Weekly Cadence
May 29, 2024
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Bands program right now.
Schedule at a Glance
Sync the Calendar to your phone!
The easiest way to keep up with schedules is to sync the band calendar to your phone! Add this url https://fcbands.boosterhub.com/ical-stream to your google or outlook calendar.
*If you are experiencing issues with your calendar synching, we recommend to un-sync and re-sync your calendar every once in a while to make sure your calendar is up-to-date.
Commencement Band Information
This message is for student's who will be performing in the band for commencement on Friday, May 31st. As a reminder, the student's performing make up the 2024-2025 Wind Ensemble for next school year.
- 2:30 PM- Door 3W Opens
- 3:00 PM-Rehearsal Begins (Band Room)
- 5:30 PM- Dinner
- Subway Sandwiches provided
- 7:00 PM-Ceremony Begins
- 9:00 PM-Ceremony Ends (approx.)
Students are responsible for assisting with getting all equipment (stands, percussion, etc.) TO and FROM the stadium. Students will be dismissed after all equipment has been put away. Thank you!
- Dress Nicely
- Gentlemen: Nice Dress or Khaki Pants/Polos
- Ladies: Long dress, spring clothing, etc.
- Neutral clothing
- NO jeans, shorts, flip flops, gym clothes, etc.
If you questions about the dress expectations, please ask Mr. Ellinger or Ms. Nason. It would be wise to check the weather prior to dressing that day!
A farewell from your outgoing Booster President
FC Bands Family,
It is hard to believe that I’m in the final few days of serving as your President. The last three years have been a whirlwind, a mix of emotions, lots of hard work, tons of fun, and they happened in the blink of an eye. It has been my privilege to serve this program and to collaborate with such outstanding directors, board members, committee leads, and, most importantly, the students and fellow parents.
We continue to see the program grow, and with that, our need for parent participation continues to increase. If you have volunteered in any capacity, whether it has been bringing a dish or serving a meal, building or pushing props, donating to or stuffing goody bags, or any other of the various activities we do behind the scenes, you have my sincere gratitude. We simply cannot do what we do without YOU! My final challenge to you – increase your participation if you can do so. We have a mixture of opportunities that are available for a range of talents and interests. Simply reach out to one of your board members for more information.
I am very excited to see what our incoming booster board will accomplish over the next school year! Here’s to another great year for the program.
Denise Holaday
Thank you, Denise!
Marching Band
2024 Marching Band Season
If you have not yet submitted your paperwork, and are still interested in joining, please do so ASAP as our registration deadline is June 1st! Forms can be emailed to both George Hewitt, FCBB treasurer, at treasurer@fcbands.org and Heather Long, MB liaison, at marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org.
We will be doing final uniform fittings during the month of June. These will take place prior to the 5-9pm practices. There has been a location change from the annex to the high school. Students will need to enter at door 3W.
Please note the following dates/times and be sure your student attends on the day assigned to their specific section. If they are not available to attend on their assigned date, please email Heather Long as soon as possible at marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org to make alternative arrangements.
Monday June 3rd, 3-5pm: Battery
Tuesday June 4th, 3-5pm: Front Ensemble
Monday June 17th, 3-5pm: Mellophones & Trumpets
Tuesday June 18th, 3-5pm: Saxophones & Baritones
Friday June 21st, 3-5pm: All clarinets & flutes, Tubas
Students need to wear tight, athletic clothing to ensure the best fit possible! Students should also bring their marching shoes if they have them.
If a student must be absent for any practice or competition during the upcoming season an absence request email is required to be sent to both directors, Mr. Ellinger and Ms. Nason, as soon as the need for the absence is known. For percussion students, include Mr. Hodgson on your email; For guard students, include Adam.
Senior Banners
Senior banner photos will be taken Tuesday, July 16th at noon. These will take place at the high school, enter door 3W. Banners are $45 please see the link to the order form below. Parents will want to order the 3x4 banner. If a student knows now that they cannot make the July 16th date, please email Heather Long at marchingbandliaison@fcbands.org ASAP for more information.
2024 Marching Band Show Reveal!
Video Created by Samantha Faircloth
Marching Band Fees
All students registered for the 2024 Marching Band season should have received an invoice for registration fees and accessories. If you have previously paid this amount (i.e. Registration Night), it has been added to credits. Please apply those credits to this payment. To access credits, please remember to enter your student's email at checkout.
