Mustang Memo
November 18, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear MOQ Families,
As we embrace the season of gratitude, our school theme, Finding God in All Things, calls us to recognize Godโs presence in acts of love and service. This week, weโre living out that mission through the Operation Others food drive. Thank you to our families for supporting this mission to provide holiday food boxes to families in need. Our spirit of service continues next Monday with the MOQ Spirit Dress Donation Day. Students are invited to wear MOQ spirit gear and bring a small monetary donation to support the Human Needs Christmas Family project. With a full week of school ahead before our Thanksgiving break, itโs a wonderful time to reflect on our blessings and share them with others.
On Friday, parents of students in grades 1-8 will receive an email with the Quarter 2 progress reports. This mid-quarter report will provide a snapshot of your childโs growth and achievements thus far. Please take a moment to review the report with your child(ren). As always, do not hesitate to reach out to your childโs teacher with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your continued partnership in nurturing both faith and learning at MOQ!
Go Mustangs,
Maureen Hoy
7th Grade Cell Project in Mrs. Monzingo's Science Class
World Cup Stacking Competition in PE
Turkey Handprints in Kindergarten
Science Magnets in Mrs. Altenhofen's 3rd Grade
7th & 8th Grade Attending Jason Evert Presentation
Figurative Language Writing Outdoors with Mrs. Meysenburg
Upcoming Events
November 18-19: Operation Others Food Drive
November 18: Journalism Club 3:15 PM
November 18: Robotics League Play 4:15 PM
November 19: Jr Legion of Mary 3:15 PM
November 19: Robotics Practice 3:15 PM
November 19: Creative Writing Club 3:15 PM
November 20: Choir Practice 3:15 PM
November 21: All School Mass 9:30 AM
November 21: Chess Club
November 21: SmartGen Society Parent Presentation 6:30 PM
November 22: Progress Reports Emailed to Parents (Gr. 1-8)
November 22: Math Club Practice 3:15 PM
November 25: MOQ Spirit Dress Day/Christmas Family Donation Day
November 26: Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast
November 26: MOQ Staff vs 8th Grade Volleyball Game 2:00 PM
November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
Operation Others Food Drive Nov. 11-19
MOQ students are supporting Operation Others with a Food Drive service project that runs from November 11-19th. Operation Others is an organization of area Catholic high school students working with our community to provide meals for over 1,200 families during the Christmas season. Donations are assigned to grade levels as follows:
Preschool-Gr. 2: canned fruits/vegetables
Grades 3-5: canned soup and pasta
Grades 6-8: peanut butter and jelly
Students from the area Catholic high schools will collect the MOQ School donations on Thursday, November 21. They will also share an Operation Others presentation with our students on Tuesday, Nov. 26th. Thank you for your support of this service project.
MOQ Sprit Dress Day and Christmas Family Donation Day - Monday, Nov. 25
Students are invited to show their MOQ School spirit next Monday - Nov. 25. Students and staff can wear their favorite MOQ shirt or sweatshirt AND bring a donation for the Christmas Family service project. Funds raised will be used to purchase Christmas gifts and food for a family in need. We are grateful to the MOQ Human Needs Committee for providing our students this service opportunity. Let's hear it for the Mustangs!
SmartGen Society Parent Presentation - November 21
Attention parents! We are so excited to be partnering with Omaha-based nonprofit, Smart Gen Society, to provide you with a FREE workshop about how to keep your child safe online.
This engaging workshop will teach you how to keep your students smart, safe and private in todayโs 24/7 digital world. The following topics will be presented:
- Digital Branding: How to build a positive digital brand to protect reputation and future opportunities.
- Communication: How to create open lines of communication with your kids about online safety.
- Safety: How to protect your family's privacy, safety, and mental health.
Be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30 p.m
Bridge the Gap
Your Watch Your Email for Details on MOQโs Bridge the Gap Annual Giving Program!
As we approach Thanksgiving, we reflect on how grateful we are for the unwavering support of our MOQ Parish and MOQ School families. Your dedication and generosity continue to inspire and uplift our community. Weโre excited to share details about our MOQ Bridge the Gap Program via email today.
This important program supports our mission to provide an exceptional education while covering the true cost of educating each student. Your participation makes all the difference!
๐ง Keep an eye on your inbox for ways you can help us reach our goal and make a lasting impact.
Together, letโs Bridge The Gap and ensure the bright future of our school community. Stay tuned, and thank you for all you do to support Mary Our Queen!
K - 5 Christmas Cantata: Mark Your Calendars!
Our annual Christmas Cantata will be performed on Friday, December 13! Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will perform at both 8:30 AM and 2:00 PM in the MOQ Gym. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us at either performance. The program will be live streamed and recorded.
This year's Cantata, titled "Not So Simple Gifts," is set to inspire the true spirit of Christmas in everyone. Please have students in grades K-2 and 4-5 in attire that would be appropriate for a Christmas Mass. (Grade 3 will receive a separate attire email.)
