Creekside Connections
Creekside Cub News

Important Dates to Note
Monday, August 12
PreK & Kinder Meet The Teacher
Tuesday, August 13
1st-5th Meet The Teacher
Thursday, August 15
First Day of School! Doors will open at 7:30 a.m. on the first day
Monday, September 2
School Holiday
Week of September 3-6
Grandparents Week....stay tuned for more details!
Creekside Updates
Access to Creekside for Meet The Teacher
As we near the completion of Creekside, we need to share some temporary access plans with our school family. A few factors have not allowed the permanent road to Creekside to be completed. For these reasons, we have installed a temporary road for access to the school for Meet The Teacher.
We know how important this opportunity is to see the school and meet your teachers, and are thrilled to be able to make that happen while the crews work hard to complete the permanent road.
Please take some time to review the map below indicating the entrance and exit to the property, as well as locations for guest parking and some other reminders. There will be signage indicating turns and general directions as well.
Thank you for your patience as we work hard to provide this opportunity and focus on completion of our permanent road.
We are thrilled to learn we will have access to the permanent road for the 1st day of school. Stay tuned for those details!
Creekside Meet The Teacher Map
Meet The Teacher
**please note that only PreK, Kinder and BEST & CARES classrooms will be open on August 12, and 1st-5th and BEST & CARES classrooms will be open on August 13.**
24-25 School Supply Lists
New Legislation Regarding Administering OTC Medication at School
New rules went into effect in August 2024 that impact MISD procedures for the administration of medication to students. ALL medications, including over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and oral or topical medications require a medical provider and parent/guardian signature before the medication may be administered. Please use the Authorization and Permission for Medication Administration form to obtain signatures from your medical provider and return to the school nurse.
We will have hard copies of the forms at Meet The Teacher, however you may download and print below as well.
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
Montgomery ISD has announced its policy for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under the current income eligibility guidelines. Each school/site or the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by anyone on request.
Starting on July 16, 2024 Montgomery ISD will begin distributing letters to the households of the children in the district about eligibility benefits and any actions households need to take to apply for these benefits. Applications also are available at 20774 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 or at your child’s campus starting the week of July 22, 2024
Click on the link below for direct access to the application.
Frequently Asked Questions
In this week's edition of Frequently Asked Questions......
How will we know who our student's teacher is?
Teachers/teams sent email introductions Friday, August 9. We will have lists handy at Meet The Teacher if you forget or need to find out that night.
May we bring school supplies to Meet The Teacher?
YES! Please feel free to bring and drop these off. The less you and your student are carrying in on day 1, the better!
May we come eat lunch with our student at school?
YES! However, we will be a closed campus to lunch visitors for the first two weeks. Lunch visitors will be welcomed beginning in late August. This allows our teachers and classrooms to establish routines and adjust to their new schedule.
If I ordered a school supply pack, when do we get it?
School Supply Packs that were ordered will arrive at school late next week. They'll be delivered to your student's classroom for meet the teacher.
If I ordered spirit wear online, when will it be ready?
All spirit wear orders will be available for pick up at Meet The Teacher. We'll advertise any additional plans to order.