If needed, here is a helpful step-by-step guide for paying the registration and accessories invoice - Paying your 2024 Marching Band Registration Fees & Accessories
All Marching Band students should have also received a second invoice to pay remaining fees (those students that just finished a winter ensemble will receive this invoice soon). Once you receive your invoice, you will have the option to either sign up for automated payments or pay in full using the link in the invoice or you will submit cash/check.
* You can now apply credits to your first installment on the payment plan.
If needed, here is a helpful step-by-step guide for paying your Marching Band fees - Paying your 2024 Marching Band Fees
If needed, here is a step-by-step guide on how to apply Booster Hub Credits to your balance - Apply Booster Credits to your Band Fees
Reminder - all past due AND MB Registration & Accessories balances must be paid in full by June 1st in order to participate in Marching Band. Even if you’re working IMS, or other upcoming fundraising events, you must still make your payments. MB spots cannot be held based on what may be earned in the future.
Questions and concerns should be directed to our FCBB treasurer, George Hewitt, at treasurer@fcbands.org.
*Please note, Chrome is the preferred browser when interacting with BoosterHub and payments.
BEST (Crowd Management and Event Security) Fundraiser Opportunity
Participants will scan tickets at the gate and/or provide directions for visitors once inside the venue. Great way to earn money towards your fees! For additional details and to sign up, please read the description on Signup Genius.
For those that have already signed up, you will also need to complete your application with BEST and then respond to the follow-up email from HireRight regarding a background check.
PepWear Shifts Coming Soon!
Please mark you calendars: Pep Wear would like to offer us the opportunity to work at DCI Championships Thursday, August 8 - Saturday, August 10, 2024. Once more info has been shared we will share a sign-up. This will benefit your students band account. Workers are paid $15 hour.
If you are not familiar with PepWear, or the opportunities to work for them - PepWear occassionaly offers a fundraising opportunities for anyone 16 years or older. Workers will work at the PepWear booths at Lucas Oil Stadium and will earn $15/hr for the designated student's band account. If you have any questions, you can contact Jessica Lee at percussionliaison@fcbands.org
Duties include but are not limited to:
· Set up/ Teardown
· Running cash registers
· Organizing products
· Folding T-Shirts
· Assisting with re-stock
· Talking and selling to parents and students
Franklin Central Band Sponsors
Thank you to our current sponsors!
Sponsor FC Bands! New Benefit for New & Renewing Sponsors!
It's a new year and time to rally to find businesses interested in sponsoring our awesome band program. The partnership of sponsors is critical to maintain the exceptional level of instruction and opportunity that is currently provided to our students.
We have a new benefit for the 24-25 school year, for sponsors who join or renew by July 8!
- Bronze, Gold, Silver and Platinum sponsors will now have their business logo displayed on the back of our show shirts!
For every sponsor you are able to secure, you will receive 10% of the donation to your student’s band account. Franklin Central Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
Check out recent updates to our Sponsorship Program
- Updated Sponsor Landing Page on Booster Hub
- New perks and advertising added to each sponsor level.
- Student Packet to assist in reaching out to our community businesses to acquire new sponsors!
- Band Student Sponsor Resources - all the details and support needed to speak to potential sponsors
Questions? sponsor@fcbands.org
Callout for Sponsorship Committee
We would like to pull together a committee to assist in petitioning, securing and managing our sponsorship program. If you would like additional information, or to express your interest please contact Jennifer McCormick at engagement@fcbands.org.
Background Checks
Reminder for all parents and volunteers! ⭐
Please make sure you have a SafeVisitor background check on file with FTCSC. A cleared background check is required for all of our volunteers (this includes required volunteer shifts at our events and helping with props during competitions). Background Checks are good for 2 years.
To complete a background check: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
*Note: Volunteer Background Checks are no longer free of charge. The fee is approximately $16.00 per volunteer.
General Fundraising
Find our enrollment code on FCbands.org or contact Jessica Lee at percussionliaison@fcbands.org
with any questions! This is an easy way to earn extra funds for your student account.
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in RaiseRight HERE.
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy to sign up and start earning for the band. Ask your friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone you know to sign up as well!
Log in to your Kroger account and search for our organization:
Organization Name: Band Boosters Club of Franklin Central H. S. Inc.
Organization Code: 10100
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards HERE