Lenski Weekly Update
October 25th, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Friday!
Last night, our amazing 4th graders performed in their Rendezvous Hoedown. It was so much fun! Thank you to Ms. Gregory for her efforts in preparing our students for this showcase.
Enjoy tonight’s Trunk-or-Treat event sponsored by our amazing PTO and room parents!
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
Halloween Parade Next Week
While it is a normal school day for us, our classroom teachers will engage students throughout the day with fall-related activities. At about 2:15, we will begin our school-wide parade that will begin inside our building and end by looping outside of our school. Families are invited to come and support our students by being spectators outside of the building. Please plan for the weather. When you and your kiddos are planning a costume for the year, please remember that no face paint, facsimile of weapons or inappropriate scary masks will be allowed.
We are looking forward to this fun Halloween tradition
Thank you, Girl Scout Troop 6108
Our Lenski Girl Scout Troop planted a tree in honor of Gus Poell, who passed away in April of 2023. They recently added a memorial plaque to the tree. Be sure to take a look next time you are on the intermediate playground.
From the Counselor
Climate, Safety and Wellness Survey
It is that time of year again when LPS uses anonymous surveys to gather information about the school environments, health and wellness. Students in grades 3 to 12 are given time in school to complete the survey but there is no penalty for choosing not to participate. Survey data is used by LPS and Lenski to improve programs and resources that meet students’ current needs and support an inclusive and safe environment. Parents can opt their students out of the survey by submitting an opt-out form to our Front Office by November 1, 2024. Here is the link: Opt out - English and Opt out - Spanish.
Thank you!
Your Lenski Team
Veterans Day Celebration
3rd Annual Veterans Day Breakfast
When: Friday, November 8th; 8:00-8:45 AM
Who: Lenski Veterans, Their Family Members & Students
Where: Lenski Cafeteria
Please RSVP here.
Help to Celebrate Your Loved Veterans
Check out this slideshow from last year. Your veteran may already be represented! If you would like to make updates, send them to rlessmann@lps.k12.co.us
LPS Stride 10/27/24!
Registration: www. RunTheStride.com
-Select Lenski as your school
Stride Details:
Sunday, October 27
Littleton Museum | 6028 S. Gallup Street | Littleton, CO 80120
10K Run/Walk: 8:30 am | 5K Run/ Walk: 9:00 am | Kids Fun Run: 10:00 am
Contact Lenski Stride Team Captain, Mackenzie Burford ( mackenzie.burford@gmail.com) with questions.
Recess Parent Pals
If you are interested in volunteering to help during lunch recesses, we would love to have you! Check in as usual at the kiosk. Then, come into the front office to receive your yellow vest. You may come up with your own game, or click here to preview games with videos. We’ll also have a binder with additional ideas in the office to choose from.
Recess schedule:
Kg 11:15-11:35 (primary playground)
1st 11:35-11:55 (grades 1-5 are on the intermediate playground)
2nd 11:55-12:15
3rd 12:15-12:35
4th 12:35-12:55
5th 12:55-1:15
Show Off Your Superstar Pride!
Check out our NEW amazing shop for all your Lenski gear. Every item is customizable and shipped directly to you. Best of all, 10% of all sales is given back to Lenski.
Go Superstars!
Get your gear here!
Superstars of the Week
Important Dates
October 27th: LPS STRIDE! Register Here!
October 31st: Halloween Parade at 2:15pm
November 5th: Picture Retake Day
November 8th: 8:00-8:45 Veteran’s Day Breakfast
November 21st: Annual Thanksgiving Lunch
November 25th-November 29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 23rd-January 6th: Winter Break