CMS Newsletter

Thank you to all those who donated different items to help ease the expense on our staff for supplies. It is very much appreciated.
Dates to Know:
- March 24-Collingswood BOE Meeting 6:30 (CHS Cafe)
April 4- CMS Advisory Meetings
- April 8-End of the Third Marking Period
- April 11- Panther of the 3rd MP Recognition Program (Invite only)
- April 14-April 17-CMS Career Week
- April 15-CMS PTA Meeting -6:30 (Google Meet)
- April 16- Third Marking Period Grades Released (Parent Portal)
- April 17-CMS Career Day (Grade 8)
- April 18-April 27-Spring Break (School reopens April 28-Day 3)
- April 28-Collingswood BOE Meeting 6:30 (CHS Cafe)
- May 2- CMS Advisory Meetings
- May 9- CMS PTA Welcome Spring Dance: 7:30-9:00PM (CHS Cafeteria)
- May 14-NJSLA Grade 8 Science
- May 14-NJHS Induction-6:30PM (Auditorium)
- May 15-NJSLA Grade 8 Science
- May 15-CMS/CHS Instrumental Concert
- May 19-Collingswood BOE Meeting 6:30 (CHS Cafe)
- May 20-NJSLA Grade 6-8 Testing
- May 20- CMS PTA Meeting -6:30 (Google Meet)
- May 21-NJSLA Grade 6-8 Testing
- May 21- Fourth Marking Period Progress Report Comments released via parent portal
- May 22-NJSLA Grade 6-8 Testing
- May 26-School Closed (Memorial Day)
Weather Reminders:
- If the student can kick their foot and the shoe falls/slips/ slides/ off it is not appropriate for school- The student will be required to change into gym shoes; if no gym shoes a phone call home will be made to have shoes brought to school.
- Pack a sweatshirt or light jacket. It is colder in the morning and warms up in the afternoon.
Nurse's office update:
- Is your PE valid (completed within the last 365 days)? :If yes, complete and submit a NJ HEALTH HISTORY UPDATE FORM
Are you new to sports or is your PE expired?
- If yes, schedule a doctor appointment and complete and submit a Full SPORTS PHYSICAL EXAM PACKET - Copes in the main office
- During the school day, Drop these forms off at your student's main office.
- AFTER SCHOOL HOURS- Please use the 24/7 drop box outside of the CMS main office at your convenience.
Full Athletic Form:
Counseling Office
Calling All Parents, Guardians, and Community Members! Sign Up for Career Day!
We are excited to invite parents and guardians to participate in our upcoming 8th Grade Career Day! This is a fantastic opportunity to share your career journey, experiences, and insights with our students.
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2025
Time:approximately between 8am-11am
Location: Collingswood Middle School
We welcome professionals from all fields to inspire and educate our students about different career paths. Whether you work in healthcare, business, technology, trades, the arts, or any other industry, we’d love to have you!
If you are interested in being a guest speaker, please use this link:Career Day Sign Up
Thank you for helping us make Career Day a valuable experience for our students!
Peer Tutoring Available During Advisory!
We are excited to offer Peer Tutoring for students who need extra academic support! This program takes place on Days 1 and 2 during Advisory, providing students with the opportunity to receive help from their peers in a supportive and encouraging environment.
When: Days 1 & 2 during Advisory
Where:Flex A- Rm. 204 and Flex B-Rm. 201
Peer tutoring is a great way for students to reinforce their learning, build confidence, and improve their academic skills. If you would like your child to participate, please encourage them to sign up!
Thank you for supporting our students' success!
Homework Club
Started on 2/25
All students are encouraged to attend. Students are not required to stay the entire time. Chromebooks will be provided for students to complete work.
If your student is in attendance- the expectation is to be completing work.
Middle School PTA Information
Make a Positive Impact- Become a PTA Member
- Support CMS PTA. Help a little or help a lot, do what you can to get involved.
- Please use the QR code to sign up and become a PTA member
- CMS PTA Facebook Page- Information is posted frequently
The CMS PTA is hosting a fundraiser for the CMS families, AND STAFF. Staff is not required to work, and they are FREE. The PTA wants to allow staff to let it all out and feel the support from the community.
Physical Education Department:
- All Middle School Students are required to change during PE class. Students are strongly recommended to leave extra sneakers and cover up clothing if the weather is on the chillier side.
- Students lose points in PE for not changing/wearing appropriate clothing.
