Back-to-School Special E-News
Teacher Assignments & Schedules for 2024-25
Check PowerSchool on Monday, August 19th to see your student's schedule!
On Monday, August 19th, teacher, class and schedule information for all students will be available in PowerSchool. If you do not have a parent PowerSchool account, please contact your child’s school to obtain the access codes needed. You will not be able to use these codes to create a new parent account until PowerSchool opens on August 19th.
UPDATE: Transportation information has been released. If you believe there to be an error in your student's transportation route, click here for further information.
PowerSchool will open following a staggered schedule.
- High School – 9 a.m.
- Middle School – 11 a.m.
- Intermediate School (Grades 5 & 6) – 1 p.m.
- Primary School (Grades K-4) – 1 p.m.
Helpful PowerSchool Links
- PowerSchool Website
- Answers to Frequently asked Questions
- Instructions for Setting up Your Parent Account
In addition to the PowerSchool access, on August 19th, an email will be sent to parents of students in kindergarten through fourth grade with teacher assignment and further information. Please check your spam/junk mail folders if you do not see this message in your inbox. If you have multiple children in the District, your individual email messages may also be grouped together in your inbox.
New Student Schedules for 2024-25
With the addition of the intermediate schools, we will be shifting student arrival and dismissal times for next school year.
- Morning Kindergarten: 8:50 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
- Afternoon Kindergarten: 12:50 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
- Primary Schools (Grades 1-4) - 8:50 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
- Intermediate Schools (Grades 5-6) - 8:10 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
- Middle Schools (Grades 7-8) - 7:32 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
- High Schools (Grades 9-12) - 7:32 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Intermediate Schools Update
The West Shore School District has received temporary occupancy of both Old Trail and Fairview Intermediate Schools. Teachers are now preparing classrooms for the First Day of School. We look forward to welcoming students to the new buildings on Tuesday, September 3rd!
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
As they are finalized, dates and times for open houses and back-to-school nights are being emailed to families and added to our online calendar. At the top of the online calendar, you can also download a copy of the complete 2024-2025 school calendar. Click here to view.
For a quick look at the Academic Calendar for 2024-25, click here.
Monday, August 19th
High School New Family & Ninth Grade Orientations
Cedar Cliff and Red Land High Schools
Students and parents will have the opportunity to meet the high school administration, guidance counselors, athletic director, nurse, and take self-guided tours of the building following your student's schedule. More information will be coming from your student's individual school.
Thursday, August 22nd
Patriot Challenge - 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Future Patriots will be placed on teams and will have 12 “challenges” that cover a variety of team building exercises designed to test the mind, body, and spirit.
Tuesday, August 27th
Elementary New Family Orientation
New Family Orientation is designed for any family of a student in grades K to 5 who is new to the West Shore School District. We invite both parents/guardians and their respective student(s) to attend this event. Additional information can be expected from your child's school.
Tuesday, September 3rd
WELCOME BACK: First Day of School
Thursday, September 5th
Bus Evacuation Drills
Wednesday, September 11th
The District’s Physical Activity and Nutrition Advisory Council (PANAC) serves as an advisory committee regarding student health issues, periodically reviewing and recommending changes to the District’s Student Physical Activity and Nutrition Policy. PANAC continues currently looking for students, parents, and staff who may be interested in participating on the council for next year. Please contact Dr. Argot if you are interested in volunteering.
First Day of School and Annual Video
Get ready to smile! Our annual first day signs and video is easily one of our favorite West Shore traditions. The deadline for video submissions is Friday, September 6th at noon. Signs and submission details can be found at
Parents, you do not have to use one of our signs in order for your child to be in the video; however, please be mindful of what personal information is available in your photo.
Information about School Supplies
Primary (K-4) parents will only need to purchase a book bag, lunch box, and reusable water bottle for the 2024-2025 school year. All necessary materials and supplies for learning in the elementary classroom have been purchased by the District for your student. Although families will not receive a school supply list, you are welcome to purchase additional items for your student (earbuds, designer folders, pencil cases, etc.) if you would like to do so.
