Fitzy's Flyer
October 11, 2024
Principal Update
Greetings FitzGerald Families!
Fire Prevention Assemblies- Thank you to the Waltham Fire Department for coming to our school this week to complete Fire Prevention assemblies for students in Grades K, 1 and 2! The presentations provide students with good information and strategies regarding fire safety.
Bus Evacuation Practice- Next week, we will continue to practice safety procedures with our annual Bus Evacuation practice. Officer John McFadyen and Safety Officer Ann Frassica will help us to learn more about how to stay safe when riding a bus. We will have school buses here to help us with practicing this in the parking lot of FitzGerald.
Walking Wednesday- This week, 84% of students in attendance participated in the Walking Wednesday event! Thank you to all staff and parent volunteers for helping outside. We did not have any classes with 100% participation, so no Golden Shoe awards were awarded this week, but we can't wait to see how many classes will earn it next week!
MCAS Letters- Today, students in Grades 4 and 5 took home MCAS score reports from Spring 2024. Please look for these in your child's backpack.
Tuesday October 15th- Please note that there is no school on Monday October 14th. Tuesday October 15th we will run a Monday schedule at FitzGerald. If your child takes instrumental lessons on Mondays, please have your child bring their instrument. If your child has Physical Education on Mondays, please make sure they wear sneakers.
Have a wonderful, long weekend! We'll see everyone on Tuesday October 15th!
Mrs. Santillo, Principal- jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Mrs. Lamoly, Assistant Principal- julielamoly@walthampublicschools.org
Update from Ms. Bernard, FitzGerald School Adjustment Counselor
Greetings FitzGerald Families!
We hope the transition back to school has gone well now that we are really gearing up for a fabulous year of learning together!
I write to share some of the amazing things we have been doing here at school during our Community Circle time this week.
During the month of October we are focusing on our Core Value of Respect which means being polite and courteous to others at all times. Throughout the month we also will be having collaborative conversations around the SEL Skill; Social Awareness and our Leader In Me resource Habit; Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. We do this by learning more to understand others in many different ways while showing respect before sharing our own point or side. In classrooms, students are working at increasing their Social Awareness by engaging in supportive and collaborative conversations about their identities and that of others, while also thinking about other people's thoughts, feelings and ways to understand information about different backgrounds, social norms and viewpoints. Students also have been working hard at supporting each other while cooperating to ensure a positive learning environment and school experience for all by learning how social awareness also includes empathy and accepting differences. All these skills will help students engage in their learning by fostering opportunities for understanding their community and themselves through collaborative discourse with adults around the building and each other.
This week, students also had follow up conversations about Fourth Grade Council and Grade 5 Panther Partners, and the Grade 5 Green Team! They had the opportunity to engage with each other about ideas and fill out the form if they were interested in these exciting volunteer opportunities that help our school!
As always, we appreciate the home-school partnership and collaboration with your family! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SAC office if you have any questions or would like additional resources about our SEL Skills for this month. I can be reached at jessebernard@walthampublicschools.org or 781-314-5689.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Jesse Bernard
School Adjustment Counselor
Specialist Spotlight: Science with Mrs. White!
Greetings FitzGerald Families!
It has been a busy and fun start to the year in the Science classroom! We have reviewed expectations and have started work on our first science units of the year. As the science specialist, I see students in grades 1-5 once a week for 55 minutes. Here’s what to expect your children to be learning in science to start the year at each grade level:
First Grade: We started our year with an introduction to the science classroom. Students practiced using some science tools such as magnifying glasses and rulers. We are now exploring our unit all about sound and light and will learn about the connection between vibration and sound as well as how light reflects off of objects and can travel through objects in different ways.
Second Grade: In second grade, we started our Earth Science unit by studying rivers. We will be learning about how rivers form, where they all end up, and how rivers can shape the land around them. This unit will lead us to learning more about weathering and erosion as well as landslides and canyons.
Third Grade: Students in third grade are also studying Earth Science as we focus on weather and climate. Students have learned about how clouds are formed and are becoming “storm spotters” as we learn about four types of different clouds and how they can help us predict the weather. Students will create climate maps and learn the difference between weather and climate.
Fourth Grade: In 4th grade, our Earth Science unit continues as students have been learning all about volcanoes. They mapped volcanoes and looked for patterns to discover the Ring of Fire and will be testing two different models of lava to discover why some volcanoes have strong violent eruptions while others have calm slow eruptions. This unit will continue as we study changes to land that happen either quickly or slowly over time.
Fifth Grade: To start the year, 5th graders were introduced to some new expectations as we work to help them prepare for the transition to middle school next year. Fifth graders travel with their materials back and forth to the science room and are expected to be prepared each week. We work on learning how to take notes and focusing on key vocabulary as we work through our first unit of the year all about space. Students are reviewing the movement of the Earth and how it is connected to day and night and the seasons. We will also study the phases of the moon and gravity on other planets and moons.
It was so great to see so many of you at Back to School Night! If you have any questions or concerns or you would like to send in a mystery picture for your child, you can reach me at: jenniferwhite@walthampublicschools.org
Mrs. White
Science Specialist
An Update from FitzGerald School Librarian, Ms. McKeever!
Would you like to be a guest reader in the library?
If you are interested in being a guest reader during your child’s library time, please email Ms. McKeever, elizabethmckeever@walthampublicschools.org.
Fall Reading Challenge:
To encourage students to read widely and often, the whole school will participate in the Fitzy Football Reading Challenge. All students will receive copies of the challenge on Monday, September 23rd.