- Please do not allow your students to bring in spray perfume or spray deodorant. These items cause flare ups for members of our school community who have allergies and/or asthma. If a student has been seen using an item they have been asked to take it home
Transportation FYI
The Collingswood Police Department (CPD) has worked collaboratively with school officials to help develop a plan to address some of the traffic and pedestrian concerns specific to the High School and Middle School Campus. Please review the information below and help us in making our school zones safer for everyone.
- Everett Avenue will be made a temporary One-Way street. However, the only mechanism put in place to restrict traffic will be the placement of cones at the intersection of Everett and Eldridge Avenues to prohibit traffic from turning right onto Everett towards Collings Avenue.
- Cambridge Avenue will continue to be closed to traffic
- There will be safety cones and additional signage to designate drop off and NO parking areas along Eldridge Ave
- Students should only utilize the crosswalks for any intersection
The Below Action's are strictly Prohibited
1) Parking on the left side of Eldridge Avenue (opposite the school)
2) Idling for long periods of time. The right side of Eldridge Avenue (along the school) is available for Short Term Stopping Only for drop off and pick up
3) Stopping or Standing on W. Collings Avenue, between Everett and Colford Avenues
4) Dropping off and picking up in the middle of the roadway
5) Crossing Collings Avenue at Cambridge Avenue. Students shall only cross Collings Avenue at the designated crosswalk/pinch point in front of the school where the crossing guards is posted.
Collingswood District Panther Pantry
This week, our class focused on rolling up silverware settings in preparation for the Community Breakfast this weekend. It's a great opportunity for us to practice essential work skills and contribute to a meaningful community event. We're always eager to find ways to improve our skills while supporting local activities.
CMS Student Council
President- Julian Carty.
VIce-President- Rockell Guerra.
Treasurer-Blair Buzniak.
Secretary-Nora Maxwell.
Media Manager- Cleo Fisher
Resources/ Links
- 24/25 District Calendar -> Revised: 10/28/2024
- Parent Portal Login
- Student Portal Login
- Lunch Online Payment Portal Website
- MS Cafe Daily Menu CMS/CHS (Enter as Guest)
- Required Immunization Information (NJ.Gov)
- CMS/CHS Athletic Information
- Collingswood Board Meeting Minutes
- District Youtube Channel
- I&RS ( Intervention & Referral Services)
- Student Code of Conduct / Restorative Practices
- NJ Parent Link
School Community News
Incoming New Student/ 6th graders 2025-2026
Miss Whitman - swhitman@collsk12.org and Miss Gillan - lgillan@collsk12.org
Grade 8 Closing Exercises Details
Date: June 18th
Location: CHS GYM
Time: 6:30pm
We will be streaming our closing exercises live and will post that link when it becomes available the evening of.
Doors will open at 6pm. Tickets will be taken at the door. No one will be allowed in without a ticket.
Each student will be provided a total of four(4) tickets. Options for extra requests are not accepted at this time due to space.
- CMS encourages our students to dress nicely for their big event but please remember that they will be walking through the gym so shoes should be an appropriate height. No slides or flip flops will be allowed. Please refrain from pants with large holes in them.
- Students should not bring cell phones or valuables with them to Closing Exercises. No eating or chewing gum.
- Students will be required to be in school the entire day in order to participate in the event in the evening.
Students and Audience are reminded that proper decorum and respect for tradition are required throughout Closing Exercises.
More information will be provided as we get closer to the event
Board Of Education
Roger Chu, President
Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Kate Seltzer, Vice President
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Danielle Brown
Term Expires: December 31, 2028
Matthew Craig Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Zakiya Devine
Term Expires: December 31, 2028
Kelly Maia Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Meghan Mikulski Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Sarah Sherman Term Expires: December 31, 2026
Maggie Zmijewski
Term Expires: December 31, 2028
James McMillan, Oaklyn
Christopher Dilkus, Woodlynne
Contact Us: CBOEContact@collsk12.org
Contact Information
Collingswood Middle School (CMS)
Principal's Assistant: Mrs. Seeley Email: KSeeley@collsk12.org
Co-Principal's Assistant: Mrs. Mauger Email: JMauger@Collsk12.org
Counselling Assistant: Mrs. Dickerson Email: KDickerson@Collsk12.org
Website: https://www.collsk12.org/o/cm
Thank you for considering to donate to the CMS Main Office. We help support over 70 teachers AND over 500 students each school year. We like to keep things on hand to make things easier on everyone. *** Voluntary Contribution Disclaimer: Your donation is entirely voluntary. You are under no obligation to donate to CMS, and your decision to do so is made at your own discretion. No one from Collingwood Education has stated you have to purchase anything ***
414 West Collings Avenue
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Phone: 856-962-5702 x6501/6500
Fax: 856-962-5751