Leopard News
September 13th, 2024
Greetings Families,
It's been a great week of learning at Lent Elementary! We launched Hispanic Heritage month with a great school assembly. Please know that we are honoring and learning about our Hispanic Heritage communities through dance, music and presentations. As we start Hispanic Heritage month we want to express our immense gratitude, and want to honor and appreciate our Hispanic Heritage communities!
As you may have realized, we have no crossing guard in front of the school, and ask all students to be dropped in the crosswalk. We have noticed students being dropped on the street and crossing without being monitored. We want to share our current state of how arrival/dismissal is running, as we have drivers pulling over neighbors driveway and blocking the road. We wanted to propose that we have a smooth flow by coming and dropping off one way. Please see the map that provides our proposal that we want to encourage all families to follow.
We also strongly encourage families who are driving their student(s) to consider using a park and walk location. These are sites near the school where students can be dropped off and walk the remainder of the distance to the school site, reducing car traffic in front of the school and allowing you to skip waiting in the drop-off line while students start the day with healthy physical activity, arriving at school more ready to learn. We are fortunate to have two large parks near our school to use for park and walk. Bloomington Park is 0.3 miles from the school which is a 5-10 minute walk. Lents Park is 0.4 miles from the school which is a 10-15 minute walk.
Dr. Amor and Mr. Interian
9/14 Mural Volunteer Day
9/15 Start of Hispanic Heritage Month
9/19 PTA Meeting
9/21 Mural Volunteer Day
9/25 Lockdown Drill
9/25 Early Release
9/26 STOPPS Bus Evacuation Drill
9/26 Back-to-School Night
9/27 Fire Drill
9/30 First Day of Fall SUN
¡Nuestro primer Bike Bus del año escolar 24-25 será el martes 17 de septiembre! Intente llegar a la parada entre 5 y 8 minutos antes de la hora indicada en el folleto. ¡Comenzaremos a las 7:05 am en Bridger!
Our first Lent Bike Bus of the 24-25 school year will be Tuesday September 17th! Please try to arrive at the stop 5-8 minutes earlier than the time listed on the flyer. We're starting off at 7:05 am at Bridger!
Please see the attached document for the bike route map.
- Please bring bike lights and bright yellow traffic vests and/or wear bright clothes if possible.
- We hope all adults can help be traffic assistants at the intersections as needed to help students cross the street safely.
- Please review our Important Rules with Students BEFORE The Ride:
- Stay behind the adult lead at all times
- Stay to the right of the adult lead at all times
We are pleased to cordially invite families join us for coffee with the admin on Tuesdays, from 1:30pm-2:30pm. We are planning on having Coffee with Admin once a month.
Please note the upcoming Coffee with a Principal Dates: 10/8/24, 11/12/24, 12/10/24, 1/14/25, 2/11/25, 3/4/25, 4/15/25, 5/20/25.
Please know that our students are currently taking some assessments that will help us know how to best start our intervention groups and small group instruction. Students are taking Math i-Ready Assessment, and are currently taking MAPS assessment for Literacy. Please know that these assessments are for our teachers to know how their students are doing, so we encourage you to please cheer on your child to do their best, as we do here at school. Thank you!
We are sad to say adios to Briana Falcon, who has taken on a new role outside of PPS. She has been an integral member in our team, and are saddened for her departure. We will be in the process of hiring a school secretary and hope we get a sub for the meantime. Please send any future emails for the office to Stephanie at stomaskin@pps.net.
Please note the picture days for the school year:
1) October 10, 2024
2) Retakes: November 19, 2024
3) Class Photos: April 10, 2025
Hello Families-
We have an excellent program here at Lent Elementary. Through the Portland Backpack program we can send a small bag of food home every Friday with any families who request it. If you already received food bags from the Backpack program last year, you will automatically be added to the list this year. If you would like to join the backpack program, please return the flyer found in the Wednesday folder to your child’s teacher or call or email me.
We are accepting donations of hygiene products, especially kids soaps! Bring anything you would like to donate to the office.
We have a large district clothing closet that families can access! Please contact me to get a pass to go!
Take care of yourselves,
Elizabeth Sommo
School Social Worker
Teachers, admin, and other staff are establishing routines and our school-wide positive intervention system. Staff have been passing out our Lent Paw Prints, which are special vouchers, to individuals and whole classrooms for following school and classroom expectations.
Friday, 9/13, we also celebrated classrooms that did a great job in art, music, library, P.E., and at lunch, with golden trophies. Here are the winners:
Golden Shoe - PE
Maestra Morales
Maestra Barron
Golden Brush - Art
Maestra Greidys
Maestra Estrada
Golden Microphone - Music
Maestra Margarita
Maestra Bonhomme
Golden Spoon - Cafeteria
Maestra Gilson
Maestro Zapeta
Golden Book - Library
Maestra Morales
Maestra Cintron
Your child’s birthday and other special celebrations are significant moments to every child and they like to celebrate with their classmates. Those moments are very significant to us and we want to celebrate with them.
However, we want to mention that we are also teaching students good healthy eating habits and we want to switch food with high sugar or flour content to more healthy options and increase more experiences rather than food for the class.
