Cortland Eagle Express 💛🖤💛
October 7 - October 11
Message from the Principal
Citizenship reports will come home on Monday since there is no school on Friday, October 4th.
There are only 7 days left in the 9 weeks. Please make sure your students are caught up on all their work especially if they have been absent.
Academic growth is just as important as social growth. Listed below are a few ways you can help your student grow socially. A positive school environment is a crucial part of a positive learning environment and can help be created by your student.
What does it mean to be a good classmate?
1. Remind your student to use kind words and not to say hurtful things, even if they are joking.
2. Teach them to be accepting of differences and to avoid judging or excluding others.
3. Encourage them to invite others to join their activities and games and to make sure no one is left out.
4. Remind them to avoid retaliation or escalating the situation and to seek help from the teacher if needed.
5. Encourage your student to be a leader and positive role model for their peers.
What a great week we had for College Go Week! We love when our Cortland Eagles Always C.L.I.M.B. every day! A special Thank you to Mrs. Nicholson for organizing our dress-up days for College Go Week!
Field trips
Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department
All School Field Trip
Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department
Thursday, October 10, 2024
We will take a field trip to Hamilton Township Volunteer Fire Department on Thursday, October 10th. We will learn about a volunteer fire department, fire safety, tour the fire station and learn about being a volunteer firefighter!
Kindergarten - Seymour Fire Station
Seymour Fire Station
Friday, October 11, 2024
Our Kindergarten class will take a field trip to Seymour Fire Station in Seymour on Friday, October 11th; they will learn about fire safety, tour the fire station and learn about being a firefighter!
4th Grade T C Steele
4th Grade
T C Steele Field Trip
Friday, October 11, 2024
Students will need to bring a blanket or towel to sit on while sketching and eating lunch. Students are reminded to dress accordingly because most of the day will be spent outside.
News from the Library
The Scholastic Book Fair is starting soon. Beginning October 7th, Parents/Guardians can go ahead and set up a Book Fair eWallet account, for their child in preparation for the Scholastic Book Fair. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/cortland
Reminders from the office
If your child will be absent from school, please call us at 812-522-7483, or send an email to Mrs Bonita Kleber, kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us to report an absence.
If you contact the teacher, please let the office know as well. If the office does not receive notification from the parent/guardian or a doctor’s note, the absence will be unexcused.
If you are taking your child to a doctor’s appointment, please return the doctor’s note to the office.
Turn in when you bring your child to school after an appointment.
Send the note with your child the following day, if the appointment is at the end of the day.
Take a picture of the note and email it to Mrs. Kleber at kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us
The doctor’s office can fax a copy of the note to 812-522-6164.
If your child has been tested positive for Strep, Flu, or COVID-19, this note will let us know when your child can return to school. With a doctor's note these are marked in attendance as Doctor/Dentist Excused. Without the doctor’s note, they will be marked as Parental excuses for attendance.
Extra Curricular Activities
Practices - during bus stations
Monday, October 7th
Wednesday, October 9th
Cortland Robotics Team Members: 3rd Grade: Macee F., Cameron G., Oliver K., Curry K., Colton R., 4th Grade: Olive C., Thatcher D., Jacob H., Xavier M., Gabriel M., Alden M., Emily M.
Cortland Eagles Information - Click on icons below
Message From The Cafeteria
All Seymour Community School students Breakfast FREE of charge
All Seymour Community School students Breakfast FREE of charge
Breakfast is served from 7:45 - 8:10
Please encourage your student(s) to participate in this opportunity!
Cortland Breakfast & Lunch Menu
My Payments Plus
Meal account deposits for lunch, milk and extras. Please discuss with your child to let them know if they are allowed to have extras if there is money available in their account.
Free & Reduced School Meals Application (2024-2025 School Year)
Lost and Found
SCSC Information and Important Forms
Important Printable forms
Forms can be printed or filled out online and emailed to the office at kleberb@scsc.k12.in.us
After School Community Opportunities
Boys and Girls Club Basketball Registration Closes October 14, 2024.
Seymour Youth Basketball Registration can be mailed to:
Boys & Girls Club of Seymour, 950 N. O'Brien Street, Seymour, IN 47274
or You may drop by Boys & Girls Club, from 9 am to 7 pm, Monday through Friday, to sign up.
Seymour Community Schools Athletics and Performance Information
Click on the link to see when and where you can watch our Cortland Alumni.
Seymour High School Fall Sports - Cortland Alumni
Lady Owls Cross Country - AnnMarie Shuler (Junior), Izabella Long, Aidda Schepman (Freshman)
Lady Owls Soccer - Elsie Herbert (Sophomore)
Cortland School Hours
7:45 AM - Arrival Bell (Students should report to the cafeteria for breakfast or gym)
7:45 AM - 8:10 AM Breakfast served
8:00 AM - Office Opens
8:15 AM - Tardy Bell (Parents must sign their student in by scanning the QR code and filling out the Check-in form. You can click on the QR code to go straight to the form to fill out or to save on your smartphone.)
8:15 AM - Classroom instruction begins
3:15 PM - Dismissal Bell (Kids Klub, Car riders & Early bus)
3:25 PM - Bus Stations
4:00 PM - Late Bus
4:00 PM - Office closed