The Lancer News

The Lancer News - January 12
Important Dates
The Week Ahead:
- No events at this time
- Girls Basketball at Willoughby MS, 4:30 PM
- 7th grade team plays first
- PTSO Meeting, 5 PM, Room 109/111
- Willowick Spirit Wednesday
- Wrestling at Shaker Hts MS vs. Shaker Hts and Cleveland Hts, 4:30 PM
- Girls Basketball at Chardon MS, 4:30 PM
- 8th grade team plays first
- No events at this time
- Wrestling WRC Tournament at North HS, 9 AM
Upcoming Events:
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School - Monday, January 20
- Advanced Options Night - North HS, 7 PM - Wednesday, January 22
- Chevy Trax Raffle Drawing - Friday, January 24
- Student Clubs/Group Photos - Thursday, February 6
- Presidents' Day - No School - Monday, February 17
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - Thursday, February 20, 4-8 PM
PTSO Valentines Lancer Raffle Calendar
Daily winners will be announced on the WWMS PTSO Facebook page and contacted directly. Prizes will be sent home with the student seller, who will be responsible for delivering them to the winners.
A copy of the Parent Information Letter can be accessed by clicking the orange button below.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the WWMS PTSO!
Contact WillowickMiddlePTSO@gmail.com with any questions.
Advanced Options Night - January 22
Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools offer great opportunities for students who are ready for more challenging academic experiences. Advanced Placement courses available to students at the high school level and College Credit Plus courses available to eligible students in grades 7-12.
Wednesday, January 22nd, Advanced Options Night at 7:00 pm at the North High School Performing Arts Center.
Click the orange button below for descriptions of both opportunities. Please come to the Advanced Options Night to learn more.
Guidelines for Managing Illness
Deciding when a child is too sick to attend school can be a difficult decision. When trying to decide, please use the guidelines below and seek the advice of your health care provider.
Win This Car
Get ready for an exciting opportunity to support our students! You could drive home in a brand new 2025 Chevrolet Trax 1LS. Thanks to our generous partners at Serpentini Chevrolet of Willoughby Hills, 100% of the proceeds from this raffle will benefit our students. The winner will be selected on January 24, 2025, during halftime of the North/South Boys Basketball game.
When you purchase your raffle ticket, you'll have the chance to choose a school and/or group to represent.
Represent a Specific School with your donation:
- Click on "Participants" to see a list of our schools.
- Click on the name of the building you would like to support
- Click "Support This Cause" to purchase your ticket(s)
Support a Group within that School:
- In Step #3 of purchasing your ticket, leave a comment with the name of the school group you would like to represent.
Eighth Grade Field Trip to Niagara Falls, USA
We are excited to announce that our 8th graders will have the opportunity to participate in our first 8th grade class trip to Niagara Falls, USA on Tuesday, May 13th. R&E Tours will be running the trip and Willowick Middle School staff will be chaperoning.
Upcoming deadlines if intending to go:
- Registration Form must be completed by Tuesday, December 3
- $75 deposit is due by Tuesday, December 3
- The final payment is due Tuesday, April 22
Tech Fees Extended Through December 20
School fees were assessed on October 15 and fee statements were emailed.
The due date for the Annual $20.00 Technology Fee was extended to December 20th and applies to all students. Parents of students on Free & Reduced Cost Meals can call the Technology Department at 440-975-3792 to opt out of this fee.
Paying the fee by December 20th includes one complimentary Chromebook repair.
Please pay fees using PaySchools Central by clicking the orange button below.
Calamity Day Information
School closings are announced through SchoolMessenger, social media, the District website and local TV stations.
Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date in SchoolMessenger.
Indoor Sports Spectator Reminder
- For all indoor WWMS sports, student spectators may only watch a game for the same grade level that they are in, unless they have a sibling that is a student athlete that is playing or are with a parent/guardian. For example, a seventh grade student may only watch an indoor seventh grade game and eighth grade students may only watch eighth grade games.
- Sixth grade students may not attend indoor home games unless with a parent/guardian.
- Middle school students may not attend indoor home games at the high school unless with a parent/guardian.
- High school students may not attend middle school indoor home games unless with their parent/guardian.
Please note, there is no supervision after school. Students cannot wait in the building until games begin. The earliest students can re-enter the building is 4:15 PM for a 4:30 PM scheduled game.
Buddy Bench for Adaptive Playground
The Willoughby Eastlake Classified Professionals (WECP) are leading a community service project to create the Heart Hub Adaptive Playground, designed for our special needs students. This inclusive playground will be built on the back field of Royalview Elementary School.