At the intermediate, middle and high school level, teachers may have recommendations for school supplies and calculators.
If your family can use assistance from the District in obtaining a backpack, shoes, jackets, etc., please contact your child’s teacher or school counselor. We are here to help.
Is your child's iPad or Chromebook ready fo the First Day?
For those families returning from last school year, please take a moment to check your student’s iPad/Chromebook to make sure it is able to turn on and is working correctly. If your student’s device needs repairs, as soon as possible, drop it off at the Administration Center (507 Fishing Creek Road, Lewisberry) between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday, so our technicians can get the device up and running prior to the first day of classes. Devices which were sent for repair over the summer will be returned to students at their home school on the first day of class. Devices will be distributed to new students who do not already have one the first week of school.
Additionally, students in Grades 3, 6, 7 and 8 will receive new devices. Kindergartners will receive devices previously used at another grade level.
Each student is afforded one accidental breakage of a device. Incidents beyond one accidental breakage, or incidents deemed intentional or negligent, will incur a charge for the cost of the repair. Lost devices will immediately incur a charge for the new device. If a student loses a device charger, a new one can be purchased in the building office or library. You can find more information on damage and responsibility procedures here.
For more information, visit the Technology Help Page here.
Physical Exam & Immunization Reminder
Per the Pennsylvania Department of Health, physical examinations are required for children upon entry into school, in grade 6, and in grade 11. Additionally, a variety of immunizations are required for all students with additional immunization requirements for entry to grades 7 and 12. For a complete list of requirements, please visit the District's Health Services website.
School Hours & Six-Day Cycle
All schools will utilize a six-day cycle. Cycle days can be found on the online calendar and in the printed calendar sent home the first week of school.
New Arrival & Dismissal Times
With the addition of the intermediate schools, we will be shifting student arrival and dismissal times for next school year.
- Morning Kindergarten - 8:50 a.m. - 11:35 a.m.
- Afternoon Kindergarten - 12:50 p.m. - 3:35 p.m.
- Primary Schools - 8:50 a.m. - 3:35 p.m.
- Intermediate Schools - 8:10 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
- Middle Schools - 7:32 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
- High Schools - 7:32 a.m. - 2:40 p.m.
Parents should not drop off students at school before the doors are opened ahead of the school day. You may refer to your student's individual buildings for door opening times, as early morning activities at certain grade levels can cause deviations in schedule. Ahead of those predetermined times, teachers are not responsible for students until doors open for the day.
Important Student Meal Update
Free Breakfast and Lunch for ALL schools in 2024-25
For the 2024-25 school year, 𝗔𝗟𝗟 West Shore School District schools qualify to serve one free breakfast and one free lunch to every student, regardless of their family's economic status. This means 𝗘𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗬 student in the West Shore School District will receive free meals!
Any additional servings beyond one free breakfast and one free lunch per day will require payment. Monies may be deposited into your student's account ahead of time. More information can be found below under 'Depositing Money in Your Student's Account.'
This student meal update is part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the National School Lunch Program, which allows schools in low-income areas to provide meals at no cost to families.
Parents who believe their child would qualify for free/reduced lunches under previous guidelines are asked to still fill out the proper paperwork through LINQ Connect or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Access to Social Services (COMPASS). Your child will still receive free meals regardless of paperwork status. You may find links to those pages at
For additional menu information, visit:
Depositing Money Into Your Student's Account for Additional Servings
All schools are using LINQ Connect (formerly known as TITAN), for student breakfasts and lunches. This system allows parents to monitor their student’s account balance, view meal purchases, and make online payments. There is no charge to monitor student account information; however, a convenience fee will be charged by LINQ Connect when used to add funds. If parents prefer not to use the online service to deposit funds, money may be added to student accounts by sending cash or checks made payable to “West Shore Cafeteria Fund” to school with students. Unfortunately, monies cannot be accepted by the cashier at lunch time.
Updated Application for Assistance
Every school year, a variety of supportive opportunities are available for students based on household income. These include, but are not limited to: fee waivers for participation in after-school activities, e-rate funds that offset the cost of access to technology resources, along with additional state and federal grant funding for programs and resources to support students.