See directions and challenges below:
K-2 Challenge and directions in English, Spanish, & Portuguese
Grades 3-5 Directions in English and Spanish
(Additional copies are always available in the library)
PTO News
Overall, we saw 84% participation on week number two of Walking Wednesday. 94% of 4th graders made their way to school by foot as well. No one class hit 100% participation so the Golden Shoe was not awarded!
Special thanks to Deirdre & James Georgoudis for coordinating and executing the great bi-annual event. Your little ones will have three more opportunities to chase the coveted ‘Golden Shoe’ over the next two weeks.
We are looking for volunteers at both Beal Rd and Charlotte Rd entrances of the school to help us to collect tickets and hand out prizes. We ask that you arrive between 8:00-8:10 am and stay until the first bell. If you are able to stay until 9:00am to help count the tickets, that would be appreciated!
Please use this link to sign up as a volunteer: https://volunteersignup.org/FTFWX
Our annual Pumpkin Drop is set for October 30th. Students are encouraged to start collecting materials to bring into their classrooms! This can include bubble wrap, cardboard boxes, packaging, and other recyclable items. A list of materials will be shared with your children. We’re happy to answer any questions @ FitzgeraldPTO@gmail.com
The parent directory is up to date for the 2024-25 school year.
Boo-ing has begun! Look around your neighborhood and see if you can spy our friendly ghosts. If you just can’t wait for a friend to ‘BOO’ you, email fitzgeraldPTO@gmail.com to request the ghosts visit your yard, then make a donation to send them away!
🍴Restaurant Nights - We hope to have another great turn out and see you all Tues, Oct 15th at Bistro 781 for dinner (or take out)!
Save the Date: November’s Restaurant Night will be Thurs, Nov 14 at Chateau
🥧Pizzi Pies are back - Place your order HERE for delicious pies from Pizzi Farm and make dessert easy this Thanksgiving! Orders and payment due by Nov 1st
👕Fitzy Shop is OPEN - New Year - New Fitzy Gear!! Check it out, let us know what you think and don’t forget to sport your new blue & yellow outfits every Fitzy Friday.
💸 Ongoing Fundraisers - We can raise money for FitzGerald by leveraging these sites for the shopping we already do!
Raise Right - Tis the season to earn money for FitzGerald just by purchasing Gift Cards!! It’s the best bang for your buck in terms of getting a % back for every dollar you were already planning to spend
FitzGerald Elementary Enrollment Code - 1B5L864C89184
Mabel’s Labels - Lost and Found is already piling up - get some labels now before your kids gear ends up there!
Box Tops has gone digital - check it out and select FitzGerald to start earning
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for our TRUNK or TREAT event!!!!!!
Friday, October 25th 5pm-7pm
If you would like to SIGN UP for volunteering the day of the event or donate please see the Volunteer Sign Up sheet or reach out to the PTO/Francesca at FrancescaRpto@gmail.com
Reminder: This is not a drop off event
If you would like to participate and decorate the trunk of your car for trick or treaters, please see the sign up sheet below! Trunk host fee is $20. Only 20 spots available!
Fifth grade parents, check out this welcome letter outlining what to expect this year.
The Fifth Grade will host a bake sale on Election Day. More details to follow.
Stay in touch! PTO website – Facebook – Instagram
FitzGerald School Site Council
The FitzGerald School Council is a group that includes parent, staff, and community representatives that discuss items such as budget, School Improvement Plan, etc. Approved meeting minutes are posted in the Fitzy's Flyer office communication.
Please see below for the agenda from this week's School Council Meeting and the approved meeting minutes from the last school meeting in June.
School Lunch Information
*Breakfast and Lunch are available for free for all students this school year!
** All students should bring one snack and a water bottle to school each day.
Healthy Waltham Food Pantry Dates
"Fitzy Fridays" at FitzGerald!
Every Friday is "Fitzy Friday" at FitzGerald! Everyone is invited to wear Fitzy Spirit Wear or the colors blue and/or yellow to school, if they would like to!
2024-2025 District Calendars
FitzGerald School- On Site YMCA Program Update
Hi families, we are actively enrolling in our before and after school programs for the YMCA. We are happy to work with you with whatever you or your family need. If you are interested in registering please reach out to MMullaney@ymcaboston.org.
Upcoming Dates
Monday October 14th- No School
Tuesday October 15th- Monday Schedule at FitzGerald (please have band and orchestra students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 bring their instruments to school on this day)
Wednesday October 16th- Walking Wednesday
Wednesday October 23rd- Walking Wednesday
Wednesday October 23rd- Early Release Day, 1:00pm Dismissal
Friday October 25th- PTO Trunk or Treat Event- 5:00-7:00pm
Wednesday October 30th- Pumpkin Drop Event for all FitzGerald classes! (Rain Date- November 1st)
Tuesday November 5th- No School, Professional Day
Monday November 11th- No School, Veterans Day
Wednesday November 13th- Early Release Day, 1:00pm, Parent Conferences
Tuesday November 19th - Retake Picture Day
Wednesday November 27th- Half Day, 11:45am Dismissal, Lunch Will Be Served
Thursday November 28th- Friday November 29th- No School, Thanksgiving Break
Wednesday December 11th- Early Release Day, 1:00pm Dismissal
Monday 12/23- Wednesday January 1st- No School, December Break
Weekly Notices
Information About the Clever App
Clever is an app we use at school that makes it easy for students to access many online learning programs and resources with their Waltham Public Schools Google account. Students can also access Clever at home on a personal device. Click HERE for directions.
Sign Up Information for the Waltham Public Schools App
James FitzGerald Elementary School
Email: jennifersantillo@walthampublicschools.org
Website: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/fitzgerald
Location: 138 Beal Road, Waltham, MA, USA
Phone: 781-314-5680