You can help support this initiative by nominating Royalview Elementary School to receive a Buddy Bench for the Heart Hub Adaptive Playground. Simply click the orange button below to submit your nomination.
Hurry—nominations close on February 27, 2025. Thank you for your support!
PBIS Donations Welcomed
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is a proactive approach designed to promote positive behavior and create a supportive school environment. Its goal is to cultivate a safe, respectful, and productive atmosphere where every student can thrive.
To help sustain this important initiative, we kindly invite families to contribute donations. Your support makes a meaningful difference in our efforts!
W-E Fresh Produce Markets
The Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools and the Cleveland Food Bank provide monthly produce for any family in the community. Service will not begin prior to 10 a.m. See the posting for more dates and information.
Willowick Middle School's Teaming Model
The middle school teaming model is designed to provide a more personalized and supportive learning environment for students. By grouping students into smaller teams, teachers can collaborate more effectively, share insights about students' needs, and create a stronger sense of community. This model helps address the academic, social, and student wellness challenges that students face during middle school, fostering better relationships and improving overall student engagement and success.
Dismissal Parking Lot Procedures
To ensure a safe and efficient dismissal process, we kindly ask parents picking up their children after school to pull all the way up to the main doorway entrance along the sidewalk curb near the bike racks.
For safety reasons, students should not meet you in the parking lot or walk through moving traffic.
If you’re able to wait, our parking lot is typically less congested about 10 minutes after dismissal. Please also note that the majority of our parking lot has a one-way traffic flow.
To avoid overlap with Royalview Elementary School's dismissal, we ask parents not to arrive earlier than 2:55 PM. If you do arrive early, please park in the WWMS lot and wait until Royalview's traffic has cleared. Our dismissal bell rings at 3:10 PM.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our students safe!
Student Chromebooks
UPDATE: Now Due December 20: An annual technology fee of $20 will be required for all students to defray the cost of technology and associated digital software related to student learning and will cover the cost of one repair as a result of accidental damage during the school year.
- Students must bring their Chromebooks to school fully charged each day
- Students should visit Mr. O'Donnell's classroom in 304 during homeroom if they have an issue that requires a repair
- Students whose Chromebooks are sent out for a repair will report to the Media Center to be assigned a loaner Chromebook until their repair is complete - only for non-intentional damages
- Students who forgot their Chromebook at home will need to make a phone call home from our main office in order for it to be dropped-off at school
- Parents/guardians will be assessed a fee for any Chromebook damages that were intentionally made
- Students will receive a one-time free repair for any unintentional damages
School Clinic Information
Prescription medications require a doctor’s order and must be supplied in labeled pharmacy containers and must be delivered to the school by an adult.
Non-prescription medications (Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, cough syrup, etc.) require only written permission from a parent/guardian, must also come in original containers and be dropped off by an adult.
Do not send medication to school with your child.
Cell Phone & Headphone Reminders
Students in middle school are to have their personal communication devices in their lockers during the school day. We are asking our families to support our efforts in enforcing this Board Policy in order to keep distractions to education and learning minimal by not accessing devices during the school day for social and entertainment purposes.
Our focus needs to be on student learning at all times of the school day. Students have been reminded of this policy throughout the school year. Consequences are assigned to students who repeatedly abuse this policy.
Middle School Dress Code Policy
Our dress code is in place to promote a focused learning environment, reduce distractions, and ensure student safety. Please note that students cannot wear pajama bottoms to school in 2024-2025. Parents and caregivers will be called and a request for a change of clothes will be made if a student is found in violation of dress code.
2024-2025 Key Calendar Dates
Get Involved With PTSO
Our Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) meetings are located at Willowick Middle School in room 11 during the regular school year on the second Tuesday of each month beginning at 5pm. If it is a holiday or a snow day, then meetings will be held on the following Tuesday.
Upcoming PTSO meetings:
- January
Past PTSO events:
- Fall and Spring Dances
- PBIS Rewards funding
- Fundraisers
- Field trip funding
- GaGa Ball pit installation
- Picnic tables for lunch
- End of the year grade level parties
- Tshirts for students
Contact info: WillowickMiddlePTSO@gmail.com
Student Spectator Information:
- For all indoor WWMS sports, student spectators may only watch a game for the same grade level that they are in unless they have a sibling that is a student athlete that is playing or are with a parent/guardian. For example, a seventh grade student may only watch an indoor seventh grade game.