The schoolโs non-uniform guidelines must be followed, and in addition, jeans, yoga pants and t-shirts with words may not be worn. We look forward to celebrating this joyful season with our school community.
Kindergarten 2025-2026: Enrollment and Roundup
Formal registration for Kindergarten will begin in January. However, we are anticipating a waiting list and want to ensure that our current families have a spot. If you have a child eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year, click HERE to complete the short survey and reserve a spot for Roundup.
Kindergarten Roundup is February 21, 2025.
Art Pop-Up Camps:
To register for the Christmas Art Club on Dec 11 & 18th, pop-up, click HERE.
Math Club:
- Practice is Friday, Nov. 22nd, 3:15 - 4:15. Interested students in Grade 6 math (5th Grade Advanced Class) and higher, please meet at the outdoor classroom.
- The last day for 3rd - 5th graders to sign up for the December Catholic Math League test is Wed. Nov. 27th: Click HERE to register.
- Last week we had a record number of students participate in the Central High School Math Contest. Special congratulations to Lyla Fullenkamp who guessed the number of candies in the jar within 1. Also, congratulations to Anna Pinker and Emily Strudl-Buhrman for winning most creative team name - 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 5820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647 0938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489 54930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165 271201909145648566923460 (Yes...that is the first 84 digits of pi from memory!)
The team delivered another impressive performance at the Marrs Middle School VEX IQ Tournament, showcasing both skill and collaboration throughout the competition. Team 985M and 985P demonstrated exceptional teamwork, earning first and second place in the teamwork matches, respectively, highlighting their ability to work seamlessly together under pressure. In the skills competition, 985M took first place while 985P secured second, underscoring their technical expertise and strong problem-solving abilities. Additionally, in the middle school division, Team 985B earned second place in both the teamwork and skills competitions, further solidifying the team's depth of talent and commitment to excellence. Wiley, James, Franco, Caleb, John Maeve, Lyla, Grace, Jane, Cat, Trevor, Gabe, Connor, Kroy, Arthur, Sam, Ben, Nate and Isaac.
Cafeteria News
- Our next pizza lunch is scheduled for this Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Students wanting to purchase an extra slice of pizza, must bring their money to school on Tuesday, Nov. 19th. Students in grades K - 3 can only purchase 1 extra slice of pizza. Students in grades 4 โ 8 can purchase up to 2 extra slices of pizza. The price of a slice of pizza is $2.00. Pizza money should be brought to school in an envelope or sandwich bag. The studentโs first name, last name and grade must be written on the envelope/sandwich bag. If you have several students getting extra pizza, feel free to send the money with one student, as long as the name, grade and number of pizza slices is provided for each student. Money should be turned into the homeroom teacher.
- THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered in the cafeteria. The time you donate to the lunch program is truly appreciated. There are still a few spots available in November. Thank you in advance. The SignUp Genius link is here. The SignUp Genius link for January 2024 to May 2024 will be published soon!
Michelle Zaleski
Extended Care News
Morning Care Reminders
Drop off for Morning Care begins at 6:15 am, please use the southeast door (#3) of the Early Childhood Education and Youth Center. As always, please drive slowly and use extra caution as you enter and leave the parking lot or parking space across from the building.
Break Care Information
We will NOT be open for Break Care on Tuesday, November 26th for Preschool/PreK students. You will not be charged for Aftercare on the date for Preschool/PreK students.
Please sign up for Christmas Break care as soon as possible. Spots are filling up quickly! Please note we are not open for Break Care over Thanksgiving Break. We want to give our staff this time to celebrate with family and recharge for the remainder of the semester. All Christmas Break Care dates are located on the December Calendar. (Including January dates)
January Calendar
Ashley Rosenthal
Extended Care Director
Raise Right - Home and School Fundraiser
๐ Give the Gift That Gives Back to MOQ! ๐
Do you or someone you know love giving gift cards for Christmas, birthdays, or just because? Does your business gift cards to employees or customers? Are you planning a big purchase? Let Mary Our Queen's Raise Right Program make it easy and meaningful!
Hereโs how it works:
Gift cards are available in increments from $5 to $1,000, with over 1,000 stores to choose from!
A percentage of every purchase is donated to MOQ School, directly supporting our students.
For example, if you purchase 4 - $25 gift cards to Bath and Body Works, MOQ School receives $12!
๐๏ธ Christmas Order Form Coming Soon! A Raise Right order form will be sent home with students this week. Share it with family and friends to help them enjoy one-stop gift card shopping while supporting our school. To view the forms and list of retailers, see the form below.
๐ Order anytime! Contact Lisa Leighton at lml13@live.com or 402-880-6476 for more details.
๐ Start your holiday shopping and support MOQ School at the same time! For a list of participating stores and brands, see below.