Historically, the District used the Free and Reduced Meal Application to gather this data, but because the District is participating in CEP (free meals for all students) we need to use a separate application. If your family was not notified of direct certification and your household size and income fall within any of the ranges specified in Columns A or B on this form, please complete the form and return it to the WSSD Office of Federal Programs, Administration Center, PO Box 803, New Cumberland, PA 17070. To qualify for assistance, students must have a signed and completed form on file.
Again, the completion of this form provides information that may further benefit other educational programs helping to support students while minimizing the need for additional local tax dollars.
Building Administration Changes
With the development of new buildings in the District, a number of shifts have taken place to accommodate both new and existing positions in our schools. You can visit our Facebook page here or the West Shore School District website to find the administrators for the appropriate buildings.
School Board News
All meetings are held at the Administration Center and are open to the public. For those unable to join us in person, Board Meetings and Board Committee Meetings are also livestreamed.
Thursday, September 12th, 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 19th, 6:30 p.m.
Facilities - Wednesday, September 11th, 4:30 p.m.
Finance - Thursday, September 12th, 4:30 p.m.
Policy - Thursday, September 19th, 4:30 p.m.
- In Person and Electronic Public Comment Guidelines
- Watch Board Meetings & Committee Meetings Online - Meetings are streamed live and archived for viewing following the meeting
- Board Agendas - published 24 hours before the meeting
- Board Minutes - posted after Board approval
- 2024-2025 Budget Development - presentations made to the Board during the budget development process
Cause for Applause
Free Summer Student Meals Recap
The Free Summer Meals program for students for the 2024 year ended on Thursday, August 15th. The program was held at both Hillside and Washington Heights Elementary Schools. In total, the West Shore School District helped provide 3,051 free meals (1,345 breakfast, 1,706 lunch) to students during the summer months. Thank you to the kitchen crews, staff and community members that helped make this all possible!
Camp Kindergarten Success
All seven primary schools held sessions of Camp Kindergarten welcoming the class of 2037! Whether your child is attending Fishing Creek, Highland, Hillside, Newberry, Red Mill, Rossmoyne or Washington Heights—thank you for coming out and getting started with us ahead of the First Day of School on Tuesday, September 3rd. We are West Shore Proud to have all of these kindergartners in our buildings!
Rossmoyne Elementary
Red Mill Elementary with Percy!
Fishing Creek Elementary
Substitute Teacher Positions Available
If you're looking for a flexible and rewarding part-time position, the West Shore School District is actively looking for additional substitute teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Candidates with a Bachelor's Degree are considered qualified. The District Partners with Substitute Teacher Service (STS) to fill needs within the District throughout the year. Scan the QR code or check out their website for more information.
Quick Links
- Annual Notices - Numerous federal laws require school districts to provide students, parents, and/or the public with notices.
Care Solace - Care Solace assists individuals find mental health care providers and substance use treatment centers. Their services may be accessed by students, staff and their families at no cost to you, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, and in 200+ languages. To utilize Care Solace, call 1-888-515-0595 or visit
- Employment Opportunities - We have a variety of open positions perfect for parents, grandparents, and other caregivers interested in working a schedule similar to our students.
- Transportation Exception Request - May be used to request a bus stop different from the assigned stop associated with the child’s residence provided the alternative stop is in the same school attendance area as the child’s school.
- Free and Reduced Price Meal Application Information - Families who may qualify are encouraged to apply for free or low cost meals this school year.
- Electronic Absence Submission - If your child will not be in school for the day due to illness or doctor/dentist appointment, you can submit their absence electronically through PowerSchool.
- Volunteer Clearance Policy & Procedures - Adults wishing to volunteer in our schools are required to complete the Volunteer Application Process before being approved to do so.
- Technology Help Center - Contains videos, resources, FAQs, and guides on using Seesaw, Schoology, PowerSchool, iPads, Chromebooks, and more.
Damage, Loss, Theft of District Technology Devices and Chargers - Information related to device expectations and repair costs.