- Sixth grade students may not attend indoor home games unless with a parent/guardian.
- Middle school students may not attend indoor home games at the high school unless with a parent/guardian.
- High school students may not attend middle school indoor home games unless with their parent/guardian.
Fees, Sports Physicals & Final Forms:
- School fees must be current for students to participate in the athletic season. Athletic fees must be paid by the start of the season for students to participate in the season.
- Please make sure that you and your child are signed up on Final Forms before the first practice. All athletes must have an active Sports Physical on file to participate in the season.
Student Code of Conduct applies at all school-sponsored events and on transportation.
When school is canceled due to the weather, athletic events and practices are canceled.
If you have any questions related to athletics, please email Athletic Director, Mike Bubonics: Michael.Bubonics@WESchools.org
Student Meals
Middle School Meal Prices:
- Lunch: $3.50
- Breakfast: $2.25
Important Meal Information:
- Do not drop off fast food for your child during the school day
- Use PaySchools Central to add funds to your child's meal account
- No change given at registers, change is applied to your child's meal account
- A student can charge up to $20 of meals in a negative balance, an alternative meal is given if balance exceeds
- No snacks given (chips, cookies, etc.) if your child has a negative meal balance
Student Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct is enforced on all school grounds, at all school related-activities including athletic events and on transportation.
Attendance Procedures
Please contact our attendance line at 440-283-2183 so that we may update our records and notify staff of your child's absence. Any student returning to school from an illness-related absence must report to the office attendance window upon his or her return. Doctors notes can also be submitted at this time.
Students should email their teacher for assignments that are posted on Schoology if absent.
Remote learning is not an option for this school year as classes are not live-streamed.
Absences for Appointments: Please send a doctor's note to the school office for each doctor's visit so that we can properly code the absence as a medical absence. If picking your child up for an appointment, a parent or guardian must enter the school to sign their child out.
Family Vacations: Please contact our school office if you are planning to have your child absent from school due to a family vacation. A vacation form must be signed by a parent or guardian prior to the start of absence. Please alert our school as soon as you are aware of the approaching vacation so that teachers can be prepared to assign work in-advance; preferably at least one week. We kindly ask that families try their best to schedule vacations during school breaks.
Homework Requests: Requests for homework can be made for a student that has missed three or more days of school. Please allow at least one full school day for teachers and staff to arrange assignments. Please contact our main office to place nay homework requests. Homework can be picked up at our main office window.
Student Mental Well Being
If you believe your child is experiencing challenges in terms of their mental well-being, it is important to reach out to your principal. To meet your child’s needs, it’s essential to collaborate with the principal and school personnel to explore resources and services available at school. In addition to Crossroads Counselors, the District also has family liaisons and guidance counselors who can provide needed interventions and support.
Our Crossroads Health providers may be embedded in the classroom providing support and intervention on a large-scale for all students in the room. For students who may need more personalized care, we offer the opportunity for them to meet with the Crossroads Health counselor individually or in a small group.
If you do NOT want your child to be considered for individual, small group, or whole classroom support and intervention, please complete the Opt-Out Form below and return this form to your student’s guidance counselor or principal.
PowerSchool & Schoology Access
You can view your child's current grades and class schedules in PowerSchool by downloading the PowerSchool app through the Apple App Store or Google Play on a mobile device. You may also log-in on a desktop or laptop by viewing the Student Portal webpage.
Once logged-in, simply click on any of the following options:
My Schedule to view the current quarter's class schedule.
Report Card to view this current school year's report cards by quarter
Grades & Attendance to view your child's recent attendance and current course grades.
Click HERE for instructions on how parents can sign-up to receive Weekly Grade Reports that display current grades and attendance that will automatically be generated and sent to your email address on a weekly basis. You must be logged-in to your parent account to access settings.
Please contact our main office if you need access to your parent login information.
Bell Schedule
Please note that homeroom is now at 8:30 AM, before first period.
School Contact Information
Willowick Middle School
31500 Royalview Drive
Willowick, Ohio 44095
Main Office: 440-943-2950
Attendance: 440-283-2183
Fax: 440-943-9964
Scott Stasa, Principal
Kaylee Flynt, Assistant Principal
Debbie Robb, Special Education Supervisor
Emilie Alesnik, Guidance Counselor (last names A-L)
Wendy McNeill, Guidance Counselor (last names M-Z)
Jill Golnick, Family Liaison
Amanda Szabo, School Psychologist
Vera Schwarten, School Nurse
Crossroads Counselor, Kara Brink