#RaiseRight #GiftCardsWithPurpose #SupportMOQ #OneStopShopping
MOQ Parent Volunteer Program
We are blessed to have so many members of our community willing to lend a helping hand! So far this year, 59 families have reported a total of 756 hours of service. Have you recorded your (and your family's) service hours on your FACTS family dashboard? Each family is encouraged to donate 15 hours of volunteer time at MOQ School. For more details, click HERE to read the MOQ Family Volunteer Program Handbook. Thank you!
Wonderful Wednesdays: Help brighten up our teachers' week with this special program. Sign up HERE.
Used Uniform: Help us keep the used uniform room tidy to allow families to find items easily AND to allow staff/teachers to use the room throughout the school day. Sign up HERE.
K-8 CAFETERIA: Click HERE to sign up, and THANKS for volunteering! Please enter the cafeteria through door #9.
PRESCHOOL/PRE-K CAFETERIA: Click HERE to volunteer for the Preschool/Pre-K lunch.
CGS PRESCHOOL ATRIUM: To volunteer in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium, please contact Mrs. Hannah Casey at hcasey@moqchurch.org.
Art Room: Contact Mrs. Robinson at jrobinson@moqschool.org for information and schedule.
All volunteers need to be Safe Environment certified.
Christmas Choir for "Midnight Mass"
Celebrate the birth of our Lord with a beautiful musical offering at the 10:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass at SJV. This year, weโre excited to unite the talented singers from SJV and MOQ in a special Combined Christmas Choirโand YOU can be a part of it!
๐ Who can join?
Open to adults and high school students who love to sing and want to share the joy of the season through music.
๐ถ Rehearsal Schedule:
๐ Monday, December 9th - Rehearsal 1: MOQ Church, 7:00 PM
๐ Monday, December 16th - Rehearsal 2: MOQ Church, 7:00 PM
๐ Monday, December 23rd - Rehearsal 3: SJV Church, 7:00 PM
๐ Tuesday, December 24th - Christmas Eve! Arrive at SJV Church by 9:00 PM. Prelude begins at 9:30 PM, and Mass starts at 10:00 PM.
๐ค Why join?
This is a wonderful opportunity to share your voice, deepen your faith, and celebrate the season in a meaningful way. Whether youโre a seasoned singer or simply love to praise through song, we welcome you!
๐ง Ready to sing? Contact Renee at rspicka@moqchurch.org for more details.
Letโs make a joyful noise together and spread the spirit of Christmas! ๐ต๐
MOQ Bowling Team
Strike up some Fun with the MOQ Bowling League!
Exciting news! We're launching an MOQ bowling team for 5th-8th graders! Practices will be held twice a week, with multiple tournament opportunities available. The cost is $375 per child, which includes a team bowling shirt, practices, and tournaments. If your child prefers not to participate in tournaments, we can offer a practice-only price. The season runs from late November through February.
For any questions, feel free to reach out to Andrew Labs at eliteimprovementsne@gmail.com or call 531-777-0163. Letโs strike up some fun!
High School Happenings
Fall Activities at Marian
Marian Dance Team Clinic
Saturday, Nov. 23 | 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Marian Gym
Grades 2nd-8th
The Marian Dance team is hosting a rookie clinic. Your $50 registration includes a clinic shirt (not guaranteed after 11/1), team craft, lunch and fun. We will close with a spirit showcase for family and friends from noon-1 p.m. Register here.
Visit Days
See for yourself what itโs like to be a Marian girl โ spend the day with a current student. Visit days are open for 7th and 8th grade girls in the fall semester and 6th - 8th grade girls in the spring semester.
Please allow three daysโ advance notice for student visits. Schedule your visit here.
Fall Activities at Duchesne
Duchesne Academy invites middle school girls to our upcoming events:
8th Grade Entrance Exam Test Prep Class and Parent Meeting โ November 18th, 6:00 โ 7:30 PM. Students will learn tips and tricks for taking this standardized test from our academic counselor.
Future Cardinal Fan Night: Christmas Concert - December 9th 6:30-8:00 PM. Tis the season for beautiful music! Enjoy festive performances by our choirs, string ensemble, and more.
Deck the Halls - December 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM Celebrate the season with gingerbread houses, merry music, and treats! This event is open to 7th and 8thgrade girls.
Register for these events at duchesneacademy.org/admissions. For questions, contact Maggie Vazquez at mvazquez@duchesneacademy.org
Fall Activities at Mercy
Sign up for Mercy's 6th & 7th Grade Practice ACT Exam AND the 8th Grade Scholarship & Placement Exam!
Registration is now open for Mercy High School's upcoming exams on January 11, 2025, from 8:00am to 12:00pm.
- 6th & 7th Grade Practice ACT Exam: A great way for students to get a feel for the ACT format!
- 8th Grade Scholarship & Placement Exam: A chance for 8th graders to be considered for scholarships and placement at Mercy High School.
To sign up, please visit:
Mercy Admissions - Recruitment Events
For more information or questions, please feel free to contact our Director of Admissions, Ms. Sammi Marousek at marouseks@mercyhigh.org or call 402-553-9424.