CMS Newsletter
Dates to Know:
- Monday 1/20- School Closed: MLK JR DAY
- Tuesday 1/21- CMS PTA Mtg Via GoogleMeet 6:30pm
- Friday 1/24- Snowball Dance (see below for details under "PTA")
- Monday 1/27- BOE MTG 6:30pm CHS Cafe All are welcome to attend
- Thursday 1/30- End of Marking Period Two (2) (Viewable 2/7/25)
- Friday 1/31 - Start of Marking Period Three(3)
- Friday 2/7- Advisory Meetings
- Thursday 2/13 - School Closed- Staff PLD day
- Friday 2/14 - School Closed- Staff PLD day
- Monday 2/17- School Closed: Presidents Day
- Tuesday 2/18- CMS PTA Mtg Via GoogleMeet 6:30pm
- Thursday 2/20- Tri-State Canine Response Team Visit
- Friday 2/21- Panther of the Second Marking Period Recognition (Invite only)
- Monday 2/24- BOE MTG 6:30pm CHS Cafe All are welcome to attend
Attendance letters FIRST went out, Friday 9/27 and will continue to do so throughout the year.
- All letters for attendance/discipline are posted to the parent portal- Have you logged in?
Reminder: Five (5) lates = one (1) unexcused absence
School Starts promptly at 8:00am. 8:00 & 8:01am is late
- Attendance Contracts started for the 2nd marking period. If your student has had 5 *unexcused* absences your student likey has received this tier support.
If you have a medical note or questions regarding attendance please reach out to Mrs. Mauger: JMAUGER@COLLSK12.ORG
Nurse's office update:
Good afternoon CMS Families from the Health Office.
Annual health screenings will occur throughout January-February as mandated by NJDOH on all students who have not provided an updated physical exam for the school year 2024-2025.
See chart below: Height, weight, BP (Grades 6-8), Vision (Grades 6 & 8), Hearing (Grade 7), and Scoliosis (Grade 7).
Screenings will not be performed for your child if you choose to opt out or did not give permission for screenings on the ANNUAL STUDENT HEALTH UPDATE via Genesis Parent Portal.
If your child wears contact lenses/eyeglasses, please be sure glasses/contacts are with students in school in order to assess vision appropriately.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Health Office: 856-962-5702 Ext. 6508 or .
Thank you for your continued support.
Nurse Mary
Counseling Office
- If you would like your student to meet with their school counselor, please have them log into their grade level google classroom and they can use the form posted to let their counselor know they would like to meet. They are here to support the students with any academic, social, or emotional needs. Students are encouraged to meet with them or the wellness center if needed.
If you are in need of records for prospective schools and/or moving: all requests need to go through the counselling office.
Please email Mrs. Karla Dickerson at
📢 Thinking About a Schedule Change?
The Counseling Department has important information for students considering a schedule change. If you are thinking about making adjustments to your current schedule, please make sure to check out the information below.
⏳ Important Reminder: If you are inquiring about changing your Semester Two elective, the deadline for submitting your request is Friday, February 7th . No exceptions.
We’re here to help guide you through the process, so don’t wait until it’s too late! 😊
Homework Club
All students are encouraged to attend. Students are not required to stay the entire time. Chromebooks will be provided for students to complete work.
If your student is in attendance- the expectation is to be completing work.
Middle School PTA Information
Make a Positive Impact- Become a PTA Member
- Support CMS PTA. Help a little or help a lot, do what you can to get involved.
- Please use the QR code to sign up and become a PTA member
- CMS PTA Facebook Page- Information is posted frequently
CMS Snowball Dance
- Tickets will be sold in the Main Office
- Event is only for current 7th & 8th Collingswood Middle School
- Ticket info:
- Sold in the main office during advisory and lunch periods only
- $10 ticket
- Students need to be in good disciplinary and attendance in order to attend
- Student cannot be on BACCA
Friday, Jan 24, 2025, 07:00 PM
424 Collings Ave, Collingswood, NJ, USA
Physical Education Department:
- All Middle School Students are required to change during PE class. Students are strongly recommended to leave extra sneakers and cover up clothing if the weather is on the chillier side. Students will be going outside as much as possible.
- Students lose points in PE for not changing/wearing appropriate clothing.
- Please do not allow your students to bring in spray perfume or spray deodorant. These items cause flare ups for members of our school community who have allergies and/or asthma. If a student has been seen using an item they have been asked to take it home
Sports Information:
Transportation FYI
The Collingswood Police Department (CPD) has worked collaboratively with school officials to help develop a plan to address some of the traffic and pedestrian concerns specific to the High School and Middle School Campus. Please review the information below and help us in making our school zones safer for everyone.
