Hall's Corner
September 20, 2024
Dear BHS Bruin Families and Students:
Greetings from BHS!
Hope you had a wonderful week, Homecoming 2024 is upon us. Saturday will bring our annual Homecoming Parade at 12:45 PM, football game at 2:00 PM and Dance at 7:00 PM at TCMS. This is a wonderful time for kids to take pride in their school, be teenagers, enjoy moments of positive school spirit in our community.
We are heading into week 4 already! Please talk to your students about how they are doing and contact your student’s teachers if you have any questions.
We have finished conducting several mandated safety drills. We are conducting Lockdown, Evacuation, and Hold In Place drills next week. We will continue to practice Fire Drills over the next few weeks.
Thursday, September 26 6:25 -8:30 p.m
The high school staff and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the annual Open House on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Open House will begin with period 1 and a welcome message from Dr. Hall at 6:30 p.m. and conclude at 8:25 p.m. This evening will allow you to meet with your student’s teachers and obtain information about our academic programs and class expectations.
Graduation 2025
Class of 2025, we have a date!
Graduation will be held on the Turf Field on June 24, 2025 at 7 p.m., with a rain date June 25, 2025. Graduation rehearsal will be at 10 a.m. on the day of graduation.
Counseling Department's Family Nights
Senior Picture Information
Rennes Exchange
47 students from Lycée Sévigné in Rennes, France will be in Brighton from Oct. 13-22, 2024. We have already found amazing families for 44 students, but we still have 3 boys left to place.
To learn more about the hosting requirements and to access the Host Family Application, please click here. If you host, you will also have the option to travel to France from February 18-March 1, 2025. This opportunity is only open until the end of September.
for more information on the travel portion of the exchange.
Consider taking part in this life-changing experience! Please contact Jessica_beh@bcsd.org with questions or for more information
Brighton Community Education News!
An SAT and ACT Exam Boot Camp class is being held at BHS on September 24, 25, and 26 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room 158. The SAT/ACT Boot Camp thoroughly reviews the essential reading, writing, math, and test-taking skills and strategies for the most current versions of both exams. We’ll also outline the additional content and action steps needed for greater progress toward the highest test scores. The next time this class meets is on Saturday, November 16, 2024.
Register for these classes (and more!) at https://brightonschools.revtrak.net Questions? Contact the Brighton Community Education Office at mona_zamiarski@bcsd.org or 585-242-5200 ext.5595.
Financial assistance may be available through the BCSD Student & Family Support Fund. Contact Ms. Ingle the BHS Counseling Center for more information.
Coming up in October…
Brighton High School Class of 2O25 students! Writing Your College Application Essay classes meet at BHS from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday the week of October 7th or October 21st. Class size is a maximum of twelve students and the class fee is $110. Students will read and critique model essays, be provided with written feedback on work, have one to one conference time with the instructor and complete at least one full essay by the end of the week. Listen, learn, write, conference, edit and complete a full essay in just five days!
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
PTSA 2024-2025 Calendars Now Available to Purchase
PTSA 2024-2025 Calendars are now available to purchase at R's Market, 2294 Monroe Ave. and at the following events:
- Thursday, Sept. 12 6 to 8 p.m. at TCMS Curriculum Night in the Atrium
- College Fair 9/25 7th period.Local College Fairs 2024.png
- College Rep Visits have begun. Visit the Web to see the weekly updates. https://bhs.bcsd.org/46742_3
- SUNY FREE APPLICATION WEEK is October 23-November 3
School Tool/Parent Portal Link Changes
We would like to remind you that the link to access School Tool/Parent Portal has changed, and is now: https://monroeoneric01.schooltool.com/BCSD
For some of you who may have had the old web address bookmarked or saved to your password "keychain" on your devices, you may need to log into School Tool via this new weblink and reset SchoolTool in your devices or bookmarks/favorites to this new web address.
If you have forgotten your password, there is a password reset link right on the new login page.
Summer Back to School Information
Course Supply List - please see Resources at the bottom of this Hall's Corner to see a printable PDF.
Military Opt- Out, Photo Opt -Out, Supplies List, OTC Forms, etc. Click Here.
School Pictures
School picture retakes will be taken by Inter-State Studios this year.
· The Senior Panorama is scheduled for 11:20 on Monday, November 18th.
· Absentee/Retake: Thursday October 17 (a different code will be provided for this event at a later date)
Please be sure to call the Inter-State Studio Office at 585-310-7781 or email jamie.dauria@inter- state.com for any questions in regard to this information.
Website: https://inter-state.com/order Order Code: 89120QA