift cards or vouchers for the basket, or donate money that will go toward the purchase of items. Questions? Have an idea for a donation for your class basket?
Thank you to those parents that have volunteered.
Staff Updates
Mrs. Anderson has chosen to move on from Holy Trinity Catholic School. We wish her the best of luck in her next adventure.
Mrs. Buechel will be moving out of the office and going back into the classroom.
Holy Trinity Catholic School is hiring dynamic and passionate teachers to fill our open positions.
We are also looking for someone to fill our office positions.
This is an exciting opportunity to join a faith-based, mission driven organization. Our goal at Holy Trinity is to develop students who excel personally, academically, and spiritually. We value prayer, service, and love, and aim to develop students who are life-long learners and compassionate leaders.
If you are interested in a position or know of someone who might be, please contact Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net or call the school office at (262)626-2603.
Little Folks After School Care 2024-2025
Little Folks offers after school care at Holy Trinity.
This next school year they will be able to offer it for children that are 4 years old and older.
If you are interested in this, please reach out to Little Folk at (262)626-4023.
There will be no SCRIP order on Monday, May 27th as it is Memorial Day.
Summer Ordering:
June 3rd
June 10th
July 8th
July 22nd
We will have some SCRIP cards in the office for sale if needed. Please call the school ahead of time to see if we have what you need!
Flower Sale
Thank you to all that purchased flowers during the Home and School Flower Sale.
We made $4,537.25 on the fundraiser.
2024-2025 School Calendar
Attached is the 2024-2025 School Calendar.
Please note, it is subject to change.
You will receive a copy at the end of the year.
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, May 23rd - Field Day (Wear Athletic Clothes)
Friday, May 24th - Mass (Eucharistic Procession after Mass)
Monday, May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28th - 8th Grade Graduation (1 PM)
Tuesday, May 28th - 5K Graduation (4 PM)
Wednesday, May 29th - Mass
Wednesday, May 29th - Last Day of School - Dismissal at 10:30
Calendar of Cash
May 16 - Hattie Marx
May 17 - Todd B Griesbach
May 20 - Ivan Geidel
May 21 - Mona Davidson
May 22 - Steve Backhaus
Calendar of Cash 2024-2025
Calendar of Cash tickets are available for the 2024-2025 school year!
How does Calendar of CA$H work?
*Tickets are sold $20 each, now until August 28th, 2024 at 8:00 A.M.
*Sale of tickets cannot be accepted after 8:00 A.M. on August 28th, 2024.
*Total of $10,000 is given away in 181 days, next school year 2024-2025.
*You have 181 chances to win and multiple days as your ticket is put back in if you win!
Parish/School Events Flyer
Please see the attached with events happening within the Parish and School.
Kewaskum Public Library Happenings
See the attached with a calendar of events and information regarding the reading program at the Public Library this summer!
Camp Chesterton 2024
Camp Chesterton 2024. See the attached flyer for your communications about our summer one-day camp for kids ages 8-12. We will have Mass, games, lunch, age-appropriate virtue talks, house competitions, and more! It will be a day filled with summer fun, faith, and a glimpse at our joy-filled Chesterton Academy community. Cost is $50, register online here: Camp Chesterton — Chesterton Academy of Milwaukee (chestertonacademymke.org) by May 31. Cost includes T-shirt and lunch.
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603