- Everett Avenue will be made a temporary One-Way street. However, the only mechanism put in place to restrict traffic will be the placement of cones at the intersection of Everett and Eldridge Avenues to prohibit traffic from turning right onto Everett towards Collings Avenue.
- Cambridge Avenue will continue to be closed to traffic
- There will be safety cones and additional signage to designate drop off and NO parking areas along Eldridge Ave
- Students should only utilize the crosswalks for any intersection
The Below Action's are strictly Prohibited
1) Parking on the left side of Eldridge Avenue (opposite the school)
2) Idling for long periods of time. The right side of Eldridge Avenue (along the school) is available for Short Term Stopping Only for drop off and pick up
3) Stopping or Standing on W. Collings Avenue, between Everett and Colford Avenues
4) Dropping off and picking up in the middle of the roadway
5) Crossing Collings Avenue at Cambridge Avenue. Students shall only cross Collings Avenue at the designated crosswalk/pinch point in front of the school where the crossing guards is posted.
Collingswood District Panther Pantry
- Collingswood Panther Pantry serves the students and families in the Collingswood/Oaklyn school district solely by donations. This initiative is led by Ms. Arden Niessner and all the staff and student volunteers donating their personal time to sort, box up, and deliver donations across the community.
Donations are always needed
Panther Pantry is our school's food pantry. Our mission is to provide individual students and families of the Collingswood & Oaklyn school district with supplemental nutritional food, diapers, feminine hygiene, supplies, etc. in a cheerful, welcoming, confidential, and non-judgmental environment. We support our mission through generous donations from our Collingswood & Oaklyn teachers & staff, parents & guardians, and the Collingswood/Oaklyn community.
Right now, we need EVERYTHING! Whatever you can donate is greatly appreciated!
List of Items Needed
(Please make sure these items are non-perishable and are not expired!)
Instant Dry Milk -Instant Potatoes-Pancake Mix-Boxed Mac & Cheese-Rice-Cereal-Canned Vegetables & Fruits-Dried Pasta-Oats-Canned Chicken and Tuna-Jarred Sauces-Trail Mix-Other Shelf-Stable Foods-Condiments-Crackers-Canned Soups-Bagged -popcorn/Snacks-PB/Jelly-Beans-Personal Care Items-Toiletries-Lotions-Feminine Items
If you are unable to physically give donations, you can also donate monetarily. The money donated goes towards items we are missing & cannot stock in our pantry (fresh, cold, & frozen items) and gift cards to Aldi, Walmart, ShopRite, and Acme. Any donation is appreciated by our families. UNFORTUNATELY, DUE TO NEW TAX LAWS, WE CAN NO LONGER ACCEPT VENMO DONATIONS! However, we can accept cash or checks made out to "Collingswood Panther Pantry". You can give your monetary donations to main office. Sorry for the inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding.
Last, but not least, if you ever encounter a student in need, please do not hesitate to reach to the main office.
- There is a Yellow Collection Box inside the MS main office for all donations.
6th Grade
Science- Ms.Karenty:
- The 6th graders are currently immersed in their study of space. Please ask your budding astronomer about some of the things we are learning about!! It's out of this world!!
7th Grade
8th Grade
CMS Pre-Vocational Project
Working in our School and Community:
This week we worked on our on-going project of sorting and grouping the flags used for the 9-11 Memorial on Collings Ave.
We are always looking for opportunities to practice work skills!
CMS Student Council
President- Julian Carty.
VIce-President- Rockell Guerra.
Treasurer-Blair Buzniak.
Secretary-Nora Maxwell.
Media Manager- Cleo Fisher
Resources/ Links
- 24/25 District Calendar -> Revised: 10/28/2024
- Parent Portal Login
- Student Portal Login
- Lunch Online Payment Portal Website
- MS Cafe Daily Menu CMS/CHS (Enter as Guest)
- Required Immunization Information (NJ.Gov)
- CMS/CHS Athletic Information
- Collingswood Board Meeting Minutes
- District Youtube Channel
- I&RS ( Intervention & Referral Services)
- Student Code of Conduct / Restorative Practices
What would you like to see in the E-Newsletter?
Contact Information
Collingswood Middle School (CMS)
Principal's Assistant: Mrs. Seeley Email:
Co-Principal's Assistant: Mrs. Mauger Email:
Counselling Assistant: Mrs. Dickerson Email:
414 West Collings Avenue
Collingswood, NJ 08108
Phone: 856-962-5702 x6501/6500
Fax: 856-962-5751