Hardy Elementary Newsletter
November 11, 2024
Hardy Family Office Hours
Thank you to all the families who stopped by office hours on 11/8. I value your input, and I will continue to seek opportunities to connect directly with families.
Principal Gretchen Saunders
All School Meeting and KIND Launch
November 8th
We had a successful All School Meeting on Friday, 11/8. This assembly was led by 5th graders from Ms. Lieder's class. They spent several days preparing a slide show that launched our KIND focus. This work was facilitated by Assistant Principal Tsatsoulis. Ms. Deming (Music Teacher) led us in singing "Great Big Moose" as the start of the assembly. 5th graders read The Invisible Boy by Tracy Ludwig. The assembly closed with the Hardy chant. The Hardy Husky visited and took pictures with all the students who received SAFE acknowledgements last month. Staff will continue to recognize KIND behavior with red tickets. Each week, names will be pulled from the classroom jars for student acknowledgements. Additionally, we work toward a school wide celebration at the end of November, if we reach our KIND goal.
Hardy School Improvement Council - Meeting #1 - CORRECTION!
Student Mentoring Opportunity
Seeking 4th and 5th Grade Students to Mentor Supported Learning Center Students
One of our goals at Hardy is to be an inclusive environment that allows students to support each other. For this reason, we are seeking 4th and 5th grade students to mentor Supported Learning Center students. Some students have already expressed a desire to provide mentorship to Supported Learning Center students. Mary Bellerose will reach out directly to families to ask whether you would like to give your child permission to provide mentorship.
Additionally, if your 4th or 5th grade student would like to provide mentorship, AND you would like to give your child permission. Please, fill out this form.
Here's a description from the form:
We are seeking 4th and 5th grade students to mentor a supported learning center student in the areas of social skills, recess behaviors, and classroom behaviors. Your child has expressed an interest in mentoring a supported learning center student. This would involve occasionally meeting with the student to preview how to be successful in a given activity and accompanying the student to their 2nd grade activity, such as a recess, a specialist class, or inclusion time in their general education classroom.
Our goal is to have several 4th and 5th grade mentors for supported learning center students. This will allow for a rotation of mentors, with each mentor only occasionally missing a 4th or 5th grade activity.
PTO Website and Information
Check out the Hardy PTO Website for information on how you can join PTO, support the Hardy School, find out about upcoming fun events.
Hardy School Contact Information
Principal: Gretchen Saunders - gsaunders@arlington.k12.ma.us
Assistant Principal: Peggy Tsatsoulis - ptsatsoulis@arlington.k12.ma.us
Administrative Assistant: Mary Bellerose -mbellerose@arlington.k12.ma.us
Main Office Number - 781-316-3783
Early Release and No School Days
Every Wednesday: Students are dismissed a 1 pm.
11/27 - Early Release at 11:30
11/28 & 11/29 - NO School