The Week at Creek
NTI Details
Monday, January 13 is our first NTI Day.
With an NTI weather day, school buildings are closed but students participate in learning at home so it counts as a school day and does not need to be made up or added to the calendar. Students use their Chromebooks to complete lessons virtually.
Here are the details:
- On NTI days, we will follow our typical A Day / B Day block schedule. Students will have assignments in every class for that day. For your reference, the Block Schedule is linked below. (We follow the same schedule as TCHS.)
- Assignments will be posted in Toddle by 9:05 each NTI morning.
- Assignments will be labeled “NTI Day 1,” “NTI Day 2,” etc. and will include the date.
- Students who are unable to complete their work on an NTI weather day because of power outages, internet connectivity, or other issues will have three school days after returning to school to complete and submit assignments.
Teachers will be available via Zoom to provide help and answer questions from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm. Each teacher will have their Zoom link posted in Toddle. Students are encouraged to pop in and say hi! We miss their faces!
The FCPS Technology Help Desk is open on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at (859) 422-4410 for assistance with Chromebooks and student email accounts.
We are aware that for some families, this weather event may have presented an added hardship. Fayette County Public Schools has collected a list of available community resources that may be able to provide assistance. In addition, if you are in need of food assistance, please don't hesitate to email our Youth Service Center Coordinator, Ms. Church, at candace.church@fayette.kyschools.us.
For Your Calendar
There will be no school on Monday, January 20, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Attendance Reminders
If you need to send an absent note of any kind, please do so as soon as you can.
- Attendance notes must be turned in within three days upon returning to school.
- Attendance notes must include the name of student, date of absence, reason for absence, and guardian signature.
- Note allowances:
- Ten (10) parent notes for tardies
- Ten (10) parent notes for full absent days.
- Three (3) family emergency days. Extra days are allowed for funerals.
- Unlimited doctor, dentist, therapy, court notes.
- If your student’s bus does not run and you cannot get them to school, you still must send in a note indicating this.
- Attendance notes MAY be submitted online via this Google Form.
- We encourage you to bookmark the form!
- If you have a doctor's note to submit, please be sure to take a picture of the note upload it on the form.
- The Google Form is also accessible on the TCMS Website: tcms.fcps.net
TCMS - University of Kentucky Research Partnership
As an educational institution, we value research and efforts to learn more about students and the ways they learn. We were approached by a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky about the opportunity to participate in a research study regarding math achievement and student attitudes toward math. Your child's participation in the research is completely optional. Please see details below.
From the Study's Author:
We are asking you to choose whether or not to allow your child to volunteer for a research study about children’s self-concept, math attitudes, and achievement in an ability-grouped math class. We are asking you because your child is participating in a school setting.
Various literature has examined students’ beliefs about themselves as students, attitudes towards math, and math achievement. However, few studies have examined these simultaneously. Therefore, we are aiming to explore the relationship between a child’s beliefs about themselves as students, attitudes towards math, and math achievement through a self- report survey.
By doing this study, we hope to see how children’s self-concept, attitudes towards math, and math achievement differ among students grouped in different math classes. Your child’s participation in this research will last around 10 minutes at one time during the school day. Additionally, your child’s two most recent math MAP scores will be collected. All identifying information will be erased after students’ scores are assigned to their survey responses.
If you DO NOT wish for your child to participate in this research, please follow this link:
Rachel's Challenge - Postponed
For more information about Rachel's Challenge, please see our January 6 newsletter.
Penny Wars for Dance Blue!
FCPS Black Excellence Showcase
We are encouraging all interested TCMS students to nominate themselves using the form below. Nominations are due by this Wednesday, January 15th!
Scan the QR or visit https://bit.ly/fcpsblackexcellence for nomination information.
House Standings - JUKUMU maintains the lead!
Novels about Young People and the Fight for Civil Rights
Last week we brought you nonfiction books, and this week we are offering fiction stories that center young African American perspectives, as they experience the Civil Rights Movement. The 1950s and 1960s were a time of great change in the United States. Encourage your child to honor Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy and add some history to their reading routine with books about teens and the fight for civil rights.
- Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
My Mother the Cheerleader by Robert Sharenow
The Rock and the River and Fire in the Streets by Kekla Magoon
No Crystal Stair by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson
The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine
Stella by Starlight by Sharon Draper
- Meridian by Alice Walker
P.S. Be Eleven by Rita Williams-Garcia