Here are some facts and examples about some alternative suggestions:
Celebrations with minimal amounts of healthy food are just as fun and special for kids (instead of cup cakes, popcorn. Instead of candy - Fruit, or non food celebration is good too)
Make it easier to involve all students as we see growing numbers of students with food allergies, diabetes or other health-related issues
Ease the financial burden for some parents who struggle with the cost of purchasing food/drinks for an entire classroom
Reduce waste, making them environmentally friendly
Create less clean-up for janitors
IF YOU want to bring something for your child’s birthday or a holiday, below is a list of inexpensive ways to celebrate these special days. (Make sure to arrange with the teacher)
Basketball, volleyball, football or soccer ball for students to play that special day.(it does not need to be new).
Games-gently used are great!
Your child’s favorite book
Sidewalk chalk
Know that your child will always be recognized at Lent on their special day.
Thank you for your continued support regarding the health and well being of our students.
The First PTA meeting of the year will take place on Thursday September 19th at 6pm at the school. Pizza provided. Bring a snack or side to share if you wish. We will not be providing childcare for this meeting but your children are welcome to bring something quiet to work on or play on the playground out back. We will have at least two adult volunteers keeping an eye on the children on the playground. At this meeting we look forward to introducing ourselves as a board and meeting all of you! We will also be sharing the ways you can get involved this school year, big and small. Please join us if you can! For those who can't make it in person we will be meeting virtually as well. The zoom link will be shared next week. Please join our email list here or follow us on Instagram @lentpta for the latest updates.
Popcorn Friday & Trash Pickup will happen the second Friday of each month right after school. The next one will happen on Friday October 11th. Meet in front of the school to purchase popcorn for $1 and help pick up trash around the school grounds. Trash pickup supplies provided.
-Pizzeria Otto Dine-Out - Tuesday October 8th - ALL DAY. A portion of the day's sales will go to our PTA! Funds raised will help support PTA events and projects. Please help us spread the word by telling your family and friends!
-BottleDrop fundraiser! Want to help out our school by collecting cans? Please email us at lentpta@gmail.com so we can get you a bag.
-Fred Meyer Rewards: Support the PTA when you shop! Link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to “Lent K-8 PTA”.
Contact/Follow us:
Email: lentpta@gmail.com
Instagram: @lentpta
Facebook: Lent K-5 PTA
Website: lentpta.weebly.com
Please visit our website to:
-Become a member
-View the PTA/School calendar
Community mural painting day at Lent! Saturday September 14th from 10am-2pm
Thanks to a generous grant from Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC) we have been able to turn our school mural from a dream to reality. For the final step, we invite everyone from the Lent Elementary community to come add some paint to the wall, located behind the school building near the playground. Snacks and water provided, wear your paint clothes!
Families please know that this year our teacher will be engaging in 8 Wednesday's Early Release for professional development. We wanted to provide you with the dates and the dismissal time. We will be releasing our students at 11:50am on Early Release Days. Here are the dates: 9/25, 10/23, 11/20, 12/18, 2/26, 3/19, 4/23, 5/21. Please refer to our website link: "Early Release Days."
We had to reschedule our second fire drill of the year on Friday, September 27th. Please review with your child the expectations and procedures during a fire drill. We are sharing with you our guidelines that we will be following during a fire drill. If you have any questions or feedback, please let your classroom teacher know.
We are going to have our first lockdown drill of the year on Wednesday, September 25th. Please review with your child the expectations and procedures during a drill. We are sharing with you our guidelines that we will be following, if you have any questions or feedback, please let us know.
Reason: There is a threat inside the school building. Shots being fired. Gunman in building, or hostage situation. Creates a time barrier.
Signal: Lock Down! Locks, Lights, Out of Sight!
Response: Locks, Lights, Out of Sight
Assess the situation and remain calm
Move away from the threat
Create a time barrier (make entry in and through the room as hard as possible)
Call 911. Use a VOIP phone to activate Lock Down if you can safely.
When the signal for the Lock Down is given (via VOIP), follow the established procedures:
Call out “We’re in Lock Down” in the hallway and sweep students into the classroom if possible.
Immediately get to a safe area-classroom or away from the building and lock doors. Doors are not to be opened for anyone. All doors will remain locked until law enforcement or school officials gain access to classrooms and other areas using master keys.
Direct students to take cover in the safest place possible. To the extent possible, spread out the population and avoid creating one large target.
Move students away from windows and doors to create a physical barrier.
Turn off lights. Cover windows by closing blinds, or by placing fabric or paper over the window when possible.
Remain silent in the room until doors are unlocked by admin/police during the All Clear
Be able to account for all students under your control - be prepared to share who has been added or missing to your room when the door is unlocked during the All Clear.
Be prepared to evacuate if directed to do so by Police or Admin.
Students who are not under the direct supervision of an adult when the Lock Down signal is given should find the nearest adult and follow their directions or hide where they cannot be seen.
Any visitor to the school will remain where they are, assuming they are either in a classroom or office. If not in either location, go to the nearest classroom and follow the teacher’s instructions.
Disregard passing bells, until All Clear is given when doors are unlocked by admin or police.
Release only when the door is unlocked by law enforcement or building administrators.
Lent PreK-5
Families, please know that you can find our community newsletter by visiting our website.
Website: https://www.pps.net/lent
Location: 5105 SE 97th Ave, Portland, OR 97266, USA
Phone: (503) 916-6322
*Non-Emergency Number: 503-823-3333.
**Parents are able to update attendance themselves rather than calling the office. Here's the link for ParentVue .